Originally published January 25, 2019
When TensorFlow came out of Google, the machine learning community converged around it. TensorFlow is a framework for building machine learning models, but the lifecycle of a machine learning model has a scope that is bigger than just creating a model. Machine learning developers also need to have a testing and deployment process for continuous delivery of models.
The continuous delivery process for machine learning models is like the continuous delivery process for microservices, but can be more complicated. A developer testing a model on their local machine is working with a smaller data set than what they will have access to when it is deployed. A machine learning engineer needs to be conscious of versioning and auditability.
Kubeflow is a machine learning toolkit for Kubernetes based on Google’s internal machine learning pipelines. Google open sourced Kubernetes and TensorFlow, and the projects have users AWS and Microsoft. David Aronchick is the head of open source machine learning strategy at Microsoft, and he joins the show to talk about the problems that Kubeflow solves for developers, and the evolving strategies for cloud providers.
David was previously on the show when he worked at Google, and in this episode he provides some useful discussion about how open source software presents a great opportunity for the cloud providers to collaborate with each other in a positive sum relationship.
The post Kubeflow: TensorFlow on Kubernetes with David Aronchick (Repeat)) appeared first on Software Engineering Daily).