Locked On Packers podcast is your daily ticket to stay ahead of the game and the first to know the l
In this week's NFL Squad, the crew discusses which team had the biggest NFL Free Agency impact signi
Had the Packers not nearly blanked the 2021 NFL draft, they may never have had to spend big-time mon
Worried about paying too much for Aaron Banks and Nate Hobbs? Brian Gutekunst is nearly batting 1.00
The Green Bay Packers paid up for two key free agents ... just not the two most people thought they'
The two big-name receivers everyone wanted won't be coming to Green Bay. DK Metcalf and Davante Adam
Yet ANOTHER player the Packers could have interest in has requested a trade, this time Cincinati Ben
In this week's NFL Squad, the crew discusses the veteran wide receiver market ahead of NFL Free Agen
Locked on Seahawks host Corbin Smith broke the news the Packers called on DK Metcalf. Now, DK wants
When Davante Adams left Green Bay, he said he had goals of all-time greatness. The best place to ach
The needs for the Packers in 2025 just happen to be at positions where the athletic testing is extre
Multiple reports (including our own) put the Packers in talks to acquire Seahawks receiver DK Metcal
The Green Bay Packers have made it clear they need more from their four-man rush this season. We saw
In this week's NFL Squad, the crew discusses whether or not Abdul Carter will be the 1st overall pic
It didn't come as a surprise that the Green Bay Packers were working to trade Jaire Alexander. But w
Brian Gutekunst will usually tell you what he's going to do if you listen carefully. On Tuesday he t
With the NFL combine kicking off this week, the unofficial start of the offseason begins. Where do t
The Packers lack the top-end talent of the best teams in the NFC, yet they're still one of the best
The Green Bay Packers care about athletic models and production, especially at receiver. Who are the
In this week's NFL Squad, the crew discusses which teams who finished near the bottom of the NFL las
You want the Packers to win a Super Bowl, but at what cost? And how much would you be willing to suf