cover of episode Using your gifts to win in the marketplace

Using your gifts to win in the marketplace

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市场是教会变革发生的地方,基督徒应在日常工作中实践信仰,而非仅限于周日礼拜。这需要从以弗所书4章中汲取装备,在日常生活中实践侍奉,将耶稣的福音带到工作场所。 耶稣通过五饼二鱼的故事说明,每个人都拥有可以奉献的恩赐,即使微不足道,也能被神使用,并带来超出预期的成果。神需要我们去行动,将恩赐带到祂面前,祂会祝福、裂开(指破碎的过程)并使之倍增,最终祝福他人。即使付出不被理解或感谢,也要坚持遵行神的旨意。 经历破碎的过程是成为神所用之人的必经之路,如同金缮艺术一样,破碎之处反能彰显神的荣耀,使人更有价值。摩西的经历就是一个例子,他在旷野的磨练使他最终能够带领以色列人出埃及。 基督徒应该在市场中彰显耶稣,克服市场的竞争和压力。这需要我们积极参与,将福音带到这个充满竞争、压力和挑战的环境中。

Deep Dive


Shownotes Transcript


end our creativity where we can create opportunities for people to come in and make a living and we all feed our families but we all make a difference in our world so i want to we are talking about um how we're touching our world with jesus and that song says god in us is more than gold so what an encouragement that he inside of us that treasure

in earthen vessels that we have that we are able to make him known to the world and I believe as I said I have a gift in the prophetic so one of the things I keep on hearing so I hear so I keep on hearing that the revolution

that we will have now is in the marketplace. The revolution that we're going to have in the church is going to be in the marketplace. So what am I saying? I'm not saying that we are going to go out of the church and have church in the marketplace. I'm saying that the equipping that's supposed to happen from Ephesians 4 will equip us and we will be doing the work of the ministry every day in the marketplace. So instead of us making Jesus known on Sunday,

amongst a smaller community of believers, we will be making him known Monday to Saturday in our marketplaces. We are going to come for equipping

to the church, to the community of believers, and we will be out there in the world making disciples of all nations. And a disciple is, we know, it's a witness, it's an imitator to imitate the one that they are serving. So that is where the revolution is going to happen, in the marketplace. So that is the encouragement that I have. But I want to go deeper into this word because there may be someone still who is thinking,

I don't know. I really am not convinced that I have something in my hand. I'm really not convinced that I've got something to give that I can make a difference. And so I'm just backing up now and I'm going back and let's hear as Jesus is speaking as this whole scene is unfolding with the feeding of the 5,000. So we're going back to Matthew 14 and I'm going to read from verse 16.

It says, but Jesus said to them, they do not need to go away when the disciples came to him. In fact, let me back up to verse 15. When it was evening, his disciples came to him saying, this is a deserted place and the hour is already late. Send the multitudes away that they may go into the villages and buy themselves some food. But Jesus said to them, they do not need to go away. You give them something to eat. And they said to him, we have here only five loaves and two fish. And Jesus said, bring them here to me.

we just covered that before the break bring it to jesus then he commanded the multitude to sit down on the grass and he took the five loaves and the two fish and looking up to heaven he blessed and broke and gave the loaves to his disciples

So you see, he didn't bless it and break it and just give it to the people, to the multitudes. You are there so that what you have in your hand, I said, we should bring that to the Lord and he's going to bless it and break. And that breaking is not only the bread that you have to give, it's you. It's how we get broken in the process and we get broken in the process. As I said, Moses was broken in his process so that at the end, he could be a deliverer for more than one to three million people.

But when we are not broken, we never give ourselves to the things of God as we should. So he breaks, he breaks the bread and he gave the loaves to the disciples and the disciples gave it to the multitudes. So Jesus is depending on us to take the good news and the good stories and the good deeds out. He is not doing it himself. He's depending on us. It says, so they all ate and were filled. And so they took up 12 baskets full of the fragments that remained.

Now those who had eaten were about 5,000 men besides the women and children. Immediately Jesus made his disciples to get into the boat and go before him to the other side whilst he sent the multitudes away. So you see Jesus will always spend time with his disciples and the disciples were the ones who had to gather the things.

So what am I saying here? I'm saying sometimes people will not say thank you. Sometimes people will not even know. And sometimes we give when people don't know. And sometimes that's how it's supposed to happen. You just do what Jesus told you to do. The person doesn't even need to know about it. All they have to do is, Oh God, somebody has answered my prayer. Somebody came and brought me food. I don't know who the person was. When I opened my door, there it was. In my bank account, there it was. And the person just said offering.

Praise offering, bless offering, whatever. Yeah? So, but here we see Jesus gives it to the disciples, to us. And then, he again, they gather the 12 baskets afterwards. I was talking about that award. So, where was the multitude at the time when these 12 baskets were being gathered? The work will be done by the disciples.

for the disciples to clean up a place where there's 10,000 people who have just eaten there and these are fragments lying everywhere. You see, the multitudes are like that. So, don't get distracted by that. Jesus still expects his disciples to be the ones gathering that food and he goes with his disciples. So again, tomorrow is another opportunity to

Pick up, to bring it to Jesus, for him to bless it, to break it, to multiply it and to distribute your life so that many people can be blessed. So I just wanted to, I hope that was a blessing to someone. I just believe that the Lord just inspired me to just break that scripture a little bit down so that you can see that there's a process that Jesus wants to use your life to be a blessing, to be a fragrance. You know, there's an art called kintsugi.

And one year I was going to minister to women at a conference and the Lord told me that is what I must talk about. And then I was saying, how am I going to demonstrate it? And he said through that art. And Kintsugi is the art of a broken vessel being put together again. So you glue it together with gold in the cracks. And then what they're saying is that you celebrate that brokenness. And the vase is not looking the same, but the gold in between is God in us.

Is that even where people broke you. Circumstances broke you. Abuse broke you. A divorce broke you. When God puts you together again. That vase is so much more valuable. Because it's only in the process. That the vase became what it is. It's in the process that.

Of breaking that Moses became the deliverer. He was not in the Pharaoh's palace. In the 40 years in the desert. It's when he came out of all of that. That he was ready. To be standing before Pharaoh. Standing before slavery. Standing before the lords of enslavement.

and say, let my people go. So it's in the process. So I'm encouraging all of us to say it's in the process that we are going to become the people that God wants us to be. So let us be so mindful of that, that you are so valuable. There are so many rods in your hand that I'm going to talk to us about when we come back that you can use to be a blessing to the people of God. So we've just come to 10 o'clock.

Thank you for staying with us for this hour. We are talking to your host Prudence at the marketplace and we're talking about winning in the marketplace and we're going to win the marketplace over for Jesus. We are going to win that place of contention, that place of sometimes corruption, that place of competition, that place of so much tension and stress. We are going to go out there and make Jesus known. Stay tuned. We'll be right back.