Bringing you scientifically proven tips and ideas to live a happier and more meaningful life through
Rhonda Cornum was a 36-year-old flight surgeon in 1991 when her Black Hawk helicopter was sent to re
Tom Rath is a best-selling author and researcher who studies the role of human behavior in business,
Louis Alloro is a change-agent working with individuals and organizations to enable positive evoluti
Dr. Michael Finkelstein, also known as The Slow Medicine Doctor, is the author of Slow Medicine: Hop
Find out the family dynamics of New York Times best-selling author Deepak Chopra and his daughter Ma
Adam Shell is an award-winning documentary film director, editor and musician. In his latest film, P
This week we look at the power of forgiveness with an emotional story from Emmy Award-winning filmma
Dr. Eric Pearl is the founder of The Reconnection and a pioneer in energy healthcare. In this episod
Shane Lopez, Ph.D., is one of the world’s leading researcher on hope. Find out the importance of cre
James Pawelski-founding director of the UPenn Masters in Applied Positive Psychology program-and his
Shawn Achor is a New York Times best-selling author of Before Happiness and The Happiness Advantage.
David Shadrack Smith serves as executive producer and director on the highly anticipated landmark se
Live Happy Section Editor Chris Libby joins us to discuss the topic of bullying, how it starts and w
Darlene Mininni, Ph.D., is the author of The Emotional Toolkit and creator of the UCLA undergraduate
Richard Sears, Ph.D., is a board-certified clinical psychologist, the Director of the Center for Cli
Caroline Miller is recognized as one of the world’s leading positive psychology experts in the areas
Michelle McQuaid, best-selling author, workplace well-being teacher and playful change activator, jo
Tory Johnson is seen every Thursday on ABC's Good Morning America where she presents the popular Dea
Dr. Christine Carter combines scientific research and practical application to offer audiences not j
Robert Holden, Ph.D., is a best-selling author, speaker and expert on happiness, forgiveness and wel