Fantasy football analysts JJ Zachariason and Denny Carter provide quarterback, tight end, and defens
After a good Week 6, the hosts are confident in giving their Week 7 picks. After doing so, the two g
The quarterback landscape is crazy, putting smiles on the hosts’ faces. After going through their We
After a solid Week 4, Denny and JJ are back to give their Week 5 recommendations. There’s a little b
It was a rough week for JJ and Denny, but they did have something to celebrate. Tyrod Taylor is no l
With Tony Romo and Drew Brees hurting, fantasy owners may be looking to live the stream in Week 3. T
It was a successful streaming week for the cohosts (minus the Bucs’ defense), and they look to doit
We’ve made it. It’s officially the start of the 2015 NFL season, which means it’s time for streaming
Make sure your fire extinguisher is ready for this one, because the takes are hot. Denny and JJ give
After talking through what will be the biggest event in the dad running history, JJ and Denny dig in
With draft season here, JJ and Denny dig deep into auction strategies before heading to Twitter to a
Arian Foster’s injury was a big deal for JJ. After explaining why, the two hosts get into their draf
A lot can change once the preseason begins — a player who was once a discount can all of a sudden be
People are drafting Andrew Luck in the first round, and that makes the Living the Stream hosts unhap
The NFL Draft happened, and JJ and Denny are ready to give their takes on how it changed the fantasy
Best ball leagues — MFL10s — are becoming bigger each year in the fantasy football industry. The two
After a brief hiatus, the two hosts are back to talk some NFL free agency. Do we have any new stream
Sponsored by It’s the final episode of the season, and to be honest, JJ and Denny just
Sponsored by After one of the worst streaming quarterback days ever, the two hosts try
Sponsored by Before the podcast gets going, we hear from the host of Killing the Stream
Sponsored by The fantasy playoffs are here, and the streaming options aren’t deep. Afte