Marketplace® is the leading business news program in the nation. We bring you clear explorations of
You know that national debt we’re always talking about? It’s at $36 trillion right now,
There was a surge of job creation in December — 250,000 more people showed up on payrolls that month
Several executive orders and actions by President Donald Trump order a freeze of federal funds that
From the BBC World Service: After President Donald Trump slapped a fresh 10% levy on exports to the
One of the more hopeful scenarios for how artificial intelligence could affect jobs is that it woul
Between President Trump’s changeable policy plans and sticky inflation in some sectors, everyo
Kimberly’s back from Cuba just in time to discuss the onslaught of President Donald Trump’s e
Today, it’s talk of tariffs. New import taxes on Canada, Mexico and China are set for midnight
President Donald Trump is imposing new tariffs on imports from the U.S.’s largest trading part
From the BBC World Service: Global stocks are in the red after U.S. President Donald Trump followed
Artificial general intelligence, or AGI, has long been the holy grail of innovation — a synthetic in
This week, Mark Zuckerberg’s Meta sent out a memo warning employees against leaking confidenti
Spent a lot on health care last year? So did employers. The cost of employee health insurance benefi
According to the PCE price index — a measure of inflation out Friday morning from the Bureau of Econ
President Trump says he’s still planning to impose import taxes on goods from Canada and Mexico star
From the BBC World Service: The Indian finance minister is set to unveil the country’s annual budget
Everyone was obsessed with the new white whale of the AI world this week. We’ll get into it on
On the show today, we check in with Kimberly to hear more about her adventures in Cuba, a country th
If you’re a regular “Marketplace” listener, you’ve probably heard of the Fed
The Trump administration rescinded an order freezing federal grants — but not foreign aid. That is s