Locked On Lakers podcast is your daily ticket to stay ahead of the game and the first to know the la
An odd thing happens anytime the Los Angeles Lakers win. Well it isn’t odd, so much as it is annoyin
The Los Angeles Lakers spent their Sunday evening getting their tails whupped by the Portland Trail
The Los Angeles Lakers will give Shaquille O’Neal a well-deserved statue at Staples Center Friday, a
A few weeks back, we discussed D’Angelo Russell as in-depth as just about anyone has to this point.
The Los Angeles Lakers were thoroughly destroyed by the L.A. Clippers in a 133-109 loss that was eve
Turns out, when Magic Johnson said the Los Angeles Lakers would not leak anything to the media, he m
The Los Angeles Lakers may have lost to the Cleveland Cavaliers Sunday, but the story of the game (a
The Los Angeles Lakers have been a bad team for a while, but only recently have seemed to totally co
How long ago do those few great games from D’Angelo Russell feel? Somehow, he’s gone from reminding
Earlier in the week, the Los Angeles Lakers lost a close one to the Philadelphia 76ers. Yes, the ter
Unless you've been living under a rock for the last day or so, you probably have heard about Luke Wa
The Los Angeles Lakers won their first game in basically a month. On its face, most fans would (and
The Los Angeles Lakers remain the most relevant second-worst team in the history of the National Bas
The Los Angeles Lakers lost again. Even less surprising, somehow, was who they lost to: The Dallas M
So we finally got to enjoy something close to a slow news day for the Los Angeles Lakers, but that d
The Los Angeles Lakers are coming off of probably one of the ugliest weekends in the franchise’s his
Fun show today, and it’s pretty rare we feel comfortable over-selling something like this. Larry Nan
With an off day before the Los Angeles Lakers play against the Boston Celtics and all the personnel
The kids are alright. Julius Randle and D'Angelo Russell dominated the game statistically against th
There is never an off day for the Los Angeles Lakers, even when the team isn’t playing. A busy Monda