Hello,Ximalaya, this is LIndsay from New York. Spirit Week was the event that took place in my school this week. It is supposed to get all students to celebrate 庆祝 our pride in ourselves and school by dressing in school colors and participating 参加 in special school events. 大家好,我是晴川,这里是美国中学每周谈节目。这个星期是学校里的Spirit Week,美国学校也要提升集体荣誉感,集体主义精神,怎么做的呢,来听Lindsay讲一讲。 Our school was divided into two different colored teams, both of the colors are the school colors. To earn points for your team, we have to participate in a series of “special events” across week days. On Friday, the final scores were counted for the two colored teams to see who won, and we celebrated. 分成两个队做活动赢分数,看谁赢。有些什么活动呢? On Monday,the theme was Casual Monday so everyone dressed in sweatshirts and sweatpants, the casual everyday attire. In the beginning of the day the teacher counted how many kids had participated and the amount of kids that participated would lead to points for their team. Tuesday should have been the School Spirit day where we wore clothing that related to our school and town, but instead we had a fun snow day. School was closed so nothing happened. On Wednesday it was Pajama Day and the Opening Ceremonies. The Opening Ceremonies had a lot of fun games that you could sign up to do. Whichever team wins each game gets a certain amount of points for their team. At the Opening Ceremonies, there was a balloon pop, a dance-off, and Tug of War. 星期三比较有意思阿,穿着睡衣Pajama去上学还有游戏玩。踩气球,跟着音乐跳舞,Tug Of War就是拔河的意思了。 During the seventh grade tug of war, the rope actually broke, so the eighth graders could not do it! The final points will be tallied on Friday, which is the Closing Ceremonies. 拔河绳子断了,接下来一场没法玩儿了,这场面很搞笑。 During the closing ceremonies there was a teacher volleyball game which every student had fun watching. Spirit Week is actually extremely fun to participate in, and it is made extra special by the fact that it is the week before break! 老师在闭幕那天打排球,孩子们最喜欢看老师下场秀技术了。而且接下来就放假了,更开心了。 Next week will be February break for President’s Week and I am super excited to take a break. I will tell you how I spend my off days. See you next week.