琉璃心The Mindful Heart /Mindfulness Meditation

在倫敦政經學院進修mindfulness正念療法,透過正念療法等理論來闡述佛經….. 琉璃無垢、心無雜念、想要有顆琉璃心就要先找到真正的自己。 祈願你我此生得菩提,心似瑠璃;大徹大悟,明心見性,清


Total: 230

Welcome to the mindful Heart. Happy New Year! 2022 is absolutely the year for you! This is Xin

楞嚴經-The Leng-Yen-King與25分鐘新年快樂特輯Mindfulness Based

Welcome to the mindful Heart. This is Xin. Thank you for your support ! Wishing you peace

楞嚴經-The Leng-Yen-King與20分鐘Mindfulness Based stress

Welcome to the Mindful Heart. This is Xin. Thank you for your listening and support ! Wish

Welcome to the Mindful Heart. This is Xin. Thank you for your listening and support ! Wish

Welcome to the Mindful Heart. This is Xin. Thank you for your listening and support ! Wish

Welcome to the mindful Heart. This is Xin. Thank you for your listening and support ! Wish

Welcome to the mindful Heart. This is Xin. Thank you for your listening and support ! Wish

Welcome to the mindful Heart. This is Xin. Thank you for your listening and support ! Wish

楞嚴經-The Leng-Yen-King與19分鐘Mindfulness Based stress

Welcome to the mindful Heart. This is Xin. Thank you for your listening and support ! Wish

楞嚴經-The Leng-Yen-King與20分鐘Mindfulness Based stress

Welcome to the mindful Heart. This is Xin. Thank you for your listening and support. Wishing yo

楞嚴經-The Leng-Yen-King與25分鐘Mindfulness Based stress