Locked On Lions podcast is your daily ticket to stay ahead of the game and the first to know the lat
Detroit Lions beat Minnesota Vikings in a dominant victory 31-9 at Ford Field in Detroit on Sunday N
The Lions are gearing up for Sunday Night and their finale in the regular season against fellow 14 g
How did Kerby Joseph NOT make the Pro Bowl team for the NFC? We have some theories we will share alo
Matt Dery and Luke Braun set the table for Sunday Night. Detroit with 14 wins, Minnesota with 14 win
Dan Campbell was very happy and even emotional last night in the locker room with his team and why n
Detroit Lions beat the San Francisco 49ers on Monday Night Football to move to 14-2. Jared Goff thre
The Detroit Lions go into San Francisco and stand on business. Lions upend the 49ers 40-34 to improv
The Chicago Bears will call Lions OC Ben Johnson after the season is over. He should tell them thank
It is the Thursday Crossover presented by PrizePicks. Matt Dery talks to Locked on 49ers host Brian
The Lions and Niners game might not have much meaning on Monday if the Vikings win on Sunday. But do
The Detroit Lions showed they can win with seventh round picks in the starting lineup on Sunday. How
Cold and windy did not matter to the Lions in Chicago. The offense was unstoppable again in a 34-17
Detroit Lions further cemented their dominance with a decisive 34-17 victory over the Chicago Bears
The Detroit Lions have some work to do to hang on to that top spot and get a bye for the NFC Playoff
It is Crossover Thursday brought to you by PrizePicks? Lorin Cox from Locked on Bears joins Matt Der
In this week's NFL Squad, the crew discusses the whether or not the best of the NFC can actually con
There is a reality to the Lions injury situation. Matt addresses it today with uncertainty surroundi
Lions HC Dan Campbell was on 97.1 FM The Ticket this morning and was fired up about his team's chanc
The news just keeps getting worse. Alim McNeill and David Montgomery out for the year with knee inju
Detroit Lions fell to the Buffalo Bills by a final score of 48-42 at Ford Field in an NFL Showdown.