Each weekday, Marketplace’s Kai Ryssdal and Kimberly Adams make today make sense. Along with our sup
Elon Musk’s business relationship with the Pentagon is going strong. SpaceX just scored its first d
We’re on the brink of yet another government shutdown. If Congress fails to pass legislation
Some big Republican donors are in a bind. They’ve been hoping for an alternative presidential
Across the political spectrum, corruption seems to be the big news of the day. Democratic Sen. Bob
We are nine days away from another government shutdown if Congress can’t reach a spending dea
A new chatbot that uses artificial intelligence to mimic the leading candidates in the 2024 preside
President Biden is pitting his plan for the U.S. economy against so-called ‘MAGAnomics’
Congress has a job to do. But lately, some of the work on the Hill seems to have come to a standsti
Celebrities are starting to have eerily similar smiles — flawlessly straight and pearly white teeth
In the before times, some of America’s top corporations pledged to rebalance their priorities
What does air conditioning have to do with political dysfunction in Washington? Apparently, more th
This year alone, lawmakers in more than two dozen states have introduced or passed legislation in f
There’s been a lot of reporting lately about a rise in retail theft and a growing shoplifting
We’re in the quadruple digits, y’all, and we’re celebrating! But first we’l
In a speech today, former Vice President Mike Pence and republican presidential candidate said the
As birthrates fall and baby boomers grow older, the demographic makeup of the United States is set
We’re back from Labor Day weekend and talking about a group of laborers that’s in short supply these
It’s college football season, and if you’re having a hard time keeping up with all the
Not sure how to feel about today’s economy? Perhaps putting it to music will help. Today we’r
The Biden administration proposed a new rule that would extend mandatory overtime pay to millions o