Machine Learning Archives - Software Engineering Daily

Machine learning and data science episodes of Software Engineering Daily.


Total: 174

Originally posted on 28 July 2017. Self-driving cars are here. Fully autonomous systems like Waymo

Originally posted on May 12, 2015. Humans have now been defeated by computers at heads up no-limit

The volume of data in the world is always increasing. The costs of storing that data is always decr

An instruction set defines a low level programming language for moving information throughout a com

Google Search allows humans to find and access information across the web. A human enters an unstru

David Cancel has started five companies, most recently Drift. Drift is a conversational marketing a

Generative Models with Doug Eck


Google Brain is an engineering team focused on deep learning research and applications. One growing

Stock traders have access to high volumes of information to help them make decisions on whether to

Self-driving transportation will be widely deployed at some point in the future. How far off is tha

Stitch Fix is a company that recommends packages of clothing based on a set of preferences that the

DoorDash is a last mile logistics company that connects customers with their favorite national and

In the smartphone market there are two dominant operating systems: one closed source (iPhone) and o

Botchain with Rob May


“Bots” are becoming increasingly relevant to our everyday interactions with technology. A bot somet

Machine learning models allow our applications to perform highly accurate inferences. A model can b

When a patient comes into the hospital with stroke symptoms, the hospital will give that patient a

Evolutionary algorithms can generate surprising, effective solutions to our problems. Evolutionary

Moore’s Law states that the number of transistors in a dense integrated circuit double about every

Applications of artificial intelligence are permeating our everyday lives. We notice it in small wa

Voice with Rita Singh


A sample of the human voice is a rich piece of unstructured data. Voice recordings can be turned int

Data Skeptic is a podcast about machine learning, data science, and how software affects our lives.