Locked On Lakers podcast is your daily ticket to stay ahead of the game and the first to know the la
The Los Angeles Lakers have had an active start to their offseason, expanding their analytics staff
The Los Angeles Lakers have a busy offseason ahead of them. That much is obvious, but what’s less cl
On a day where Lonzo Ball released a $500 basketball shoe, you just knew the show was going to be ki
Jimmy Butler wanted so badly to move on from the past that he removed the rearview mirrors from his
The first round of the NBA Playoffs are officially a thing of the past. The Los Angeles Clippers end
With the first round of the NBA Playoffs basically behind us, what better time to utilize that conte
The Harrison-less streak continues with yet another great guest as Mark Medina of the L.A. Daily New
A topic of concern among the Los Angeles Lakers fan base is whether the front office will trade for
Media exit interviews continue on Locked on Lakers, this time with ESPN and Spectrum SportsNet’s Joh
First, Anthony and Harrison summarize D’Angelo Russell’s exit interview and a theme that ran consist
Chris McGee of Spectrum SportsNet joined to talk about this past season, look ahead to what he’d lik
Exit interviews officially signaled the end of the Los Angeles Lakers season Thursday afternoon. Muc
The 2016-’17 Los Angeles Lakers season is over. It’s finally over. It ended on a blowout loss to th
The Los Angeles Lakers entered Tuesday night with an excruciatingly tenuous hold on the chance of ma
The end is so close. So, so close. The Los Angeles Lakers finish their season on a back-to-back agai
The Los Angeles Lakers beat the Minnesota Timberwolves on a crazy buzzer-beater from D’Angelo Russel
Here we were, enjoying a nice Thursday afternoon having just recorded a perfectly fine show and gett
So, the Los Angeles Lakers won a hard-fought game in San Antonio against the Spurs, which is usually
Kawhi Leonard is enjoying a season deserving of MVP praise. The San Antonio Spurs asked more of him
God bless the Orlando Magic. Heading into a Monday night in which the lone actual Lakers news was J