cover of episode Tibor Rubin’s Medicine (Part 1)

Tibor Rubin’s Medicine (Part 1)

logo of podcast Medal of Honor: Stories of Courage

Medal of Honor: Stories of Courage

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#inspirational stories#resilience amid adversity#psychological healing#world war ii#warrior ethos People
@马尔科姆·格拉德威尔 :本集讲述了@蒂博尔·鲁宾 的故事,他是唯一一位获得荣誉勋章的大屠杀幸存者。他的故事不仅仅是关于勇气和勇敢,更是关于同情心和希望的力量。鲁宾在纳粹集中营和朝鲜战争战俘营中都展现了非凡的生存能力和对生命的尊重。在毛特豪森集中营,他与哥哥重逢,这给了他继续活下去的希望。在朝鲜战争中,他独自一人坚守阵地,击退了敌人的袭击,展现了非凡的勇气和决心。尽管经历了战争的残酷,但他始终保持着对人类的信念和同情心。 蒂博尔·鲁宾:我的母亲教导我们不要说任何坏话,要对每个人都怀有善意。在毛特豪森集中营,我学会了生存的策略,并与哥哥重逢,这给了我继续活下去的希望。在朝鲜战争中,我遵守了自己的承诺,加入了军队,并尽力保护战友。我杀死了敌人,但我也为此感到内疚,因为我知道战争的残酷和生命的宝贵。 @查尔斯·桑德勒 :我亲身经历了解放毛特豪森集中营的场景,那里的景象令人难以忘怀。幸存者们对美军的到来充满了喜悦和感激之情。 @Sergeant A : (间接提及) 一位充满偏见的美国军士,对蒂博尔·鲁宾充满歧视。他的存在加剧了蒂博尔在战争中的危险和挑战。

Deep Dive

Tibor Rubin's early life in Hungary, his experiences during the Holocaust, and his journey to the United States.

Shownotes Transcript

Tibor Rubin is the only Holocaust survivor to win the Medal of Honor. As a young man, Tibor joined the U.S. Army, and he was sent to fight during the Korean War, where he was captured and taken to a brutal prisoner of war camp. On multiple occasions, he saved many lives and acted with bravery to protect U.S. troops. His story is about more than courage and bravery. It’s about compassion. And the truth that, sometimes, hope is the most powerful defense we have.

Special thanks to the Congressional Medal of Honor Society and the Buffalo Jewish Federation.

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