The Reverend Goddamn is a slasher and B movie aficionado while the Sinema Baron is well versed
The Baron is back is on board with Jeremy Saulnier's, Murder Party. An independent homage fest manif
We continue forward with yet another great cinematic experience. A cacophony of conservative consume
It’s the commanders week again and we’re headed to Colorado for quite a colorful cannibal cotillion
This is The House That Jack Built (2018), a film by Lars Von Trier designed to enrage, entertain and
The commander is back on deck with this weeks film, the now-classic “Carnival of Souls”. Not a terro
Alright, you degenerate bastards. We are back with George A. Romero's The Crazies. How did he know t
In this episode, the Sinema Baron steps up to the podium to bring you a sermon on the artistic and h
Commander Wee brings forth the French splatter and mind disconcertion fest that is Haute Tension! La
We come back with a double feature for episode two directed by Herschell Gordon Lewis. Starting with
The inaugural and namesake episode of Man Bites pod! The Reverend, the Baron, and the Commander are