cover of episode What a Weekday: Closing Arguments (with Senator Bernie Sanders)

What a Weekday: Closing Arguments (with Senator Bernie Sanders)

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Lovett or Leave It

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Bernie Sanders
Jon Lovett
Jon Lovett:本次大选空前紧张,选民的心理防线已崩溃。选举结果取决于选民在最后几天的行动。特朗普竞选集会上的言论充满仇恨和攻击性,但其极端性反而引起了人们的反感。需要关注那些此前不为人知,但拥有大量追随者的极端人士及其言论的影响。Kamala Harris 竞选团队就参加 Joe Rogan 节目一事提出的条件是合理的。赢得众议院控制权对于阻止选举舞弊至关重要。AOC 和 Tim Walz 对 Tony Hinchcliffe 的种族主义言论进行了回应,最终这一事件反而促进了 Kamala Harris 的支持率。Harris 竞选团队在德克萨斯州举办的活动与特朗普竞选团队形成鲜明对比,前者关注女性健康和生育权,后者则专注于推翻罗诉韦德案。特朗普与 Joe Rogan 的长时间对话可能会降低人们对特朗普危险性的认识,而 Michelle Obama 的演讲则更能打动人心。华盛顿邮报未支持 Harris 的举动引发争议,这反映了富豪精英对特朗普的恐惧和对报复的担忧。选民仍然拥有改变选举结果的力量,应该积极参与到竞选中去。 Kendra:对选举抱有希望,但这种希望并非盲目乐观,即使失败也能坦然接受,因为他们已经尽力了。如果输掉选举,那将是更深层次的原因,而不是因为没有尽力。 David:特朗普在集会上拿波多黎各开玩笑,其内容带有种族歧视色彩,并且笑话本身的结构也存在问题。 Bernie Sanders:美国正在走向寡头政治,巨额资金对政治进程的影响日益严重,需要结束《公民联合诉联邦选举委员会案》的判决,并推动公共资助选举。民主党需要更强有力地为美国工人阶级发声,对抗大财团的利益。美国社会存在严重的经济不平等问题,需要解决医疗保健、带薪休假等问题。即使无法立即实现全民医保,也可以通过扩大医保覆盖范围、降低 Medicare 适用年龄等措施来改善医疗体系。特朗普在民生问题上的言论是虚假的,而 Harris 的政策则更能切实帮助低收入工人。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why did the 2020 election feel different psychologically for many people?

People felt exposed without a protective layer of psychological atmosphere due to the shock of 2016's unexpected outcome.

Why is the Trump campaign considered chaotic and ineffective?

It is running a terrible, meandering, chaotic campaign off message operation, blundering in the home stretch.

Why might a Trump victory be seen as more than just a political loss?

It would indicate something deeper and darker, requiring confrontation and dealing with underlying issues.

Why is the role of individual voters crucial in the final days of the election?

The outcome may depend on how individuals use the next seven days, emphasizing personal engagement and outreach.

Why did the Puerto Rico joke at Trump's rally receive significant attention?

It was offensive and racist, reflecting a broader disdain for marginalized groups and breaking through due to its shock value.

Why is it concerning that many people are unfamiliar with fringe figures supporting Trump?

These figures have large audiences that may not be recognized, posing a challenge to address and counteract their influence.

Why did the Washington Post's decision not to endorse a candidate spark controversy?

Reports suggested owner Jeff Bezos blocked an endorsement of Harris, raising concerns about editorial independence and potential bias.

Why might wealthy elites avoid criticizing Trump or endorsing Harris?

They fear retribution if Trump wins, reflecting a broader concern about the threat of violence and political pressure.

Why is Bernie Sanders concerned about the oligarchic nature of the current political system?

He sees the growth of oligarchy, with big money interests owning the political process as a result of Citizens United.

Why does Sanders believe the Democratic Party needs to focus more on working-class issues?

He argues the party is losing support from various working-class groups due to insufficient focus on their economic needs.

Why does Sanders support expanding Medicare to cover home healthcare?

It addresses a significant issue for older people and those with disabilities who want to stay at home but can't afford to.

Why does Sanders believe reducing the eligibility age for Medicare is a good idea?

It would make Medicare more accessible and address the broken, dysfunctional nature of the current health care system.

Why does Sanders think the current situation in Israel and Gaza is problematic?

He believes Israel is creating long-term hatred and alienating itself from the region and the world, similar to apartheid South Africa.

Why does Sanders think it's important for the Democratic Party to be the party of the working class?

He believes it was the backbone of Democratic politics since FDR and is crucial for addressing economic issues effectively.

The hosts discuss their feelings about the election and the importance of powering through despite exhaustion.
  • The election is in the final homestretch, and the hosts feel a mix of hope and exhaustion.
  • They emphasize the need to feel the emotions of the moment and then power through.
  • The hosts express a sense of doing everything they can, but also preparing for potential loss and its consequences.

Shownotes Transcript

Puerto Rican voters roast Trump’s racist MSG rally. AOC and Tim Walz tackle Tony Hinchcliffe while streaming Madden. Trump and Mike Johnson hint at their little secret, and we hope to God it's that they’re in LOVE. And Lovett is joined by Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders to talk about their favorite fall soups. Just kidding! They talk about the election. For the foreseeable future, we’re all going to be talking about the election.