Fans talking all things MCU! Going on 10 years of discussions and deep dives into every episode and
The Agatha All Along Trailer is finally here! And it's time to break down every little nook and cra
Marvel is set to Return to Comic Con on the same week that Deadpool and Wolverine hits theaters. Se
Matt and Jeff catch up on a little News and Feedback while we wait with much anticipation for Deadpo
It's time to talk about one of the best MCU Movies according to many fans. Captain America: The Wint
Getting Back to our Infinity Saga Rewatch this week so it's time to drop this oldie but a goody.
With all the talk of Avengers 5 being on the horizon. Matt and Ash took the moment to throw out some
Some very interesting tidbits about Avengers 5 are coming out and we are starting to get a real pict
Matt and Ashley break down some of the more confusing elements of the new Venom trailer and what the
Deadpool and Wolverine' Popcorn Bucket has been revealed and it did not disappoint. Went further tha
Jeff and Ashley tackle this week's news and feedback episode. There's details about a Vision TV Show
Deadpool and Wolverine Tickets are on sale. Get em fast! Marvel Television gets a new banner, and we
The Finale is here!! Will the xmen survive Bastions onslaught and will Charles be able to bring back
Galactus has been cast! So he will be appearing in the Fantastic Four movie. What does theis mean fo
Big Episode! It is pointing to some insane developements from comics but we are going to do our best
Chris Hemsworth talks about his disappointment with Thor: Love and Thunder. A toy leak threatens the
Bastion's plan comes into focus thanks to a glimpse of his desired future. Magneto makes a big move,
Joe Russo comments on the Struggles of the MCU, Deadpool Director Shawn Levy talks about not making
This episode had so many twists and turns! So many things that we thought would be the most importan
What a traiiler! This one got our hype levels way up! A little more plot details and some crazy cool
Everybody's favorite thing. Taking a break from the very emotional moment the last episode ended on