Making Sense

Making Sense is a podcast where we try and make sense of life and being adults. We discuss a variety


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October is Domestic Violence Awareness month so we wanted to talk about an important topic: stalking

Halloween Traditions


This week we discuss Halloween Traditions from around the world and the top Halloween candy per stat

Halloween Stories


This week we talk about our childhood Halloween stories! We look at the definite cultural difference

Spooky Stories


In honor of spooky season we wanted to read you some spooky stories! We also discuss some scary ghos

Current Events 9.27


It's the end of the month so we wanted to update everybody on what is going on in our lives and in t

Wedding Planning


In honor of Erica's upcoming wedding on September 26th we wanted to give you some tips and tricks on

Car Buying Experience


This week we discuss some tips when having your first car buying experience. We explain creating a b

This week we discuss tips when getting your first apartment. We discuss budgeting, inspection, and h

Questions to Ask Anyone


Welcome back to this weeks episode of Making Sense. We understand that sometimes talking to people c

Our Favorite Podcasts


We started this Podcast because like so many others we have a podcast obsession! This week we tell y

National Friendship Day


August 1st was National Friendship Day so we thought we would tell you the story about how we all be

What We Did in July


Welcome Back! We had a much needed break and are excited to be back podcasting! This week we wanted

July Break


We have decided to take the month of July off to focus on mental health. Theresa and Keiland are pre

June Current Events


This week we discuss what is going on in the world and provide a mid year update. We discuss some lo

Week Off


Hey guys! We decided to take a week off so we could regroup after a stressful last week! We will see

Dream Vactions


June is officially the start of travel season! Listen as we talk about our dream travel spots and ho

Pride Month


Happy Pride Month to all of our LGBTQ+ listeners. This week we talk about the history of Pride and t

Summer Trivia


Summer is just around the corner so we thought it would be fun to do a little summer trivia. Theresa

May is Asian and Pacific Islander Heritage Month so we wanted to talk about the history and importan

National Inventors Month


This week we discuss the importance of inventors and human ingenuity. We also talk about how to crea