Talking about politics, thinking about the Left. Hosted by Jon Wiener, co-author of "Set the Night
Ohio voted on a referendum that would make it harder to amend the state constitution – including the
Finally we have Trump's indictment for his crimes around January 6. Harold Meyerson comments; also;
The Teamsters won a historic victory in the new contract with UPS, setting the stage to take on Amaz
At last Trump will face charges for his real crimes - insurrection on Jan. 6. Harold Meyerson comme
130,000 actors are joining 12,500 screenwriters in the biggest Hollywood strike since 1960. Harold
The Summer of Strikes in Los Angeles continues, with hotel workers picketing hotels from Santa Monic
There are two big strikes in the works in L.A. right now: hotel workers and actors. 15,000 hotel wor
How can Democrats win back at least some white working class swing voters? We have some striking new
Cornel West is running for president - he can only help Trump win, argues Joan Walsh, National Affai
On Strike: An Actors strike looms as the Writers in LA and New York enter the sixth week of their st
Biden's debt limit deal has left progressives unhappy--Harold Meyerson says it's the best we could h
The Minnesota legislature has passed a sweeping pro-worker labor bill that will require paid sick da
Workers won union recognition is some significant places in the past week. Harold Meyerson rep
The latest polls indicate voters think Biden is too old. Should the Democrats nominate someone else
At midnight on Monday, 11,500 Writers' Guild of America writers went on strike seeking a new film an
Tucker Carlson's audience, 3.5 million, is a lot smaller than his pioneering predecessors in right-w
Fox News created a frankenstein - and the story isn't over yet: Harold Meyerson comments on the Domi
The latest move by a Republican judge to ban the abortion drug Mefipristone is likely to turn out mo
Progressive Brandon Johnson won the Chicago mayoral election: Harold Meyerson explains how he did it
Last week's 3-day strike in LA by public school custodians, food service workers, teachers' aides an