Talking about politics, thinking about the Left. Hosted by Jon Wiener, co-author of "Set the Night
Adam Hochschild talks about his visit to a gun show, the NRA, the Koch brothers, and gun laws in Ame
Harold Meyerson comments on Trump's attack of Amazon, the prospect of a Trump re-election, the new m
John Nichols with Breaking News from Wisconsin: trade policy, tech, and a victory for voting rights
David Corn on Trump, Putin and his new book, "Russian Roulette: The Inside Story of Putin's War on A
The mass shooting at that high school in Parkland, Florida is still in the news, because of the bril
Amazon is a radically new kind of monopoly that seeks to control all of online commerce. Stacy Mitch
Senator Elizabeth Warren wants to make the fight against monopoly power in America a key part of the
Here comes the next financial crisis: maybe not this week, but eventually—and Republican deregulatio
Gary Younge traveled from Maine to Mississippi interviewing Trump’s white working-class supporters.
Trump’s not on the ballot this year, but that’s not stopping Democratic women from running against h
Since Trump took office a year ago, Katha Pollitt says, women have been unleashing decades of pent-u
Trump has targeted California, the biggest blue state, with his tax and immigration policies, but th
Historian Linda Gordon talks about the KKK of the 1920s, and the arrest of Fred Trump, father of the
Our year-in-review show starts with Katha Pollitt on #MeToo, from Bill O'Reilly to Al Franken. Kath
For our year-in-review show, we turn to John Nichols, The Nation magazine's National Affairs Corresp
Two ways to interview a Nazi: on the one hand, The New York Times recently did a profile of “the Naz
Jane Mayer of The New Yorker reports on Mike Pence's family, his life, and his lifelong ambition to
"Raising Trump" is Ivana's new book about Don Jr., Ivanka, Jared and little Eric—Amy Wilentz says it
The legendary journalist Howell Raines reports from Alabama on the continuing Republican support for