
The award-winning podcast (also a TV show & book series) about dark historical tales. Each episode e


Total: 413

Stone is a powerful tool for recording history. But if the stories are true, the tales it tells can

Go deeper into the subject matter of our most recent episode (244: Stolen) with these three recommen

Lore 268: Lost Empire


One of the most ancient folk stories in history has been the subject of debate for thousands of year

Some locations in the world have a reputation for being peaceful sanctuaries. Which makes the legend

Go deeper into the subject matter of our most recent episode (267: Curveball) with these three recom

Lore 267: Curveball


Folklore is often grown in the fertile soil of doubt and a lack of control. And within one specific

Legends 40: Skin & Bones


The world around us shapes the stories we tell, even in the harshest conditions. So it’s no wonder t

Go deeper into the subject matter of our most recent episode (266: What’s in the Box) with these thr

The end of the world has always been a big fear. And fear, as we all know, is a powerful fuel for dr

History has left us with countless stories of ghosts that stay in one place. But every now and then,

Go deeper into the subject matter of our most recent episode (265: Friend or Faux) with these three

Lore 265: Friend or Faux


Many animals in the world of folklore are inventions designed to fulfill one purpose or another. But

Legends 38: Fife & Drum


We’ve all heard that war often leaves a few ghost stories in its wake. As proof, we offer a key terr

Go deeper into the subject matter of our most recent episode (264: Engine Trouble) with these three

Humans have always had a need for speed. But whether we got our fix in the ancient world, or on mode

Folklore grows. It has roots that run deep and branches that stretch out far and wide. The stories w

Go deeper into the subject matter of our most recent episode (263: Elementary) with these three reco

Lore 263: Elementary


When we talk about the intersection of history and folklore, few individuals in history sat themselv

Legends 36: Strike It Rich Few human characteristics generate more legends than our greed and corrup

Go deeper into the subject matter of our most recent episode (262: Broken Lines) with these three re