cover of episode Micah's New Favorite Snack, What Rich Guys Drive, & The Job That is Paying Crazy Money

Micah's New Favorite Snack, What Rich Guys Drive, & The Job That is Paying Crazy Money

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Life Wide Open with CboysTV

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Micah: 对一些社会现象和个人的看法,例如Hawk Tua女孩的走红、富人开的车以及一份高薪工作。 Ryan: 讨论了Hawk Tua女孩的网络爆红及其成因,并分析了网络流行语的产生和传播机制。还对网络采访中的一些道德伦理问题进行了讨论,认为这种行为利用了醉酒者的弱点。 Ben: 回顾了之前的“速度约会”视频,并对参与者Gavin的成功表示祝贺。描述了Trike Fest活动的盛况,并讨论了为速度约会寻找参与者的经历,包括在Craigslist上发布招聘信息。 CJ: 总结了速度约会活动的成功之处,并对参与者Gavin给予了高度评价。分析了速度约会视频成功的关键因素,并描述了Gavin在速度约会之前的紧张状态。 Ken: 讲述了Gavin和他的约会对象在深夜吃早餐的趣事,并描述了在West Fargo举办的汽车展的经历,特别是Corvette俱乐部展出的车辆。对Corvette俱乐部的车辆进行了评价,认为它们都保持了原厂状态。讨论了在汽车展上与他人互动的体验。 Gavin: 讨论了朋友Steve Hamilton购买的布加迪Chiron以及其他豪车,对布加迪Chiron的性能和外观进行了评价。 Jake: 讨论了男性不愿去看医生的现象,并推荐了ZocDoc应用程序。推荐了Shopify平台及其功能。讨论了拥有高端跑车带来的不便,评价了高端跑车的耐用性和经典设计。讨论了某个部落获得Starlink互联网后对社交媒体和色情的沉迷,分析了互联网和社交媒体的成瘾性。讨论了制作一个关于该部落的纪录片系列的想法,并建议让Ken和Jake一起前往该部落,对Jake戒除手淫的行为表示赞赏。讨论了在发展中国家拥有智能手机的现象,分享了个人参与的海外宣教活动的经历,讨论了海外宣教活动的组织方式和实际效果。讨论了高端皮卡车可以改进的地方,例如排气系统、悬挂系统和轮毂设计。

Deep Dive

The podcast discusses the types of cars seen at a car show, focusing on the Corvette Club and the lack of modifications on the vehicles, as well as mentioning a friend's Bugatti Chiron.

Shownotes Transcript


- What do we do with this big guy? Have him go paint the wall. - Most of the guys driving diesel trucks are like the richest dudes you know. - After my YouTube stint, maybe I'll go be a crawfish farmer. - You know what is the hawk to a girl? I can't imagine she likes that. - Well, you know it's bad when your casting goes on Craigslist. - This looks phenomenal.

ZocDoc is a free app and website where you can search and compare high quality in-network doctors, choose the right one for your needs, and instantly click to book an appointment with them online. We're talking about in-network appointments with more than 100,000 healthcare providers across every specialty from mental health to dental health, eye care, skin care, and much, much more. Plus, ZocDoc appointments happen fast, typically within just 24 to 72 hours of booking, and you can even score same-day appointments sometimes.

So if I need to talk to a doctor, I will definitely be using ZocDoc. So stop putting off those doctor's appointments and go to slash wide open now to find and instantly book a top-rated doctor today at slash wide open. slash wide open. You guys seen that Hawk Tool girl? Yeah. She's like mega viral, dude. I don't. So what's the origination of the meme? I mean, it was just one of those like drunk interviews. Oh.

Yeah, it caught on. Who knows whether she likes it a little or a lot or doesn't like it. Being known as the Hawk Tua girl? Yeah, probably not. I can't imagine she likes that. She seemed pretty confident in it, though. Yeah, she seemed pretty, like, funny and confident in it. The interview actually was short, even the whole thing. But have you watched, like, the main or the full video? Yeah.

Like there's, there's like Hawk to a 2024, like president shirts. It's so funny how the internet just grabs things and just runs with it. Yeah. Now there's songs like there's probably already, I've heard three different remixes of it. Oh, you know that like some big rapper is going to throw that thing in there. She'd be like, she gave me that Hawk tool. It is pretty good. It is. It's funny. It's like a, it's inventing like a new, you know, saying, I guess. Hawk.

But how has no one ever said it? No, they've said it. They've said it, but it's not that good. You know how like when someone gets a nickname, but it doesn't stick, and then someone else says it, and it does stick? That's how. I watched those interviews, and I always kind of wondered. Like it seems like kind of a weird thing. You're out in like a public bar area, and then you stand there. Then like-

It's one thing when you do it, you know, I was watching like a Nick Narasina video. So good. He's walking around with sketch and they like get people in. Then it's funny because, you know, you're talking with them, whatever. But like if your sole gig is just to go to like an area and then interview them and like, what's your favorite sex story? Yeah. And they're all like, yeah, it's capitalizing on like how many of these people wake up the next day, see this video and they're like, fuck. Fuck.

They don't know how to even get it down. They're just a normal person. Yeah. Saying some aggressive shit. Have you seen the ones where it's like a guy and a girl? It's like, who's your hall pass? And the guy will be like, oh, no, I wouldn't want a hall pass. And then the girl goes, actually, one of his friends or like this guy on the football team, like really savage shit. And then it just opens up this huge can of worms all because the guy or girl out there interviewing. Yeah.

You can't really blame it on them, but... It is kind of a weird... You're kind of capitalizing, yeah, for sure, taking a little bit of advantage of some liquored-up people, but... Man, speaking of interviewing, I think we're going to have to start interviewing our friends to find the next speed dating. I know. Not host. What would it be? The contestant? Contestant. Victim? I was going to say, yeah, victim. I got it wrong saying. He's definitely not a victim. Gavin's a winner.

He is a winner. He came out real good. He's still dating his girl. So far, so good. They're going strong. They're in love. I'm pretty sure he's even bringing her to Trike Fest. Shut up. Yeah, I think that right there could be a video on its own, him bringing her to Trike Fest. We should really be there documenting it. We could send Ken with the GoPro. Yeah, Ken, there we go. That'll be perfect. Ken, just walk around and follow him. Trike Fest, dude, looks like a music festival, but instead of music, there's just trike.

I really want to go, honestly. That's a horrible comparison. No, it is. You look around, they're all in a field. There's tents everywhere. There's people camping, drinking, having a good time. But there's no concert to go to. It's like usually the concert is what brings people together, but the love of trikes is what is bringing people together. And Trike Fest is where Gavin is right now. It's in the middle of...

Indiana. And there's like 2,500 people that come together all with trikes. My favorite thing is he goes, yeah, there'll be 2,500 people and at least 4,000 or 5,000 trikes. Everybody brings more than one three-wheeler. If you go to a car show, it's typical that there's only one car that everybody brings at the show. That dude seriously loves three-wheelers. Going back to the speed dating, and I'm glad they came or whatever, but we round up all these girls and our single friends that

also know we're doing this, they're like, hey, I'm going to show up on set that day. They're all hanging around in the background chatting with the girls before they're going in to see Gavin. I thought that was great. It'd be like being on the set of The Bachelorette. You just wait for the girl to get cut and then you walk over. It's okay, baby. Gotta give you guys credit where credit is due. You lined up this speed dating and I think you guys are getting really good at it.

Like the first time? We're running out of girls though. We're running out of girls. There's only so many girls in this dang town. I think we can start casting better. We're more so casting word of mouth, finding single girls. Well, you know it's bad when your casting goes on Craigslist. Yeah, we did go that route and there was not a single. Yeah, I had a Craigslist posting posted. Did anybody come from it? Yeah, a couple of them. But we're not living in

In L.A., where people are, like, out and about looking for acting gigs. Also, we're not living in 2014. It's not an acting gig. Or not an acting gig, but, like, looking for, like, filming. Yeah, they're wanting to be on camera. Yeah, they don't want to be on camera, yeah. I think next time we'll just do a form like we do with 100 people. Oh, yeah. And we'll just have girls submit. Yeah.

Well, we had to stay incognito on this one. Yeah, I know. But you can just say, like, looking for my next. But they also have to be interested. Like, all those girls were interested in Gavin. They were like, this guy is the real deal. They saw the listing and they couldn't help themselves. They saw his picture, his three-wheeler. Let's just say it was when we were briefing the contestants, the lady contestants, it was pretty easy to talk Gavin up.

I had him like excited. That's true. Oh man. I just love him. He's so funny. He's so quick. He's yeah.

Yeah, because some of the girls are nervous, too. They're just like, ooh. Oh, yeah. Obviously, if you're looking for the love of your life, you're like, hmm, what would I want here? Well, I want a man. Gavin's all of that. He's a man. I want somebody who's funny, charismatic, loving, obsessive. Very loving. It might be over three wheelers, but he's obsessed. Yeah, Gavin's all of that. It's just so funny. If you guys haven't watched the speed dating in our last video, it's the electric trike video.

At 14 minutes, the speed dating starts. Go and watch it. It is so funny. It is hands down my favorite video bit that we filmed all year. Might even be of all time. Whoa. It might even be of all time. I know. I've watched it like eight times.

And then my mom, I was even talking to her and she's like, yeah, I had to go back and rewatch that part today. Dude, it is so funny. That's awesome. Yeah. Alex was just dying laughing. I mean, it's exactly what we call genuine peer entertainment. Yeah. You guys really killed it. Like, I think we could do as many as we want. You know, we got to be careful not to become a dating channel, but we can do it in every video. What made this one so good is like Gavin, what we played into it with Ken is

is that Ken was just like, well, he was like a compulsive liar, but we just leaned into that. Like as the audience watching, you know, when it would cut back to us, we're reacting to it being like, quit lying. This is a phony, like be yourself. And that's what made that one funny. And then all of the things that Ken said, following it, that just dug his hole even deeper and deeper. But Gavin was just like, he just took it and ran with it where it was like so much easier to,

to make something out of it because of who he was, of just like his responses. And like the girls come in, they chirp him a little bit. And then he has like the funniest response to it. And it was just like, I don't know, man, it's obviously, it's very hard to recreate something like that, but like what a special moment. And then he ends up finding a girl and like,

actually had like a connection with her. And now it seems to be working knock on wood, but like the fact, like everything played out so good. That boy was nervous though. He was sweating. Oh my gosh, dude. I was talking with him in the van before. Cause we had him cooped up in the Sprinter van with all the windows closed. He doesn't know how to work the TVs. He's got nothing. So he's just sitting in there on his phone. Just like,

tweaking out. That boy is so high energy. I don't know if he's ever been in that confined of a space for that long alone. Yeah, he was sweating before he even walked into the building. He was nervous. It's a good thing he didn't have sleeves on his suit. No kidding. He runs hot. You got to remember that with Gavin, so that's why he runs no sleeves. My favorite part of the whole thing is when he took a tumble and he hurt himself and he goes...

Oh, that's all right, though. You just stand up and you pretend like you're fine. I was like, that's so true.

That's the first time I've ever heard him actually say that. I didn't even know if he was conscious of what he was doing for the longest time. He really does that. I'm just worried for like, dude, he's had so many falls. He had one for sure. One pretty gnarly one while he was here. And I'm just worried for the time that he actually messes himself up. And he better not. Well, I'm fine. He's built different, though. You got to remember that, dude. I mean, you can be built different and still snap your arm in half. We don't put that on. Yeah.

I don't know if he could. I'm just like, dude, he just got density in his bones, dude. He drinks milk. He does drink milk. He does drink milk. Like the body mass behind that guy. Like if you had to put him in like a cup and like the cup was half full, it would just, it'd be overfilling where you could put somebody like, you know, myself or you, Mike, not necessarily you as much, Mike. If you put,

If you put the large man in a cup, it would overfill. Well, a big cup. I'm just talking about the density of him. He's got some volume to him. Yeah, he's got some volume behind him. Speaking of milk, it reminds me. So after speed dating, Gavin was hungry. His girl was hungry. They were driving around in the trike. Or the twike. Sorry, the twike. So we stopped at one of those. It was called the frying pan. It's like one of those 24-hour open diners to get some breakfast. It was midnight at this point.

Gavin down like three, four things of chocolate milk in front of his girl. Yeah. It was technically their, their second date. And me and CJ got to tell you, we were sitting right across from him. It was pretty funny. And Dalton was there. We didn't film it just cause it was kind of like, all right,

Invading their personal space, you know, at this point. Oh, he showed up to Ryan's the other day with a full half gallon of chocolate milk for breakfast. Oh, yeah, that's right. He has a big chocolate milk. Well, you guys were working hard. I relieved myself for the evening and went to the car show in West Fargo. As all good car guys do. Yeah.

It's the first big car show of the year, dude. They shut down Broadway in lovely West Fargo. And was it all it was cracked up to be? It was something. I put on my story. I'll pop it up here. But the Corvette Club was a full showing. I can't imagine. The funeral. I think it was legitimately a funeral home lot. Parking lot. Parking lot. Yes. Yeah. And that is what all the Corvettes were lined up in. The irony. The irony. I've seen the Corvette Club because my dad was a part of it.

He wasn't a part of it, but when he'd take his car out. So I'm well aware it is a funeral home. Yep. Parking lot. Parking lot. We didn't park there. We just parked on the back street. Oh, you were too cool? I guess so. I was. He's got the fastest Corvette now. He's not parking with you peasants. Yeah, exactly. I think the best part about the Corvette Club is all of them are bone stock. Oh, yeah. Just bone stock. When you take a walk through, you're just basically looking at the colors. Different colors. Yeah. Yeah.

There ain't nothing done. This one has white interior. There ain't nothing. Okay, so he's got black with red interior. This guy's got red with black interior. Um...

Nice. Yeah. This guy's got window tin, actually 50%. All of them feel like the way they rolled off the factory floor. Just like it. Perfect. Yep. Just like it. Just like it. There was some, uh, like old cars that people had fixed up and stuff like that. There was actually some sick different rat rods. There was the Tesla car thingy that I tagged you in. I don't even know what the hell was. It was like airplane pieces all put together. When you go there, is it tough to walk around where people coming up to you all over the place? Oh,

There was quite a few, yeah. But it wasn't – I think if it would have been the whole crew, it would have been tough because you could stop for longer. And if you would have rolled in and like – like the Corvette's still kind of incognito. Like if you pull up in Ben's Lamborghini or the R8 or even like the GTR, it's more of like a niche vehicle that you don't see. There wouldn't be any of those there and people wouldn't know. But, yeah, I've wanted to go for a while. I'm not trying to – To be fair –

If he was driving a Stingray, I completely agree, but I don't because he was driving a Z06. No, I'm saying it's a very rare, unique vehicle, but like... Was there cars? Like, two cars there? Like, Fargo has like the weakest car game

of any big city. There was a couple cool tuners. And when I say a couple, like maybe... I was going to say four. Like there's four. And they were all on a line. I would say the main people there were like the old guys that have like a hundred grand and some old Chevelle that's like really cool. It's more like old cars, but... So fun to walk around. I've wanted to go for a while. It'd be fun to bring the GTR or, you know, have all of us pull up. But I just felt like it would turn into a meet and greet. Yeah, I think it'd be okay. And like...

Like I said, I just parked on the street in the back. I just wanted an excuse to drive there in it, but I didn't need to park on the main street and all that. Did you guys see our buddy Steve Hamilton's new Bugatti Chiron? Oh my God, dude. Yeah, it's badass. So cool. I watched that video. That guy has spent like $15 million in cars in the last three months. Yeah. He's got money. Yeah.

Dude, and that's good. Congrats to him. That's crazy. So sick. So unbelievably sick. Also, Bugatti, you know, they just released their new whatever, the Turbillon or whatever. I don't know the name of it, but they are doing some marketing. I'm getting reels and suggested posts and legit. I swear I got like an ad for it on Snapchat and it's just like,

Who the hell are they marketing to? I don't know. Mike orders one. They heard this guy's money, Mike. Like, Sydney's going on her Instagram. Maybe they're just going after your IP. No, not just me. This guy's been buying everything. At the Bugatti headquarters, there's just, like, you know, big red dots everywhere.

all over the world and it's just one right over Mike's house. Like just send all the ads to this guy. They messed up because those are wasted ad dollars. No, yeah. There's so much money. Well, they might have got their return. Now you're talking on the podcast. Oh, yeah. There we go. Of course.

They are cool. It is cool. It's 1,800 horsepower, like zero to 60. So what is that, V12? Under two seconds. So V16? V16 with electric motors. By turbo and electric. No, NA, but it has electric motors. Oh, really? If I were to ever own a car like that, the worst part is clearly that's an insane experience to drive. It's just such a work of art that I wouldn't want to. Yeah, that's the problem with certain cars. It is crazy, dude. It is the most insane thing I've ever seen. All right, you guys.

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Even like you start upgrading from, let's just say Ben's Lamborghini to an Aventador, it's like double the price and you're kind of like, it's just so much to drive around. You're like, ah, it's raining today. I don't want to take it out. Ah, there's little rocks on the road. Like, eh, I don't want to like rock chip it at the pinnacle of that is...

is like ryan's corvette or ben's lamborghini right now like anything beyond that is just like you're gonna be cringing just driving it well if i guarantee steve hamilton doesn't he doesn't cringe when he's driving his bugatti because it's the same as somebody driving a honda civic yeah honda no he fucking rips those things dude he's taking them in the snow in the rain i mean he he let us take any one of his vehicles when it was raining and sleeping he wasn't even he didn't even care he was

He didn't care. It was icy and shit. He's like, yeah, yeah, just let it rip. Does he have, like, detail guy? Yeah. That would help. I mean, still, I'm just saying, yeah, it's like the whole, like, am I going to take it out in the rain? And then it's dirty, and then you got to clean it. I'm not saying it gets cleaned every time that he gets it dirty, either. Like, take it in the rain, it gets dirty clean. I'm just saying, like, if your cars get magically cleaned, obviously you're paying. But if they get magically cleaned, like, that's a...

way different story. Those cars are pretty timeless though. I mean, I'll probably wrap, wrap up the conversation with that. I mean, some of them are so timeless. It's just insane. Like even on a, a sheer on or whatever, however you say it is going to be cool forever. Cause that's, that was, that's their goal kind of right with it. Yeah. Yeah. They're like very particular with like the electronics. They even put in them because they don't want them to like age.

Yeah. Out age. So they'll use like actual speedometers and shit. First. I thought that was a little Cheeto, but now I totally get it. Did you guys see the thing on Instagram about the tribe that, uh, Elon Musk sent star link to? Yeah, I did see that, bro. That's funny. So Elon got them internet to this like tribe in the middle of wherever they are. And,

They don't have much there by the looks of it, but now they got internet and apparently they got addicted to their phones, porn, and social media. Yep. That fast? Yes. Like the tribe leaders are all worried about it. I guess they kind of skipped everything as far as experiences in life. Think...

They didn't even have the radio. I don't know. Exactly. You go from like never riding in a car to having all of that. The whole world right here. But I mean, that's true to kids today, though. If you're born today, your whole life is going to be that way. Yeah. It probably gets worse, honestly. It's interesting, though. I mean, I'd agree the Internet.

does corrupt you. Yeah. Internally as a person, you know? Yeah. It's just accessible. It's right there. Well, I mean, when it really lost us was when internet is built to be addicting because it wasn't always built that way. The internet was the internet. It was there to help you and it still is. But now the internet, you know, Instagram, any social media built, uh,

around addicting you to it it's true to keep you on it you know it'd be a funny video bit is we go to that tribe and we like film like a little documentary like a docu-series of like showing how how desolate the whole tribe is now it's like a bunch of tumbleweeds rolling through like where is everyone oh yeah they're in their huts scrolling their phones yeah scrolling reels and jerking off i think that might be one of those ken ventures with a gopro yeah we'll send you ken i think

I think that would be such a great series, Ken. Like you travel the world with a GoPro with a GoPro and you interview people. And Ryan just books me on the sketchiest planes and I'll get you on like a decent. I love it. I think that's a serious show in itself. I think so too. It'd be so funny. Such an interesting series to show people. Oh,

Can you imagine? Because, like, I mean, none of us can, but, like, you don't speak any other languages or anything. You'd just be going in raw. Like, I don't even think, could you walk around Germany? Like, it would be. There you could, but. Europe you can. Like, most people speak English, but. Like, in the trenches of Germany. Not, like, tourist Germany. Like, you're going to Germany and trying to figure out, like, in-depth stuff. I mean, most of that's, like, you can make stuff work.

but you know, you go to like Asia, there's, there's no similar language or so dissimilar that you can't. I love it. I can see it now. So if we were to really make a show out of this, what we do is we have a camera crew that won't even say a word to Ken. They follow him and he's just got this fucking GoPro and he's kind of like, are we even using this footage? Like whatever, but they're filming him. Well, you know, really good. And then we actually got a real show out of it, you know? Oh,

Because the GoPro ain't going to cut it. If we're really trying to launch this show, when can you leave, Ken? Realistically, never. As long as he's got Starlink, dude, he can just print the orders right to the back. That's true. He's got to be a host of this show and still send the orders. That could be like a B-bit for it. The first part is him traveling, getting there, doing the interview, and then the second part is him trying to live his life back here remote.

Maybe get a Starlink sponsorship or something. We get some comments back from the show. Love all the interviews and seeing the life, but no more of the order stuff. That's boring. We really don't need to see you doing customer service. For the first one, we'll send you with Jake, and then maybe he can help with that tribe. You can try to get him not addicted to social media, and he'll try to get him to stop jerking off.

That's right. I wonder how it is. I'm going to call him. Shout out to everyone that had his back, yeah. Do you guys ever worry if he's capping? You're still jerking off? Yeah, Jake's the king of cap. Jacob. Yes? Are you still jerking off? No, I'm not. I don't do that ride. Still? We know this.

You don't jerk off anymore? Like you're done not jerking off or you jerk or you just don't jerk off at all? I just don't. I just don't do it. Period. How long has it been? I don't know. Like probably since last September or something. I don't know the exact day. What do you think? I got a calendar mark now? I think we're catching them in a lie. That's what I think. No, good job, buddy.

It's been a long time. Good job, buddy. We're proud of you. There's a tribe in Africa that got addicted to jerking off. We're going to send you and Ken down there, okay? Okay. I was really curious on why you guys were talking about me jerking off, but now I understand there's a back story. All right. See you later, buddy. Proud of that guy, you know? Takes a lot of self-control. I was talking to this guy last week, actually, that is a part of the church in some manner, but spent a ton of time in Africa, and he said, like,

You wouldn't believe how many people have, like, nothing, but they still have a phone. Interesting. He was like, everyone. Everyone had a phone. And they're living in mud teepees. How do they charge it? That's what I'm wondering. It is odd. I remember when I was in Mexico on the missions trip. It's like, people, like, legit have cinder block houses without roofs, just walls, but they got a phone. What? So, like, smartphones? Smartphones.

Yeah, like iPhones? Yeah, they weren't iPhones. Razors, flip phones? No, they were smartphones. I don't know what the hell they were, but they weren't iPhones. They're probably just almost for safety, though. Yeah, and Facebook ads.

A lot of them like Facebook. I remember. Really? Did you link with a couple of them? Yeah, they were like, we have to be friends on Facebook. Oh, really? Sure, yeah, yeah. But yeah, they all like Facebook. But yeah, it just, it is, to your point, you're right. They really like hyper-focus on Facebook.

obtaining a phone. I mean, I guess it's your connection to the world. The only time I went on a mission trip, we went to South Texas, so it was not like going wherever you went. But we were painting these people's houses in like Section 8 housing to help them out. And then they got home and one of them was holding a brand new Xbox 360 when they just came out. And they went inside and played FIFA on a big TV, like a 55-inch flat screen TV while we painted the house. And then we were like,

This system is... Yeah, well, that's on... Yeah, whoever lined that up. It was like a whole neighborhood that was all like Section 8, whatever, you know. Well, imagine how they felt, Ryan. Someone shitty-painting their house. They got an idiot painting their house. They're just trying to... At least it was free. Remedy the situation. Yeah, they're like, we can't focus on this. The stuff you're doing, you're actually bringing from nothing to something. Yeah. But you were just... I mean, the house, yeah, was just thrown up. We were doing sheetrock and some of them painting that up. Wait, so what's the gist of going on...

The mission that you went on? I think, yeah, just to help. But as the church...

they're saying like this is like uh god wants us to to help these people that are less fortunate or like how how are they like selling everyone to like come with on this mission yeah pretty much yeah you go there you're there you get in contact through like a missionary and then they're like this is where i am it's going well but you know we got a lot of work ahead of us and then they link up with the church and then you go help them do stuff like how long are you there working uh

Like a week. And how much work are you really doing? You're pretty much working like five of the seven days, let's say. And you're actually creating something that is worth doing? Like, how good of a job are you doing versus I can just imagine like the church has a bunch of people that don't know what they're doing. And then at the end of it, you got this project that's just half

put together. Yeah, so much of it there was like so crude that it was like pretty easy. Like you were just, okay, we need to build another building for the church. A lot of times just like a helping hand. Yeah, it's like, so I'm just like walking cinder blocks from the truck to the site. Yeah. And they just parked it down the road to make you feel better about being there. A lot of it was like, it's a lot of manual labor. Yeah, you're normally just a hand because there's not like an excavator. So if they got a hole to dig, just dig the hole. They put a young Mike in an excavator.

No, that's what I mean. He is the excavator. You just have to dig with the shovel. I mean, I was doing drywall when I was down there. What?

there at like 15. Where were you at? Like, did you know how to do drywall? Fuck no. It was awful. Where were you at? South Texas. Something like border town. But I also think like people were real sweet. It's gotta be really bad for them to be like, we didn't want the help, you know? Yeah. I mean, but I, I know I did a bathroom and like, you know, you trim out around like the outlets and stuff and it's supposed to be like tight. And there was big gaps. Like they would have had to read on it for sure.

It was bad. I feel like some of these places, it's like there's a new group coming in every week. Yeah, it's new. It's almost like built for that kind of stuff where there's people coming in. Yeah. Because there's always something wrong. Yeah, for sure. We go into the merch bin. Ken's got a mission. I was just thinking that.

A lot of it is just cleanup. Making the neighborhood look better. The one I did, we painted a school and the school has clearly been repainted in the last six months. Every week they're throwing a new paint job on it. That's so whack. They're not doing that. I'm sure they're particular about what they're doing. What do we do with this big guy? Have him go paint the wall. What do I do?

Well, it's going to need another coat. Yeah, they just say, all right, I'm on my 11th coat. A reoccurring job or house or whatever that they put people that don't know what they're doing on. It's like, okay, this group left. Okay, we got to mess it up again. This is the next group has something to do. Yeah, somebody comes in with like a baseball bat.

I saw this thing on TikTok. I think we're all going to like it. Mike, I think you're going to like it even more. So today we're going to be making some hot dog bacon live on air. Hot dog bacon. I saw this as well. It looked really good. Threw me off when they started like potato shaving the hot dogs a little bit. I'm like, I don't know about that. And then they put them in the air fryer.

This is what we're going to be doing. I'm actually really interested. I'm all grill and rind before this. I'm like, what the heck do we have two air fires up here for? Like, actually, like... Oh, wow. Yeah, I... Coming from the guy that put the pizzazz in his room. Right. I saw the... True. Mike did have a pizzazz in his room for a period of time. He put the house down multiple times. No, sir. That's a false statement that you just made up. Ken...

Is that true? Did he almost burn the house down? Did bring ants into the basement. Almost worse. Yeah, just because I come into the basement with a pocket full of ants doesn't mean you have to accuse me of almost burning the house down. One time though, Mike, I will say the closest time you were ever to burning the house down. Keep in mind, you guys do a poor job of telling me this because I didn't know that I almost burned the house down. Yeah, he was sleeping. So you came home late and...

You must've been really tired because you left the door wide open. And then you went down to your room and you lit a candle and then passed out on your bed. But when you lit the candle, there was this box of Kleenex is like dangling a

above the lit candle. That's pretty sketchy. And I like, you know, I didn't even know you were there because you never really come there. So then like, I was like, what the fuck? Why is the door open? And then I like go and like close the door, but then I see your cars out there. I'm like, oh, Mike's here. And then I went downstairs. You had a candle lit because you had your window open too, actually. So there was like, the whole house is freezing. That's why I went downstairs and I opened the door and you have this box of Kleenexes dangling above a candle.

And that was the closest I think you've ever been to burning the house down. I mean, that's pretty close. Let's go. Yeah, okay, so we have to do this ourselves? We do. We do. This is all part of the cooking show. That's how cooking works. I've seen this, actually. I've seen, like, the beginning of this video on Instagram. And you scrolled away because it was scary. The first part of it was kind of scary. It just made me uncomfortable. Yeah. Mike's eyeing these up. I know.

All right, Mike, you can't eat these right now. You can have the one that fell on the ground, but nothing else. These are for skimming. We're doing bacon. I think a nice... That makes me so uncomfortable. I really don't like that, no. Well, that's how you do it. I know, but it's just the look. I've had a hot dog.

I'm actually looking forward to this. Should be kind of fun. Did you eat breakfast already, Mike? Yeah, I had a couple pieces of pizza. A couple hot dogs? I brought some hot dogs for lunch. Actually, they're brats, but... Throw a dog over here and we'll get Ben on the peeler. Here, take this one, Ryan. Thank you. It's kind of weird grabbing it. Like, if you grab your hot dog like this, it's just fucking weird, dude. Okay, there you go. And then, like, imagine you just take a bite, like...

Okay, that's working pretty good. So potato peeler on the dog. Peel off some strips. I got the good hot dogs. These are cheese filled. We'll have to watch the chewing in the mic. No, but they were pretty good. That was a definitely subtweet at CJ. Yeah, I was chewing right into the mic. We'll have to watch the chewing on the mic. All right, do we have any more banana peelers? What are these, apple peelers? No, I believe they are potato peelers, and that was all the C-Store had, unfortunately, so we got to share. This is just pork.

Like, this is just a... That's what a hot dog is, Ben. Yeah, but this is just like manual labor bacon.

Yeah, I mean, it's going to have a little bit of a different taste. Some people make their bacon from scratch, so that's manual labor bacon. But, I mean, when you buy it pre-made, Mike started making his own hot dogs. That's manual labor hot dogs. That's a labor of love. That's the fun part. I load my own bullets. I build my own hot dogs. You load your own bullets? Yeah, it's just cheaper to do it that way. Is that what the hot dog company calls them? This is harder than it looks. Yeah, this is not easy. Mike's doing a great job.

Of course he is. Mike, have you made this before? No, I just, I literally, I saw this and I was like, that looks kind of good, but also really unhealthy. Eggs and hot dog bacon. Eggs? Eggs and hot dog bacon. Oh yeah, yeah, morning. Yeah, that's another thing. I guess I didn't think about having it in the morning. It just looked like a good snack.

That's what I thought. But also one time Dalton, our filmer, was like, hey, you want some hot dog chips? And I was like, what? Hot dog chips? I don't know if he called for that. And then he just like opens up a Tupperware of basically the same thing, but they're just cut into like little hockey pucks. And they just look like they got cooked in the air fryer. They weren't that good.

Dude, the cores are kind of gross. Oh, gosh. I do not like that. Kind of looks like a banana core. Or fucking apple core. Why did I say banana? It's kind of fun, though. I was like, oh, I don't know. I'm sucking on my fingers. I'm not looking.

Making a podcast is hard, you know? Like, you got to find things to do, things to talk about, stuff like that. And I feel like in the thing of talk shows and stuff like that, you eventually have to hit the cooking subject. Yeah, I'm down for it. You eventually got to cook. I like this. We brought lunch today. This is great. Yeah, me too. Cooking is always fun, whether it's from a professional or someone who has no idea what they're doing, because they might bring something new to the table, or they might just do something...

Normal, really, really wrong, and funny. Goodness, we've got a professional over there, right? I really don't enjoy cooking, but...

I think part of that's because I don't know what I'm doing. What I do enjoy is grilling. I've actually gotten pretty good at grilling. Just steak primarily. Have you grilled anything else? No. Not even a burglary? Just steak. Any corn? I've done some burgers. I've grilled some burgers. No, I did chicken, I guess, one time. It seemed like it got burnt. I'm just dialed on the steak. I know exactly how long to...

leave it and it just comes out perfect. It makes it way more fun because that's how it was at first too. Like throw a steak on, no idea how long to cook it. And then once you start getting the idea of when to flip it, you're like,

This is amazing. The thing is, every grill is different. There's a lot of factors, really. Are we doing hibachi this weekend for your birthday, Mike? That's always fun. If you guys want to come, that'd be awesome. Where are you doing it? At my house. In Fargo? No. Oh, okay. Yeah, I'll be there. Hell yeah.

Who's cooking? Probably either me or Tint. Yeah, you got to get Tint on the grill. He's the me's on the grill. Yeah, he do. He kills it. All right, I think we're ready. You're not going to do the cores a little better or what? I don't know how. You can't get in there any better? These things kind of suck. This is just skin, bro. We're just eating the fucking skin. I don't know what to do. We can just cook these cores. I knew you'd say that. Doesn't want to waste the hot dogs. I know.

I need some paper towels. All right, let's get these in the air fryer. Here, Ben, try a little piece. Honestly, I'm good, dude. Yeah? Yeah. Have a little piece. Ken, you need a dog? Not liver and onions. Liver for one is good for you.

For you, but not taste-wise. Yeah, it tastes like ass. Oh, there we go. Pop these bad boys in. Might as well throw the rest of them in. I'll have a couple dogs. Dude, nothing triggers Mike like Aaron is dirty business with the hot dogs. Yeah, or burning the house down. He didn't like that. Yeah, he doesn't like that. God, it just makes me not want to eat them when I see you just handling them with your hands, Ryan. I'm just...

Yeah, I don't know how much I trust the air fryer as a cook. It's not like an oven. Well, as a German phobia, I am not surprised. Oh, it's just making me uncomfortable looking at these hot dogs. Like, they're just stripped down. Naked and Afraid, a show for hot dogs that are on a plate in front of Mike. Oh, my God, your dogs.

It's like that one movie. Remember that hot dog movie, isn't it? No, it's... What's that movie? Yeah, what's the animated... It's just a sausage party. Dude, they're coming out with another one, a sequel. Really? Yeah, they just... Can we throw a full-size in or no? Yeah, throw them in. I just wanted... Then you can do it with your hand.

Have you seen the teasers? No. Oh my God, it's brutal. I mean, it's typical. It's funny. It's exactly like Sasha's Party, but I think now the food takes over and then rain comes. That's a real thing though. You make a movie so bad that people start talking about how bad it is. They're like, oh my gosh. There was this movie Tire that was on

Oh, yeah. That's different. Oh, my God. Have you ever seen that movie? Tire? It's the worst movie I've ever seen. The one with Shane Gillis? No. That's Tires. Oh.

This is just about literally there's no talking. It's just this fucking wheel. I thought the movie Tire was like really bad. Oh, that just killed people? Yeah. I thought you were talking about like sexy red music is so bad that you got to talk about sausage parties. That doesn't apply to us, but it's a real marketing thing. I'm talking about... You're mad because I said that I made the hot dog come. No. You're mad. You heard me. No, I'm not talking about like bad...

Like, in a bad way. I'm talking about sausage parties so naughty that you can't not talk about it. That's where I thought you were going, but you're just pushing it. That's another form of it. So, like, you can go different routes. So, like, you could be just so outrageously, like, naughty, like, swearing every word. But if you do something like that or if you just flat out make it so stupid that, like, people start talking about it. Like, have you fucking seen that video?

that movie tire or hot dog fest or ever sausage fest and then they're just those can't be yeah and then and then people are like oh i i hear this movie's terrible i actually i need to see why it's so bad and then they start watching it like it's kind of a form of uh marketing for marketing to it for sure i mean it's just down to the beginning of it you just start with a terrible movie or maybe who knows they just make the movie and they get done they have it all chopped up and edited and they're like

this is fucking terrible. What are we going to do? We got all this money into it. How are we going to make people watch this thing? Oh, we should pretend like we tried to make it bad. Yeah, yeah. One or the other. I mean, that's part of the play, though. People sit there and they're like, I wonder if they tried to make it this bad or if this was... Who was this? What was the point of the tire movie? I never watched it. It's just like this rubber, dude. And this is like tire, you know, literally just a tire, no rim, no wheel, nothing. Wow. And...

just like starts rolling off this like big stack of tires and it starts rolling around and killing people. Oh, it kills people. Yeah. I'm not mistaken, but when I, it was like in high school, I watched it. My buddies were sitting there thinking it was so funny. They're all, they're all stoned and they're like, this is so funny. I'm like, this movie sucks. They thought it was funny. Like, no, you got to understand it. They thought it was funny that I didn't like it. Suddenly we kept watching. It's like,

an hour and a half in. I'm like, all right, let's wrap this thing up. Might as well stick it out now. They're like, no, we got to watch it again. It's funnier the second time. God, it smells like hot dogs in here. I don't smell anything. Are you serious? Maybe it's going this way. It smells like Teflon and hot dogs. Yeah, it just smells like brand new air fryer to me, which is kind of a gross smell. Plasticky, burny smell. Something is, like smoke is coming out of that thing. Yeah.

It's a little smoky. It's okay. We're making bacon, dude. Got a sticker on there. Oh, shit. They do like brand new out of the box. I don't know if anyone took everything off. I did. There's still some plastic in there, but that's fine. That's fine. Microplastics. It adds to the flavor, you know. How are they looking? Plastic. I'm finding it delicious. Yeah, I mean, it looks like a bunch of cut up hot dogs. Have you seen, you guys seen the videos on Instagram where they, it's like the tires and they come off a truck and then they like almost hit somebody, but then like just by pure luck, the person doesn't get hit. Yeah.

I have seen those. And then I've also seen the ones where they do make contact and that's not as fun. Well, that's the whole thing now. Did we talk about this where they put like a long AI generated definition of something and it like throws off the algorithm and it'll just be like a picture of someone dying or a video of it. Yeah. It'll be like a video of like a guy in a paraglider and then it like breaks and then he falls on video and then it'll be like...

Thanks for asking. The Mercedes CLX is this car, and it's just a bunch of information. Why does someone want to put that on the internet? I don't know. Why does someone want to watch that? I don't know. Yeah, it's just again, the people. But let alone put it on the internet. Videos of people dying, I could always go without 100% of the time. But yeah, I saw a pretty wild one, and then it was just the description of the 2018 Dodge Ram.

And then, you know, that's how they make it. Yeah, so it's like they're tricking it into making people have to see it. Like, it's kind of just a, obviously a fucked up thing to do in your head. Yeah, it is a little messed up. That goes back to what we were saying about the internet earlier. Like, you start getting exposed to all these things and it just desensitizes you or it screws you up. Next thing you know, you're addicted to corn.

Maybe another minute or two. Okay. All right. You guys like your bacon crispy? Yeah. Yeah. All I know is I trust a man grilling in jean shorts. George Sommer. Whatever you say. And hot dogs are a hot topic. I know.

I know. On this podcast. I know. I kind of, I wanted it to be ready last week when we start talking about hot dogs again. And I didn't want to bring it up for two weeks in a row. No, I'm not saying this is bad at all. I'm just like laughing. I'm like, man, it's amazing how much content we have off hot dogs. So much. And I somehow am the one talking about them the least. It's because you're busy filling your mouth full. Yeah, that's true.

That's funny. That's a good joke. You don't like to mix business and pleasure. Well, I do. That's why I work at Seaboys TV. All right. I think the hot dog bacon is ready. Did it curl up like it did on the... Let me see it. I'll give it a try. Wow. It does look like bacon. There's not much left here. Was I looking the other way and someone ate some of that here when I was cooking? Well, you know how bacon works.

It felt like it was full when we stuffed it. There's like three things in that. I thought the same thing. You put a lot of bacon in the pan and not that much comes out. This looks phenomenal. When you go on a first date and the girl asks, Oh, do you know how to cook?

Yeah, I'm really good at making homemade bacon. It kind of tastes like bacon. Okay, I'm doing it. This is the budget bacon. This is 100% budget bacon. This is like the equivalent of making nachos in the microwave. And when I say nachos, I just mean tortilla chips with cheese microwaved on them. That's like the equivalent. It just tastes like really chewy bacon, I think.

It just tastes like a hot dog skin to me. Bro, I could eat that for breakfast. I mean, obviously, I think it's good. Obviously, but it's good. It takes a little effort. I don't know. You guys have cooked bacon before on a pan?

A lot of grease everywhere, you know? And if it's not, you know, if it's your oven or if it's not your oven or whoever it is, like a lot of grease everywhere. And that's what I've always hated about bacon. I suppose you can cook bacon in the air fryer too, huh? Get my back for seconds. Ooh. Oh, he's just eating the dog. Is that a raw dog? He's just eating a raw dog. He's a raw dog. Is that the cooked one? He's eating the dog core. Is that the cooked one or just the raw one? I mean, it's a skin dog. Okay. So it was the one that was in the air fryer.

I'm going to need some more of that. Well, that was fun. Now you got a nice new meal that you can make on the weekends, Mike. Now we know it's good. Yep. Definitely going to be running that one back.

i liked it yeah interesting man so that was a trend on tiktok yeah and then yeah and so many people thought it was so insane and i'm like well i mean it really is just cutting the hot dog up and cooking it versus yeah yeah you ever had peeled grapes no shit's the bomb so really it's so good what yeah i forget where it was in like some sort of fancy fruit salad or something that's insane yeah i don't know i'm sure there's a machine that does it but you just gotta grab it and like peel it takes a long time but it

It's been a while since I've eaten grapes. I had some grapes the other day. Kind of like hot dogs. It's like a kid food. Grapes are good. Unless they have seeds in them. Yeah, I was just going to say, then when I found out that seeded grapes existed, I'm like, why would you ever? Wait, so you have to spit the seeds out? Yeah. Interesting. Why would you ever? My favorite fruit is a banana. Throw some peanut butter on it. It's good. It's because of the shape. That's why I love hot dogs so much. Really? Yeah.

I haven't really thought about that, but it is possible. We're not going down this road again. We're not. We're not going down this road again. It's not raining today. What's your favorite food, Ken? Fruit, sorry. Probably apple. Really? Are you just saying that, Ken? I've never seen you eat an apple. They're always gone. Ken, you just didn't want to say banana because you thought maybe we'd think it was gay. Well, you already said banana. Oh, what? You can't have the same two banana lovers in one house?

Yeah, that would be a little concerning. I'm glad it's apple. Hopefully that's true. What's your favorite, Ryan? Oh, raspberries. Really? Yeah. The best, dude. How about you, Ben? Watermelon. Been housing a lot of it lately. Watermelon is good. Watermelon's a close second. I think watermelon's my least favorite fruit. Really? Tastes like nothing.

You just got to have a better watermelon. Tart water. I've tried. You guys are, you know, a lot of people. Tart water. That's what it is. Like tart water, you know? Like it's just like it tastes like something's wrong. Dude, people have tried over my whole life to convince me. Is it because you're worried that there's going to be a watermelon growing in your belly? Slightly, but it just doesn't taste good to me. It just doesn't taste good. My least favorite fruit. All right. Ben loves it.

Yeah. Everyone can have a wrong opinion. No, I'm not saying it's wrong. I just don't like it. Yeah. No, it's fine. No, he's saying your opinion is wrong. Oh. All right. Well, anyway, I want you guys, two cousins fighting over some fruit. I was thinking about this the other day, kind of random, but one of the most inflated things in the last couple years is houses, right? Houses in 2010. Especially bouncy houses. I'm not in the market, but-

Or in the mood, Mike. I'm trying to be serious. Shut your mouth over there. Nobody would know more about the bouncy price inflation than Mike. He was looking at getting one. Have you purchased or are you in the market? Yeah, they've gotten up so much. Talking with Grandpa Ron over at Games to Go. Oh, really? They've gotten up a lot.

I mean, obviously, it's an investment buying one, renting it out and whatever. But like, were you looking to get a personal bouncy house in the backyard? Yeah. That'd be fucking sick. CJ and Ken wouldn't let me. I mean, he did buy the floating inflatable thing for the water. That's close enough. That's still sitting on the field. That was pretty cool. That was fun while it lasted. That was. I ain't got time for that. All right. Yeah.

Go on. Anyway, so I was thinking about this, right, that houses have quadrupled in value. No, just price, not value. Yeah, price. Sorry. I feel like it's really the golden. No, I appreciate that. This is comedy educational. Mike is like a real-time auto-corrector on your phone. Yeah.

Correcting it in a way you don't want to. You try saying fuck and he corrects it to duck. That is the best way to put Mike. No, because I just corrected Ryan 100% legitimately and then he's like, no, actually. Yeah, I know, but it's when we're saying something and you go, no. And then you correct us every fucking time. Every time, dude. I don't even let you guys talk around here. It's mostly when they're trying to tell a lie for a story and then you're just like,

Thank you, Ken. Thank you. Yeah, thank you, Ken, for clarifying tell a lie. Some call it a lie. Others call it an exaggeration for entertainment purposes. Depends which end you're on. And Mike, you never seem to be...

On either end, you just put yourself in the middle and cause a problem. Ever? That's a lie. All right, carry on, Ryan, about your house prices. Well, anyway, what I was going to say about, but I feel like we're so sideways now, but it was going to be about realtor commission rates. That's got to be the most gravy job is being a realtor. Except you've got to sell one. I've always thought that. Yes, that's true. But think about it.

Think about it. Being a realtor for five years ago, you would make, they're still making the same percent on every house, but now you're making three and a half percent off of like literally $75,000 plus more. Yeah. In, in like in town, you know, I agree with what you're saying, but also everything has gone up with the housing. It's like, everything is more, more expensive. Like people are getting paid like 20 bucks an hour to work at McDonough's.

McDonald's. That is interesting. It is funny too. Like there's so many realtors in this area and they're all just trying to sell like the same houses. I was always so curious why they're like, thank you. Thank you so much for like, like whenever like we buy anything, I'm like, Oh yeah, whatever. Like, but it's cause they're getting like a freaking huge chunk of change most of the time when it's an expensive thing. Like if you were selling a million dollar house,

What are you getting? Well, it depends if you're double dipping. So if you're selling to the buyer and like the person buying that you brought in, yeah, it's 6%. That's insane. But if you're just selling it, that it's 3%. 60 racks on a million dollar house. Yeah. And that's exactly to your point why it seems amazing. So you can get lucky as a realtor. You can get like, dude, this. Yeah.

That's how they feel when we come walking around. I got the spot to be able to sell the house. And then obviously if like, let's say a buyer came around the next week that you're like, I got really lucky, but getting paid really good at McDonald's. Like you can't get lucky. Yeah. You know, it's true. You can't, well, I mean that into more than it is. Yeah. If you're trying to compare it,

I just, that's kind of what I'm saying is like everything's gone up, but still realtors. Yeah. And I don't get unlucky though and have the chance to draft it. Yeah. There's also like the, there's the house they sell in a week and yeah, you can bang that out. And there's also the house that sits on the market for four years and you're still trying to, it's true. A hundred percent. I don't want it to be misconstrued that I think,

Realting is easy or it's a gravy gig, anything like that, because I know many of them and I know how much work goes into it. And I tried to buy a house once without a realtor and it was a fucking shit show. Yes, it's very difficult to do all the things. So they do a good job and they have a very good thing. So I don't want to get that misconstrued.

I'm just saying it's a pretty good job because their wages have inflated so much. Like if the houses go up, your wages also get to go up. So that's kind of cool. That's a good point. I'd just be focusing on some rich ass homes. I'd be like trying to sell big buildings and everything. So the issue with that though is like the game of real estate or even when you're like selling a house is like you got a guy.

So like everyone's got a guy. Yeah. All right. So it's like hanging out at the country club. So yeah, I mean, it's getting your foot in the door with somebody who doesn't have a guy, but if they don't have a guy, they're probably not doing big deals or buying nice things. So you're going to be making a lot less money. If you're selling like a $200,000 home, you know, you're still banking a good commission, but not as much as if it was a $2 million home where you could be like

damn, I don't have to do much for the next three months. So that's the problem with that is I believe that it's like a kind of who you know situation. But yeah, it is interesting. There's so many homes in this area. So we live in a lake home area. A lot of the people don't actually live here. So a lot of times they have disposable income that they'll spend on these lake homes. It is insane to me how...

all of these homes around here are listed by like the same three people. Yeah. Like they got like a monopoly on it. It is wild. Yeah. And I'm always like, I wonder what you'd have to do to like get in there and get one of these homes. But I'd imagine when people are like, Oh, I'm selling a $2 million home. I want it sold quick. I'm probably going to go to the person that sells all the $2 million homes. Yeah. Cause they got the connection to selling. Yeah. The other thing though is like,

And I'm not trying to take away from realtors, but if you just put your house up on Zillow, most people that are looking for a house is going to see it nowadays, right? You got to wonder. Yes. If a house popped up on the lake, that was nice, and the owners put it on Zillow, it was priced right. But then you got to...

show it, you know, you gotta be available. Like there's, you gotta take good pictures of it, which for us would be easy. Cause we're familiar with the cat camera, but like I, there was one down the road that went up for sale by owner and I was intrigued. So I called him to check it out. Never called me back. Eventually got through to him and he's like, Oh, I can send you pictures maybe next week. Like he was an old timer. And I was like, dude, maybe you should have just paid the money to have the realtor because you are not doing a great job. It's still for sale. I think a lot of times like that too, is a realtor is going to tell you,

that they're going to sell it for more than, than you would. Yeah. So like, that's probably true. So the commission is going to just be, you know, you won't even notice it. Yeah, that is true. And that, that's,

powerful thing for for them and for other people doing deals if you can get so much more and then you take off the top then like everybody's happy but for sure it's like a lot of things i'm totally cool outsourcing stuff until it is just like too much i don't know what too much is but you know it's like i dude i i need the help i want to pay you for that and then some need to do a good job but like if it's just like oh you're making yeah sixty thousand dollars on this deal like but you only did

$10,000 worth of work. That's part of life. You can also negotiate a lower rate on a bigger house fee. I haven't heard it quite as much with like residential properties, but like when you're buying commercial properties, like that's very common. Part of the negotiation. That makes sense. Because I mean, if you're buying like a apartment complex or something like that, like the rates can be a lot lower. Switching gears a little bit. I was driving our truck and I'd actually hopped out of my car or out of the giveaway R8 into

into our company truck, the big Ford. And I was like, damn, these vehicles are so different, but yet they're kind of at like a peak performance of their class, right? Like we've got the F-250 diesel and then you got the R8, which is a sports car.

I was thinking they should start putting sports car technology into these diesels. How so? For one, the Valvetronic exhaust, like right from the factory, you should be able to like flip a button and make your like diesel truck just a little bit louder. And then when you want to, you know, you tone it down. Obviously, the aftermarket world takes care of this.

I was happy they did that in the Broncos. Oh, yeah, exactly. I mean, it's nice. It's extending in SUVs and stuff like that now. But I think they got to start putting it in diesel trucks, magnetic ride control, like something of the sort, you know. I'm sure they can do it with airbags. But, like, you know, in the R8 or, like, Ben's car, you stiffen up the suspension so it goes. They should put that technology in freaking the big trucks.

So you ride smooth when you're not towing, then you pump up the things. I agree. Yep. But I was like, they could make these things way more sports car-y. I'm sure they could.

and I'm not trying to be a devil's advocate here. I'm sure they could. They're already so expensive. You're dropping $110,000 on a truck now. It's like you start putting that shit in, what's it going to cost? $150,000? Exactly. They'll probably work towards it, I'm sure. Yeah, I'm sure they will, especially with inflation. There's got to be a group of people out there that are willing to just buy the nicest, most expensive one with the most features. Dude, I feel like they've just been testing that for the last...

However many years they're like, fuck it, dude. I bet if we put massage seats in this thing, some idiot would buy it. And then now a ton of idiots buy it. And then they're like, what else can we put in this thing? Dude, most of the guys driving diesel trucks are like the richest dudes, you know, like they're not ripping around an RA or whatever, just because they're working, freaking working for one. But like, Oh,

a lot of really wealthy guys just dig in a new, just top of the line truck every year. And it is. And, and those are the same guys that, uh, obviously trucks are modified all the time. Big truck, do whatever, build your truck. But I've heard so many guys that are just like, Oh yeah. I mean, I just keep her stock, keep her stock. But if you have 30,000 bells and whistles on it, yeah. Stock. They're already so dialed now. Yeah. Then they're happy. I,

I feel like just one company out there, maybe, maybe GMC has this, but just one company should hire somebody from a wheel designer brand and make good wheels for their truck. Yeah. Dude, like our,

Our F250 had just the ugliest wheels on it. And there wasn't many things that we didn't select in it. You know, like how are they not putting good looking wheels on cars these days? And our wheels look a lot better than Mark's. Our friend Mark. Yeah. But it's the same exact truck, but just a different wheel. Even uglier wheel. It seems like every wheel pattern has almost been done though. Like when you start shopping for wheels, a lot of these manufacturers have...

near the same design. Yep. Like, they need to bring back spinners or something. Like, that'd be sick. That's what Evan needs, spinners on his dog. That'd be so sick. They had a couple Caminos at the car show. Really? Yeah. Were they dogged out Caminos? They were not. They were lowered. One guy did have a Harley in the back, though. It was pretty sick. That's pretty sweet. I have no idea how he got that thing up in there. Full bagger Harley. Really? Yeah. Wow.

I mean, I'm assuming he did. It was just sitting in there at the time. Camino culture is back, dude. I kind of want to get a car that's on hydraulics, though. I'm in the Facebook groups. I've been looking, dude. They're expensive. Yeah, they're expensive because of the fact that you can jump the car off the ground.

Yeah. How much are they? I mean, for like the base ones that don't even have the, where you can jump. Cause obviously there's like, you can tweak it and stuff like that. And then once a bounce, I mean, our 60, 80 grand for basically a car that we would just bounce around with. Yeah. Get one for like 15. Yeah. Then it would maybe like be able to go up and it would be the $15,000 version of something that should be 60 grand.

Roll around on three wheels and shit. Okay, that'd still be cool. That would be cool. Put bigger batteries on it, though, and do it fast enough. Would it bounce? Yeah. Maybe. I don't really know how that works. It's amazing how many different car communities there are. You got the donks. You got the hydraulic.

You got freaking... Stance. Stock Corvette people. Stance. Yeah, yeah. Stock Corvette people, of course. Muscle cars. Old school. There's so many. The Carolina Squat. Why did somebody say the South Carolina Squat? That's what Gavin called it when I was in front. That was freaking funny. Yeah, lots of... The Tesla guys. Yeah.

Dude, they just came out with like an electric boat, wake boat now. There's no way those things are going very far, right? Dude, I don't know. It said you can drive at a slow pace for like 20 hours. What do you think about that, Ken? I checked it out and it was pretty sweet. As a battery guy, though, you said like avoid water at all cost. In that, though, it's like... Like water plus battery equals fire. Well, that's like something I would hope that they designed into it where...

And you're telling me that cyber trucks aren't able to drive through water with a rain? When the rain is fine, but if you submerge a battery in water, like there's breather vents and you have to put it in a special mode. Otherwise, the battery can fill with water and it shorts out. Is that common? There's videos of people that they drive in the boat ramp too far and then the car floats away and then it starts on fire. Oh, that's super funny. I love those. The car floats away? No, it starts on fire though.

After it floats away. Find a video of that. That would be fun to see. I love that. I follow this page on Instagram called The Qualified Captain. Now going to like Florida and stuff like that, like being on the lake, there's boating etiquette and boating knowledge. But dude, you go down to Florida, that shit is cut.

throat. Like they, the people down there know what's going on. And if you don't, you better be prepared to end up on this Instagram page getting made fun of. And they do a great job advocating for a lot of safety issues, but they always do that. Or like, basically what you do is you take a car that's too light, maybe just a rear wheel drive truck.

You put the boat on the back, right? Starts lifting up the rear. Truck starts sliding in. It just hits the water. And then the ramps there are very deep because they have such big boats. And then before you know it, your truck is underwater and your boat's floating. It happens all the time. You can hold the coolers. Everything in the boat. Everything in the truck floats up. Takes off, yeah. That's what we initially wanted when we did the Ford Ranger back before it was come and swapped was for the boat to pull it all the way into the water. We were cool with that, but then it just stopped because like,

I don't know. The boat just like slowed it down. Holy shit. It's fire underwater. Wait, is this a cyber truck? No, it's a model X. Whoa, that is so weird. It's on fire in there. Butterfly doors up fire. So it's not floating. Definitely. How did they like backed into the boat ramp too far? And then like the whole car filled with water and then, you know, don't have traction to get back out. It's a very odd fire. It's crazy. It's just kind of on fire on like the top of the door.

That is bizarre. Look at the bubbler. Like, what's making it bubble like that? Because the batteries are like, it's thermal runaways. The batteries are just on fire. It's just causing the next battery to start on fire. Dude, that's insane. You can have a fire underwater? Never thought of that. It doesn't need oxygen. Jeez. So how common is that? Like, if you were to fully submerge it, obviously. I mean, it's like any flood car, you don't want to buy that.

I'm going to find a video. I haven't seen that screen. I haven't either. That was interesting. That gave me PTSD seeing that. Oh, really? What screen was it? I missed it. The ship station. Ship station for all the orders. It was always kind of fun. Not fun, but like, you know, you're just chipping away at it. But,

But obviously it was not even close to the scale Ken's doing this at. A lot higher stress. Ken's crushing this. Yeah. He's professional ship stationing. It'd be kind of fun to do a boat ramp watching down in Florida. Oh, in Florida? I feel like you've got to. I feel like you could really get rowdy people then. You know, there's certain situations though where people are so good at like backing. Like, you know, if there's a fishing tournament and like, you know, all these guys are going to be dialed putting their boat in and out. Okay.

Okay, so you know how we build some crazy stuff on this channel? Yeah. Like, a lot of crazy stuff. Maybe not the craziest, but... Damn up there, I'd say. We've seen a lot on social media, but, like, dude, you know when you come across something and you just actually have no idea what is going on? These guys are crazy. What the heck am I looking at? Pulled right in front of that guy. I already know it's in India. Do they just...

Set out to build the weirdest thing ever, ever, ever, ever. Dude, you ever seen them with the tall handlebars, like the chopper bars? These guys just are building the craziest shit. I bet they would love our videos. That's what I kind of thought. That's where I was going, just contraptions. But look at these handlebars, dude. They're almost hitting the freaking telephone wires above them. That's huge. Semi-sharp. That's so crazy. Put it way over there. Go to some of their other stuff. Are these guys like they're building them?

Dude, it just... Valid stanky blues. Makes no sense. I love this, dude. I love how they have these, like... 18 million views. What's up with all the wheel rollers there? Yeah, what is that? What is that? That's so funny, dude. Is that powering it? People probably look at, like, half the things that we build, like, what even is this? We need to hire these guys. Yeah, no kidding. Think they want to come to America? We hire them. They come on. Ha!

They don't know how to speak a lick of English, but Big Wrench and Gavin have to work with them all day. No, no, no, no, no. 46 tires. What the hell? They look like they don't measure anything. They just weld. Love that. Dude, they got drone shots. It actually looks kind of pretty over there. I feel like you never see the country as in the rural areas of these. Yeah, you normally like that's what I think. Imagine if we went there and did like a video with them.

We should. Dude, India's really got, like, a motorsports community. Like, they do those really fast canoes. Yeah, the boat. And they have... We maybe showed this on one other podcast, I think, but they have, like, they're tricked out, like, rice. Like, rice combines or whatever they are. Oh, yeah. It's the weirdest scene ever. But, yeah, they, like...

harvest rice and they like trick their rice machines out like with leds and they literally rice them out yeah yeah literally rice out the rice it's the weirdest thing did rich show you guys videos of of all the mopeds when he was over in india yes it was the wildest thing just seeing all those things just rolling around everywhere and like they can get like four or five people on these little tiny mopeds we gotta go experience that for a video

Ken. I think we just sent Ken. Your GoPro is calling. Maybe like get an iPhone 4. Just make sure it's like. Really shitty. For a while, I got on like crawfish TikTok or Instagram where I was just constantly getting recommended crawfishing videos.

So there's this guy that kind of just became a legend, I think, in the crawfish world. Or he's got a company, but he always makes reels that I get recommended. Maybe there's many of them, but I only get recommended this guy's. We got to go and do it. I think it'd be a great video. Crawfishing? Yeah. Let's do it.

Let me see what the guy's name is. I know we'd also on the same thing, we talked about noodling. And apparently when you go noodling for the catfish, people get bit by snapping turtles. Because like snapping turtles and catfish live in the same zone. So I'm really... You just wondering how often that happens? Yeah, I'm a little bit weary of doing that noodling now. Do you lose a finger or what's the consequences? I mean, it depends. But in the case of this one, it's more like losing a freaking arm.

Geez, Luis. There's that really good looking girl on Instagram that... Hannah Barron. Likes to do the noodling. All right, this guy. Louisiana Crawfish Company.

Not a paid sponsorship. No, dude. He just, God, he makes crawfish and looks so fun. Really? I can't imagine that it's a fun job to do, but like I've spent like an hour just watching these videos being like, man, after my YouTube stint, maybe I'll go be a crawfish farmer. People eat these, right? Yeah. Crawfish. Yeah. It's not, it's a lot of work though. So the thing about it is, you know, when you sit down and you eat,

Like crab legs, right? Yeah. You have like three crab legs and they're probably good. But with these crawfish, you're putting in a whole shift just to have a decent meal. Jeez. And I kind of love that. I think it's like a southern thing, obviously, like Louisiana. It's kind of showing. Our Midwest is showing. We're like, how do you even eat them? No, I figured that's how you eat them. Just like a crab, but like... I mean...

crab is amazing, but you don't get much food for what it is. So I can only imagine. If you're in Florida and you're doing it, you don't. It's like you're doing so much work to get a little bit of meat. But if you go to one of the restaurants around here and get king crab legs. Yeah, because they're just like a half pound leg. So why are they bigger here? I don't know. It's Alaskan king crab, but down there they have more like just a different kind of crab. So they're a lot smaller. But dude, I'm not kidding you.

so fucking good i've been having crab like once a week if there's if there's any three guys i could sit on a podcast with it like more crab more than you guys i'd be very surprised well dude yeah last time we were in florida i think we hit crab like every night yeah every night and we were there for like five nights so yeah it was a lot a lot of crab yeah it's a lot of crab so fire though all this talk is making me hungry and all i've eaten today is that hot dog bacon

And as good as it was. I just could use some more of that. Wasn't that filling. So, Mike, we'll leave the air fryer set up for you. You can cook some hot dog bacon. We got a bunch of new stuff on the website. New stuff every week. Yeah. The website's just packed full. So go check it out. Get entered to win the R8. A bunch of stuff. This sign, the Wheelie Street sign, 69s.

Speed limit sign. Right there. Right there. Are the skateboards up yet? A bunch of stuff. Skateboards are in the next two weeks. There you go. So go check that out. Thanks if you've already gotten entered. Thanks for watching the videos. Thanks for watching the podcast. See you next week. See you next week. Peace.

Rusty Clark, an Army and Air Force veteran, needed treatment at a VA hospital. Meet his wife, Juanita. We live above Borgentown, West Virginia. It would take us about seven hours to get here. And I was prepared to sleep on the hospital floor beside of Mr. Clark.

But the Fisher House opened up that door. We had a lovely suite to stay in. We had food to eat. We didn't have to worry about that because the Fisher House, the foundation, Mr. and Mrs. Fisher took care of all that years ago, following their dream to make our reality that we were together and we could be treated here. It's a great blessing. Meet Rusty. I was in the Army Guard, and then I went into the Air Force, and then I met Juanita. Keeping families together when they need it most.

For active duty military wounded and veterans sick or injured, Fisher Houses make a huge difference. Learn more at That's Because of family's love. Is good medicine.