cover of episode Finding Who Stole From Us, Our Filmer Receives Death Threats, CboysTV Celebrates 4 Million Subs

Finding Who Stole From Us, Our Filmer Receives Death Threats, CboysTV Celebrates 4 Million Subs

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Life Wide Open with CboysTV

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
CboysTV成员:团队的测试假人Randy被盗,经过一个月的调查,发现是Matt偷走了Randy,并为其创建了Instagram账号,伪装成Randy度假。他们对此感到愤怒,并表示将对Matt进行法律追究。 Matt:解释了偷走Randy的经过,以及与Chase合作的过程。他承认自己的行为,并表示愿意承担责任。 Matt:解释了偷走Randy的经过,以及与Chase合作的过程。他承认自己的行为,并表示愿意承担责任。

Deep Dive

The podcast begins with the discovery of Randy, the stolen crash test dummy, and the investigation to find out who took him. The team discusses the prank pulled by their friend Matt, who created an Instagram account for Randy and made it look like he was on vacation.
  • Randy was stolen and an Instagram account was created in his name.
  • Matt, a friend, was revealed as the prankster.
  • The prank involved taking Randy to various locations and posting photos.

Shownotes Transcript


Rand is back.

ladies and gentlemen. OK three .

grand to kiss your car on T. V.

He got, say, a dolen from .

sea with TV crying.

That's my third.

He told me the day he's a gw.

Getting death. And what about .

that video? S.

There are certain times in life were fit really matters, such as when you're picking out sneakers to start meathes training, or picking out your shirt for a first date, or maybe finding the right size or bike for you. And fit also really matters when IT comes to finding the right doctor for your specific needs. The next time that I need a doctor, I will absolutely be using zc doc. So should you to stop putting off all those doctors appointments and go to dock, dock, dock comm, life wide open now to find an instantly tly book, a Operated doctor today, that is, Z O C D O C dock comm size, wide open. Dock, dock, dock comm flash wide open.

Today's episode is brought you by andy. Andy has made IT easier than ever to connect with skilled professionals to get all your jobs and projects done. Well, let me tell you, there's the version of IT where you try to do something in home.

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gets cover ahead. We talk about that looks stupid.

IT goes the nash, real ones. And I just wears a cobol hat and boots constantly.

That is a stone in a glass house from U. K. That is a stone in a glass's brother. Yeah, you would have hated mash.

We'll do. De, ah, you had a hate. T M, R. You might have actually like that part.

maybe just admitting from every speaker in that town was an up and coming talented artists that you'd have just absolutely loved.

Yes, no. Give the country music away from me.

Yeah, you could showed up, maybe tried to talk him out of IT. Like, have you guys ever heard of little people? Good guy, he loves. He was like, I did here. Uh, boby lude vell .

y song IT was on my new music credit, and I was actually a banger. The fact that I can see the coach moving from that is concerning.

yeah, do we have in the world .

my got so good.

had have to go on to die IT. If I somehow broke our access to the floor, for sure.

I think that would be the problem.


You crack the trust, do. When we first built this, we had like some sub show up and this one guy was huge, like, I mean, he had been three hundred pounds, if not more, and we had just built this. And I remember there are been this whole debate, like it's going to be short up here because we ve got bigger trust. Is the span in all this? I will have .

to find .

out from enough. IT was creaking still here.

So do you to pack audience today really piled in the last two eleven, while twelve, we got twelve people up here. We might be a capacity .

while government staying over here for like a weak straight, or maybe the trust are a little week now, are we?

Yeah, OK just a bad start. So yes.

yeah. Well.

maybe do Better next time.

So yeah, but kings are .

still .

doing all right now.

I started having .

a can yeah you don't know .

you rapp your bike minnesota viking steamed. And now we're losing. We've lost the past two games since you wrap .

this up because I did do that forty five weeks ago and just like didn't ride the bike and then now that I finally use IT and posted IT, we been on a losing I drink .

there's only one way to break this curse and I think we need to go straight your bike .

yeah seems like the answer.

Yeah you don't even write engine debates more. Anyways, you're big electric guy.

Well, up until we pillage the chaos, bake continued to a gulf coat.

You're although .

I am but yes.

I mean, do its insane how fully e we went. We just like, don't write are .

you don't like honestly, i'm going to look back on twenty twenty four and be like that was the year that just like out of nowhere, everything was just a electric. We've been using IT for for our whole life electric .

sofas to sock though and now it's like really good know yeah I like finally just caught up to the time .

IT seems like there's so many different companies popping up that are making pretty much the same product.

There is definitely different tears to IT. But I mean, it's like anything but with stark bikes, it's crazy how ahead of every other like manufacturer they are when there are nobody and you get like yamaha a cosi, K, T M, all these guys that haven't made something comparable and like they got like billions of dollars.

And how does that work? IT is strange. yeah. And they just puts them more money in the marketing.

K, T, M has a has an e bike and IT is much close to are e rides or a surround.

Then IT is to a star. So I just saw that K T M just came out with their twenty twenty five e by basically it's like uh the equivalent to the like five hundred or the the four fifty like x what is a full size .

like trail bike.

full size third side.

So obviously.

Out with epix? yes. Yeah, yes.

I heard rumor of honor. I don't really know what .

going on the matter.

You think it's because there's not like a super cross class for them, so they can't promote them in that way like they can't write them on biggest stage.

So they're like, I don't, ross, their biggest stage know .

that like rush are big .

marketing probe.

their biggest I thought I was the .

most eyeballs.

Probably they get like twenty five percent or less of people who owned their bike watch, super cross and motor.

I S like you. I just generalizing, like bikes and .

generally how many people I totally agree .

with you. I think it's just like racing, like nice car. Like you think anybody buys a fucking camry because it's a nascar? No, no notice. Ever thought a camera because it's a nascar.

but it's like they're promoting budget.

What when you're watching that when you're watching that car and they have like the body of a camera on the toyoy? Car.

why this is going to be sick too?

I'm obviously in the door pox like that's like our world that we live in and even i'm not even that into super cross but I am in the hain degen. I think that he's I kind of bridge the gap of personality and then supercross where you don't just have to be into like the racer to like watch him or follow them or be in them. So I think you're going like see maybe more and more racist like trying to do that, like get outside of super cross.

The thing is you gotta be that guy even without his dad though, is kind of got that that celebrity like or yeah, the way he moves IT just seems like key is he's just a cool guy, you know? I don't know. It's like very similar to like James store back in the day, like he was a big deal in motor cross. You know I think that once haden gets onto the four fifties, he'll be like you know the superstar or the guy who like he's obviously a professional motor cross acer, but then he'll be out you know Robin shoulders or abbots with like celebrities and stuff.

I think it's great to have a guy that's good on a bike and good on camera. So that's why IT seems like IT takes a while. You A I don't know, you just got IT yeah got IT I be .

the most polarizing thing in super cross right now is like when he goes to four fifty you got a bunch of people little like, yeah, he goes to four fifteen plays the big boys that do its toast .

if they're that bottle at every level.

I think he is healthy. He's gonna do good if he goes down the road like fork. Now anything can happen.

I think there are so many people that just like want to see lose just because i've like, you know who he is. Yes, and that's just like the nature the beast though I don't know that at the end of the.

看一下 you .

never know yeah still watching exactly。 Speaking of internet drama, you know we've been pretty vocal about the loss of someone real close to us. It's like a whole i'd been ripped right out here. I for I sell for maybe off camera. Yeah, piece has been restored in camera.

I'm happy to say a whole .

that couldn't be filled, i'm happy to say without further do.

Oh my god.

So god down.

Big Randy's back.

ladies and gentlemen.

we ve got a crash test dummy back, and we .

found out who .

so and .

absolutely .

is back.

And he's already .

reckon shit is leg phone off.

Ican took the sign out when you're going .

to step on the sign.

So IT just really makes you appreciate how much work our body went through. We found out who took just actually a couple hours. Ago, and.

I would like a he grab in like a bowling ball because it's a hundred .

pounds of dead weight. yeah. So if you guys missed last week's podcast actually or you don't follow us on instagram, we have posted several times that our team, my reckless Randy has gone missing and h IT took us about A A month to realize this but where an event called hates and uh Randy was sitting in the passenger seat of our red many truck and then after the truck came home, Randy was not in there after three weeks or a month, we ve realized that we started doing some research, and then we ran across.

Whoever ran his capture was started him in instagram page, right, called Randy corner. That grew very fast because we are like, fully convinced at this point. So whoever took Randy stall him and is like hold him against is like basically holding him postage.

right? Well, if you look at the instagram.

my d look like is a, well, he was just .

making a look like that. So whoever store Randy then created him an instagram account and basically just made IT look like Randy was on vacation. He was saying, like that this Randy doesn't actually want to be a test dummy.

He wishes he could have the title of the seven.

seven sea boy. yeah. Like he feels like he needs more credit for what he does and was basically just like holding him hostage against us until can made a public love letter to him on my love letter to give.

yeah, no. Can never have a private relationship. The love letter was never made too, Randy.

But Randy said he would come back if can would do that. We did mention that on the last podcast. Can not comfortable with that.

yeah. So kenn was immediately like Randy were twenty five hundred dollars. Whoever storm, we're going to put him in federal prison, federal bali, in the state of india.

He was even put in the value on the chair that bRandy was sitting in the, and he was like that. And over that could give them an extra teen years for whoever stole them. So like can and and you have a very special relationship, will pop up some like pictures and clipsed, obviously like that can personal lives. So will drank y that personal .

leave IT up for a long time on the screen, right?

Still talking, still going. You know, we wanted to get Randy back, but really, we had absolutely idea.

Who still .

no idea were in.

We looked everywhere. We were looking at the pictures, google searching, trying to figure out what truck stop he was at.

We uncovered every leaf, found out that can is a fucking in detective. No, no. I got to say our subscribers definitely helped with my my investigating. They did give us some tips here and there, get.

So Randy was posted up in a casino gambling and can like scour the internet of casinos that had this carpet, this like pattern on the floor, two atterson, that two patterns combined. And then he was looking at google review photos and like cross referencing them. And then he ended up finding the exact casino. I found the exact caso, and IT turned out I was right.

You know, the best part about all that, like when you're looking at like the power lines and all the clues you could look at, you found the truck stop. Guess what?

Where got us?

Where I found the truck stop.

The rani was that cool again.

And then I found the casino. He was like, two behind IT all.

And they were those gas station in arizona and then a casino in michigan. Yeah, so very far apart.

Randy, Randy was traveling the world at least.

is a problem in the united states.

Well, from what we know, I heard that he got a VISA or he got a pass for credit card. Yeah, yeah, really is got a whole identity. Yeah, it's got a credit score and everything.

That's why the guys stop.

Yeah so obviously, you know, we did the podcast on the last week, two things. They said, you guys know where he is and you're just make IT seem like you don't which was a lie, partially, partially, partially a lie. The honest ones in the room did not know where he was. The good guy, everyone, that's not a the wheel and the at .

yeah basically the only the two good prank. The two, like real people who not a troll on the channel, knew where he was.

You guys got guys got a turns of .

table there for real.

What was the second point? I lost my friend to thought there was just think about how much of a wio eleven was.

But you just to say people who either happy that .

rand he was gone to live? yeah. No, no, no. They thought that we took them, or they thought that jie per nau IT was like one of the .

other in a year. So renny has and always has warned bombs and .

still does .

wear bombs, bombs glasses at skate park and sporting some new ones. And they had these like kind of these extra new ones and so I jake was just getting like, obviously jack m, he's in new bombs and I don't know anyone could order bumps, but do even i'm getting adjustment by your dad the other day and then he's like bands that and he's like, a so yeah, James got Randy and that's pretty funny and was like, does he like, wow. Because of the bombs, you know and I was like, I don't know but anyway, a lot of people thought that jake was the capture yeah, just because of the sunglasses .

come to find out, uh we are actually all wrong and um the capture is currently sitting next to Michael right now off camera and IT was my .

friend matt. Can you could probably just tear .

up that um the papers that you had filed, I think I might be too late.

Sorry, last time, pull me come on .

because that I do have some question. Yeah.

this is mad. We met, met through rich riches. Build the track.

You need some help.

you I having just five box now. Matt, somebody, i'm so zilla, i'm sorry for what I indirectly said about you.

Do what you indirectly said about me was hilarious.

I have I know how busy shit can get a curb stuff is asked whether we have a set.

said, he said, this guy obviously doesn't have a job with all the time.

To be fair, to be fair, you are putting in some work behind .

behind the video like, so I mean, Randy is no joe heavy. yeah. Hundred eighty power to Carry. I could not have done IT alone, so I had to accomplish to. But this set out to chase boys coming down with me for going to prison.

You know, he's going. You're to sign a what's IT called. When you like, do a thing or like you clear of the charge, you turn in your body yeah.

Like a deo deo.

yeah ah that's already going to predial.

Yeah, chase is going .

down with me going down, but he is really hard.

I actually didn't want to do IT. Chase was one. Switch.

no, I glad you had me on here.

somebody honestly, and I do have to say, like, again, I am not a true master. I don't know if I ever will be. Matt just came up to me while we are at hate days sunday everybodys packing up he goes, hey, we're head the california this what if we took Randy and then at first, I just like, I don't know .

is like your kid.

he's pretty heavy and then I was like, mean, how long you guys going to be gone? Yeah like thinking about IT like sentences I don't .

know I school starting next week but yeah.

we know he's going to be heavy but chase, I will take we're going to california after that we're going on a arizona wherever yeah and I was like, yeah do IT do IT do IT and then you came back to me like twenty minutes later and goes, evan sauce taking Randy so please.

I walk up to the .

trailer and in, yeah, mats truck is park next to the trail and it's already on the trailer. And h chases just like basically look like you trying to move him in that chair a few minutes ago, just like heads fAllen off, stuck in the truck.

Yeah, there's no way we could have got a way with them without .

without lcn smooth.

And the problem was just taking up too well, he said. A party can shop him in back .

the trailer too. I wouldn't .

want I had to Carry everyone to. Yeah, who do you think would be more big much?

You won't say on camera you are Randy. I'm modern who's heavy? Me very sure. really.

Two sky are .

two hundred .

less than .

that about the one .

eight five, one eight, one eight.

five. Is he really that happy?

I don't know how.

yes. So the pictures where he was down at the water fishing chase was not around that time. And I was like, I have to get some pictures within fishing. I Carried him by myself down the dock, put him on the chair, set them all up and then Carry him back up the dog. No one's.

A lot easier said than done because once everyone around here started realizing that Randy was gone, I was like, you, the instagram, to fire that thing up, man, fire that up. And i'm like to start doing some shake with them. And then you, you did so much awesome stuff with them for the instagram like way more than I. I was just hoping for pictures around the country. And then next thing you know, he's like driving stuff all by himself and you mind, he doesn't have working thumbs or a brain.

Yeah, I did. I will take my hat to you, matt. Like you did create something pretty funny for a lot of people to enjoy.


I spence of ken's love life. I was on the in my seat just when you going to post next. I'm so happy to work .

out the way I did, like some of the post I was super nurse about with, like the the background, everything, like we were going to send go tracking ers and like men, they're going to find them for shared and then only went to the casino. I thought we, I thought we were cut because we had to go past .

security in the cameras everywhere. People like take into you yeah.

we'll share at that point. Well, after the after Carrying him down to the dock, I was like, there's no way. There's no way we're doing this.

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I just, that was actually really funny because, uh, I had even mentioned that to someone, but I was like, man, if you were me like knowing how heavy is I totally put him in a wheeled chair and then the next post you out in a wheeled chair like, yeah.

they're thinking so the whole time though, we were saying, like, I figured evan knew who I was just because he's a little wise. Our thing that we always said was like how it's one of evan's buddies. And the reason I thought that was because he was in a wheelchair and like event bodies back home, I always hurt.

They are. No.

they they're not. They get so they get so it's so drunk and the White to the party, so they will chair. 对 like 应该 叫 C J。 Soon so slim .

over the last like six months and he started with like a the locks .

office chair to get .

around his garage。

Like what do you mean to get around his garage out drinking on stuff.

to turn the ranch zip .

tie or something? What time is said?

As soon as he steps out of his house into his gradual, he sits down on the chair, and then he can take IT to like the like to the garbage. And whatever he's doing in that chair.

he doesn't care if he doesn't leave that chair till monday. He was like to say .

that on the weekend he sleeps in IT.

I mean.

pride does get out of IT. I think he just like when he has nothing going on for the weekend, I don't give a shit if I don't leave this chair tolt monday is he's just plane IT by her. I started with the office chair and then he upgraded to like a Normal wheelchair that you roll around and then so we get rid of the office chair, and now he's upgraded to a fully electronic Jessie that he just drive around shuttle.

A little place like .

hocking, and I think is line with something long lines of life is too sure to have to walk. wow.


So that's how we knew that he wasn't slim.

knew. That's why I thought that he was because I knew. I knew that he got a dress and he just have a whelmed laying around now. So I was like, oh, dude, I bet that was really chair.

That actually doesn't make sense.

Slum gets a van so he just straight up, doesn't have to walk at all. He just drive his I draw some Peter griffin would .

do tell the .

story of .

like when you guys we're .

are trying to .

get him to the casino, the security guards were like, what are you doing and then when the gal asks, when you guys were filming .

for so so just the casino after we went to the beach, so the beach again can actually in for, no, no, no, IT wasn't. So was right again I was on like michigan an where yeah true and .

quick back story last night as orbis cans .

literally doesn't know still doesn't know we're hiding IT and he's going through this whole instagram showing me the pictures of how we could like narrow down the michigan and narrow down the as soon as he got to the casino he's the gas a forests in new buffo and I was like, like, oh my well.

can you he got .

IT in my head is a literally exploding yeah but I have to keep IT all together to like, not lose IT IT was so hard then like, yeah.

I got the security camera I hoped.

I really hope no security .

but the manager was not on .

duty when I call, oh my god, go back well, that said.

kan was hot and bothered about Randy's disappearance. That said.

going to the casino after the beach day, I was like, we have to take him to the casino, so we go roll into the front door in a wheelchair. He looks like a dead person. Yeah, I know his legs. You're just dragging.

Looks real.

He's real in my life. He's real to me now. He's part of my family. My whole family knew about all of this new look following Randy. My mom, this is a good one.

Before I get distracted, my mom, before anyone even knew about Randy instagram, I had two posts out, no followers. My mom followed IT. I was like, mom.

what are you doing?

What a support of them off there? I away. She's like going, I didn't know so but then the casino, we roll into the front thing and then you have to go through the the metal detectors and instantly goes off because he all metal inside yes.

And so they're like, oh, what are you guys doing like, right? You know, we're kind here. We just want to take some pictures with him at a machine or a table or something. Whatever you guys think is okay, we'll let us to do. We we just want to take some pictures .

cause no trouble. They're like, i'm not sure. Like.

yeah yeah, be cool. No, so we roll in that they end up like, okay, you can just go right here and take some .

pictures and the whole secured work .

plaining this whole thing. And then finally, they get real cool with us. Like this is actually really funny.

What's the what's the channel? And I don't know a whole lot about like you guys is back story, like back in the day when you guys started, but chase does and I didn't know this part and had me cracking up when I found out about IT. The lady goes, oh, this is really cool.

How can I find your youtube? And he go, C, B, T, bis. And I kind of looked at, I kind of looked at one. I like, that's not right, but okay.

And so and then he did yeah and .

then afterwards was like, is that about he's like, dude, they say at all the time to people that don't know. And I like that actually really good.

pretty funny.

So what were people, dm, in you?

Oh my god.

Everything from dm, Randy.

yeah, yeah. Dm, in Randy, the dm are insane. I mean, we all given to you, and you can just go through.

Yes, I was .

wondering if anyone would see you trying to get a photo? Yes, bRandy, we were worried. Yeah.

like people there, we were very nervous. There was a lot of times the one that we were scared about was the casino in the skate park. The skate park was sketched because I was at a high school and I like, oh, no, there is a lot of people .

here who probably follow .

the same school with a White chair and literally pushing him down, raps watching.

I didn't get to see clip of him writing, just him lying on the ground.

The problem was IT was hard to get the the clip without one of us in IT. I was suspecting that golf cart video was easy because we could get a run. IT was that my parents asked on the big hill in front of their house.

Chase literally ghost rode my dads golf car down the hill. I couldn't catch IT and IT hit the trees and folded the whole top in. I have a video of my dad watching the video for the first time in the living room.

He hadn't seen IT, hadn't seen his golf cart, had no idea happened. And he's like, what was the instagram again? And I like, very common, and I literally get my phone in. This can be good. And he really is scrolling and you watch his face.

He's like some of a Better.

you red my golf cart .

IT IT was so good.

Now one my fucking top of my.

We had to buy in the top for this gulf guard.

but he was like the dead.

I say the beach one had to be the most. Chi, he did .

without change.

The fishing one. The fishing one was just me, me. And chase wheel that wheelchair down the Sandy beach, probably three hundred yards. And we were .

dying when I Carry mica, tell the beach on my shoulder when you, when your angle was .

jammed up your plane.

So sponsor our body, Spencer and he goes, you are good friends with the boys. And I want to print the shit out of them. Show me, Randy, name a Price.

So I just see him to beg ago. five. K, i'm yours.

So there, is there so many ways .

that you could .

play this .

right now there?


everyone thought jake had him. And that's why we kind of frame to jack and I apologize, tension. Well, kinder, not really at first unintentionally, but then when everyone was hitting and up and was like, it's got to be jack, it's got to be jack because like we were .

deafening and atrocities. Ake, now, well, we so got this whole weekend .

to that mess with jack, yeah.

So like, point doesn't go till tuesday.

What have you got a picture of Randy sleeping in j bed without without check in there and then you posted and jack really like, oh, you guys, I sure this is my walking back or or we do that to dollar.

dollar gone for the weekend going with .

house that would be a set up I think jj.

j is funny. Your, but we should do something to both of them. And yes, yeah.

Has anyone posted that? Randy here? Jake driving simulator um yeah, does jake have a security cameras?

The best part about all this, we don't even need to ask andy for consent.

I don't know. I don't know. He's kind of a humid. I'm still sauty about the whole instagram thing because he had more .

of a following than me. And fair for you to be like, dude, i've been built my going up for a little. Then Randy passes them in like two weeks.

No, no less than two weeks. Yeah, way less than two weeks. When he passed me about deleted, deleted instagram. How something?

What should I? D, M? Dt, hey, baby.

a little truck boy.

What do you call that like that?

Come a cowboy. Hey cowboy.

I want to be on one. Your new third trap videos .

really kind of gay. It's fine and he is gay.


it's whole time. Yeah, you're all around.

I just do up. Hay, cowboy.

So one thing I want to say on your pod and live for all your listeners and all your followers. Okay, do not steal. okay?

I didn't steal Randy without consent from one of the guys. I know it's kind of already thing to do. Don't steal for these dudes, don't go to hate and think you're onna walk away with stuff that's .

not happening and you ate that. But it's going to take a lot more than that to get out of what can ds got filed.

Really use you as .

an example actually that you're an example .

I like i'll be an example that's about us yeah things like fair from like .

evan and ice standpoint, especially like I I do have to apply everyone who just like relatively serious or dead serious that was just like get back. Don't steal. We appreciate that.

And for those of you that didn't know who still really, really did appreciate that. But then I also appreciate people just found the ultimate humor in IT because IT wasn't inside job and IT is so rare that I troll any other guys. And again, this was mostly match and chase idea.

But like the only other time that ever stroll ban was with liver unions. IT was a good one. I helped .

you with that dinner.

Yeah yes yeah. But I mean.

was actually really .

IT is just it's good to roll the troll master then in cj. They are good at what they do and it's pretty rare that we do that. So that's why I was most on board and I blew up. This is so funny.

I was so entertaining, like the last couple of weeks when the instagram really blew up and just in the morning, so satisfying to yeah every .

day though, every single day again, like.

back is broke cans workers there just a much internet detectives as he is and I was like, we're fucking paying you to work here, not find Randy yeah and this is all even oversized two, you cost us more, more. Sounds ridiculous.

I just honestly thought he was gone and I just thought he was gone as like they're just gonna n this instagram for as long as they can to try and build as many followers. And I was playing into IT. We're never going to get him back. I was kind of like, well, whatever I was just thought.

we're going to have to buy a new at all. After can came out publicly and said, i'm send you a federal prison and then Randy was quiet. I was like, oh yeah, that guys, that rand isn't the bottom of .

somewhere I was was more so just mad we ve got stolen from I I think you got stone from kind of peace of the I. P. A. And some of us.

There was never a plan to not bring him back and actually mean, mike talked yesterday before the all this went down. Maybe we just don't, you know, reveal that this week we keep IT going .

and i'm like, mike, listen.

I love you but no way yeah you are our bx broken yes.

we do anything. We get my .

test solar than later. I be great.

Couple weeks, guy, this whole phone to bacco. So I like had a using an ipad. I was an ipad kid for a couple days, couple of weeks. Mike was the last person to use this. Ipad was like one of our company ipad.

So I signed in undermind, but I still had max eye message on there so that he was getting tax while I was getting tax for like a couple hours, right? I was like trying like get rid of like the overlap, right? All the photos and everything everything I could have read through all of your text like i'm not a snob and i've been more concerning .

just that particular one. I don't really have anything to hide.

but I don't know that there was even a thing until you texted mike and I was like, I didn't know I had that number and I read one message and dude, you said something related to this, but I was like, in one year out the other, you were in a suspect at that time in my eyes and so I was just like, man, I really got to figure out how to get my pocket found. You get now knowing. I look back at IT.

but uncle rich called me and he was kind of acting like he knew. And then I almost killed the beans to him. And then, uh, I realize that I was on speaker phone in the shop, and I just about, I hung up the phone.

I did know who might be listening from the next room, like I almost said too much. Turns out he had no idea. No.

I made a mistake, basically not like he was the first thing he said really hey, here's the plan. Probably just don't tell rich well .

and it's not anything against rich, it's not against anybody. But like the less moving parts.

the Better.

I understand IT because like if we ever have anything plan, unless people that I try and tell like one person, C J. And then even if IT involves like are we have to have like evan, and can do something, we don't even tell them and tell like the very last second yeah at the chance that they could ruin something yeah well, IT usually get room. IT does that? I was so that I didn't get room, but I am surprised you able to keep a secret for that. Have IT a happy back? GRandy.

yeah, i'm happy. Honestly.

I just didn't I just didn't know that Randy would have this much of like, in fact, on our lives and that we .

hoped that this IT would go exactly how .

when what if you Better but what .

if a feeling like when you set next .

presence? Ora, what's up about that? Ah yeah people keeps like every time I going to tiktok, I see like .

really you don't .

then ah what that even mean.

It's kind of like when you do something and I just like works out really well and you just like look really cool, then it's like plus you know I mean .

a thousand ora so your ora is like your coolness or your law behind you. It's like of who you are and how you move. If you do something cool or slick, IT increases your ora. But if you like walking across the room and trip, like the girl across the room might be watching you like SHE would think of you like school.

You had like A C seven car vet and your drifting back, and then you did one of those roll back, and then you did IT like .

between two very expensive .

cars and and then did IT away everyone be like that? Yes, yeah. And I do de taxi speed, nice. Yeah, he is always going, but that would be like, do some really, really crazy that you should have even pulled off and everyone's like to that wasn't sane then your art goes.

mike might be time for you to get to see six. What's what's the update on your your drift car?

Jeff car got sent off to our boy cody, and he pulled the .

turbo .

off of IT a you .

have exhaust that goes up the back and side of the hood, and they clean up the mess of a wiring harness. Mostly IT wouldn't start on fire again.

That makes me sad.

Say this clip here, few months.

That was the best part about my car.

Yeah, flames.

man. Some people shoot out their exhaust year cards.

Light on fire. They actually say, olid on fire. It's super solid. Now.

yes, I ordered more fire ettinger ishness than we should ever need in the next year. Just I could have them .

for the different but I .

like place around .

yeah they .

all for the record yeah I .

have two in there because my track record.

we need like low fire stations around the really just around all our compounds. There was something like when I bought my house, I went out, I bought fire extinguishers and then, like, grew, came home. And I like how to tell her where I put these fie extinguishers. And maybe that's just something to grow in older. But I was like, why isn't this like more talked about because if something did go south and I just never like win out in by farc stinger ers and maybe this is just a known fact, I don't know.

but this seems like a i'm also picking great up being like, you know, let's say you bought three or four fire extinguisher es for your house she's Price oh, why did you do that? Is our house?

SHE couldn't believe. IT actually he was like, this is just crazy to me that you think like you're actually worried about this.

You like, no, yeah, but you're a between.

Ramper, yeah, yeah, yeah. That is should happens.

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Hi I M. G. Hicks, cofounder of andy. And one thing i've learned as that you buy a house, but you make IT a home, because with every fix, update and renovation, IT becomes a little more your own. So you need all your jobs done well for nearly thirty years and has help millions of homeowners, higher skilled pro for the projects that matter, from plumbing to electrical roof prepared to deck up grades. So leave IT to the pros who will get your jobs done well, higher, high quality certify proof that and com.

So the other night I was fAllen to sleep, and i'd probably ly been like a sleep for like thirty minutes. And then all the sun, I don't even know I opened up my eyes or what happened, but I saw like a movement in my room and IT scared the shit out of me. And I like, rocked IT out a bit. And i'm like looking around. I was fully convinced that like somebody broken into my house, because I saw, just like a black shadow moving through and then I look over, I see my bedroom door is open so that i'm really tweak en. So i'm like what the fuck is going on on and i'm just sitting in their silent, like trying to listen to see like there was like movement outside and then like for some reason just out of nowhere IT just go oh my god, I left the grill on like IT literally went from getting walking out from a dead sleep to thinking somebody robb, my house to just like immediately .

remember I left .

you actually it's .

amazing did you leave I ve made that night .

and I wash my stakers can be done so I left IT on and I went inside and then I got a call from my mom. Totally got distracted and then I fell, fell asleep and woke up from a dead. Do like, I swear somebodies watching out for me.

yeah. Like, how crazy is that was a little little. yeah.

I have been hot. Girl, crazy, right? yeah. So I like.

get out of bed and I just, I just like, hates me and I was, oh my god, I rock IT out of bed. I run over, open up the siding door, turn off.

really is on takes just about done.

Yeah, I turned IT off and then I like, come back in and i'm like, like, still like, just like kind of tweet and over. Watch this happened.

Going to goes, what happened? You're like mistakes well done.

Now no going to goes, ah what were you doing? And I was like, not about to explain what I had just done. And I was just like, uh, just going to the bathroom. He was like, why we go into that path I was like, oh my god, I don't just going to yeah I was like, just going to be if you just go to bed then yeah and then I, and then I explained IT like the next day that I was been on a clear yeah yeah .

if .

you just said .

you were going to the bathroom, that's right your room you just like disappear outside .

outside yeah you're right.

Since i've moved into my house now and it's it's older, sixty nine years old, I have been a little bit worried about ghost like .

they're not real well.

you never know. Bench just had a ghost and thankfully told me to turn .

off the girl .

think out of me.

Ah clearly did something good to deserve that.

And so like that's the thing is you can have different types of goals you have good goes bad.

S so do you feel your houses haunted?

I mean, no, except sometimes the the basement a little creepy. Sometimes when you turn on the light .

or turn off the light down .

there know so basic. Turn off like right upstairs.

this cream you got like seven windows that go directly out.

It's a little creepy. There could be ghost down there. And then to help a loners got me watch and go shows, you know, all those scary things.

To get lucky, if you capture a ghost, you'd be the first person ever IT would be the best in your best interest to have goes on that else, because they've never existed anywhere else.

But people been saying .

they've existence.

They are liars.

So you don't believe in. Go save.

Dude, absolutely not. Show me one. Show me anybody that has any actual proof.

It's funny. F, because I saw this video and I thought, like you, maybe this ghost is speaking the eve.

They want me to drink another whisky.


that's a weird post.

That is a weird impulse, man.

Dude, out of all the times that we've been ghost hunting and stuff.

I have never had an impulse. I want to drink that right right now to be.

It's the weird thing like I want to .

do IT can you do IT .

would you like to now that .

tell me we should do IT you never done this before in a lockdown? That's that's three shots of whisk you just did pro feels good.

Right, that was way too quick. I was great.

You started talking about you at ghost, and then maybe think about my ghost.

Is that actually a? Is that a joker? Is that actually from a real show?

no. Is the .

they t .

IT was .

a joke. Yeah, that's amazing. 是。

joke。 是 they portray.

try to sell as well, I imagine.

And that had to have been a joke.

There is no way those of .

most about that is like, I think i'd be embarrass to be that guy because that's something if a seventeen year old did that be funny.

I thought .

IT was a thirty.

I shot one hundred percent.

See you doing that on your fifty? Like.

cracking that joke. He's like, well, okay.

as a joke is playing .

IT off serious? Like they want .

me to do IT your whole show easy?

It's easy to do. I'm sure you you're freaking trying to make a take on T V. You find the score a deal.

You're on this goal channel now. You're three seasons in and they want you to do this bit. You're like, fuck all right. Well, i've got a pretty decent go on. I'm just .

gonna the bit easy thing to hunt like you can .

make a career off of to .

be good hunting. Anything else you actually have to catch you get your unting.

I do believe so. I say the success of failure.

Yeah, did the guy is on the third season of going into a non haunted houses like i'm going to make this as are drinking and then he's like, wait a minute.

do you guys remember the stage of youtube when they used to do like the V. G boards?

Yeah, everything. I mean, shame dos had as a huge, huge, huge number of views just from his .

huge like .

unit as far as I know, or at least i'll say I don't think any that real .

you know that .

maybe if you popped up a picture of my work on who the how is .

he yeah you to .

know you know who .

is sure yeah. There was a strange period of of youtube.

though I was kids content, and they just eat IT up like forty .

five minute long. Video OS IT looks like .

man drinking. Josh, one of that .

one does one of the big bended chain.

dozens .

youtube s are, how long is .

this tony? Tony, he had in quote, racism.

Oh, no.

His beauty channel, three point seven millions describers.

We get more than that.

He has a beauty channel.

And those, yes, like that explains .

I can see you doing .

that if do so since we got Randy back, does that mean we don't get to collapse with mail?


I was going to try to get the mail .

think goes like a meet up or something. Yeah.

do you know who look me like?

Yeah, male.

The math a and little mails do.

What would you do if you, if you could just start up your own channel, can't be anything to do what we do, just like total size quest. What would you do?

I think I would, uh, just day in the life videos doing really rana adventures, I came and think, I want to say I like that.

The local bar.

I got a wake joke.

not like riding around jazz .

with slim.

That be a good video and would be a good .

thing .

with grab IT.

Yeah, but you you got to like, I want to hear yeah, I want to hear if you were going to go down like a .

completely degrade pretty wide, right? What we that is yeah, but I mean, we do some prank. We do everything. You don't .

think i'd really be too .

much of a print row?

No, I don't. I think you'd be more like here's how to add this awesome new transition in final cut pro x toria.

So like you tag you like is a little bit too IT was too much of a wedge so we have to increase .

the transition yeah yeah up. Here's how to speed ramp your clips and final cup pro x very quickly.

You would i've been thinking about IT for a long time. If and if like, you know, IT ever gets to where you get some extra time around you, I think you should start up your own channel and should be evan chef .

and IT should be you cooking and I some cooking. I love that. I would be good.

Dude, like, I like, we are doing all the meat nights. We used to really get crazy like cody was making meat dogs. So you just like, take a pound of burger. Just be that as a circle. Basically in lead dog.

are you like good at coking? O do.

yeah. Jane, the other day when he came in, he had chicken chili, like White house chili. And SHE asked, like, oh, I don't know if you guys, i've had this before and I soft, I said, I have, you know, I want the chili cook off .

intense .

grade chili. You wait, no.

no, no music.

I like your dad would actually be really good time at school.

I was actually a temporary like home mac or cooking class with whatever the heck he was. And there was like six teams or whatever IT was in cooking class, but we made a bunch child. whatever. We yeah, we want my group. There I was partner, my home, my hand face.

So what do you call me at this name?

Because is he's kind of pair way. He has a pink glass face built like a .

man that is so unfortunate for him. Can you pop up a picture of, can we .

see you 调皮?

的 called .

the hand face so intense。

great. No, no, no. It's in my phone is hand face like he's his his brother's name is turbulence le, there are twins.

No idea why, but that would stuck. What I don't even know why, just that would stuck. It's amazing. yeah. Then this other kid name, Justin, other kid name called you Justin.

what? Not fortunate?

Maybe IT was, jay said, did IT was another twin? Two, the people in my groups had twin brothers.

How much work were you put into this?

Chili do a lot of work. I looked the recipe up online, and we used that gross. So we actually use gross that I had hunted and and use that instead of chicken. So use the chicken recipe.

Use wild game. inspirational. IT was good.

Yeah, I love that.

And of course, if that were real, channel IT would be very different from what we do because I mean, what all we do around here is like eat hot dogs.

We have made some grilling company.

I was think about.

we did. We did make a, and they can almost started .

our shop on that. Yeah, yeah.

I can. We went through the stage where we put, like yummy sauce. If you go to like a boss I restaurant, that kind of Young, we umi ams on everything, and we are cooking hamburgers. And kantha, though, is a good idea .

to put yumi ams on the hamburgers, a lot of them, and then make them into .

the hamburger, a lot of IT.

And I just started the IT. IT was like a bone fire in the girl looking at the shop, like super windy.

And then ten and IT was done with the last Marks.

But i'll just never forget you walking out the door going like this, is this huge flames? yeah. So I mean, none of us really belong cooking.

But yeah.

the name? yeah.

Maybe even wap, some up, yes. Jep, up.

yeah. What's the other name you been calling of?

Deb b deb?

yes. So Evans haters started calling deb short for due to every yeah I don't know I don't know who came up with IT first, but it's like kind like demoralizing, like to take like a cool name like dude evan bro, which I gave him that nickname, which is that is a cool nickname and then just like simplifies IT down to deb.

Deb, you take something cool and you just run IT always just kind of been like a, like a meme name, at least in our own groom, bryan had this chick that used to gold. Deb, yeah, that was of her name. Like buler out of high school, he did.

SHE brought herself right in the rehab. Okay, I didn't have anything to do with that.

Do with, I don't have anything to do with so gressier, yeah, I don't stand for that .

right was on either way .

and also you got help come on. That is pretty funny. I don't know if ever said this, but you mention that you came up, dude, everybody.

But he didn't like, mean to he wasn't even calling him dude Ethan Brown. He was just calling him evan, but then was chilling really hard. And are they .

who I .

pro and like from there just stuck? Arias.

little debby.

eva, my favorite, eat.

So yeah, in a lot.

Little debby cream pies.

I bought a double decker cream pie from the gas station twice.

was not as good .

cream pies where you .

taken Randy for dinner tonight?

I don't like to anywhere. Are the gRandy stand right? Where is that?

对, a little night.

I did see one of our friends, he he text us this morning that he he might have found a girlfriend for andy.

See, that's honestly .

also thing I know interest.

I just thought of IT like halfway through like I would have been so funning if you somehow showed up with like a oh yeah, I brought Randy back and he's got a girlfriend now so you guys take care. I don't know if they make, they make female crash test dummy when you are shop and.

Different of me, the crash, yes yeah, they probably about the same Price.

Yeah yeah maybe more that there's talks about getting the apartment or but IT was kind .

of weird that you were caring around like a lifesize human being dull. But that one doesn't look all that sexual. But if you had to lifesize human being doors, that would have been.

we do IT. I'm pretty sure that I was on that my strange addiction or something. The guy was dating a female doll and .

would bring everywhere dinner. How much to isn't a .

different kind of .

is what say .

like that on the seat? I mean, still very weird, but probably less weird than like, know there's a classic dude who was like in love with a chevy lumina .

yeah you say the guy who there is .

nothing wrong with being in love with .

the chevy and .

a little more in love with your car, how so sexually .

love her tail. But yeah, but he would, he would sit his legs .

under under the front. One point seven years old. Is this real and serious relationship with my co.

Kissing in the front bomber. Guys really .


He met chase in a resale lot about five years. I can remember what the, what I was called exploit, where you exploit, hit people grand hard, told us about that. But there should be loss against poblete zing, people like this.

because I know .

he probably.

I don't know what they offer them, but T, L, C has to be the best .

I get years. But i'm sure they .

go to this guy who probably is in financial need, and they go, hey, man, and we'll pay you three grand to kiss your car. T, B.

He goes, go, i'll say, I have the .

tail pipe for five and they go deal. We wouldn IT for forty. And that means before you know, IT kissed in the front.

popper is heavy lumina. We could send a camera out to night that .

drove and find with out back. So take a hard time to keep him more happy. Now there's inst jealous, give attention to the other one. And that's one of many.

like there's another substantial one where they're in love with this particular fairwood. And they bought IT. I took out savings and I bought this fair. Will come in love with IT. I am sexually interested in .

this fares. Well, yeah, how about like the one girl that used to eat dry wall.

I sort to go. Now, the one that I was thinking in my head, i'm thinking about, like stuff.

okay, that there is like mattress. Yeah.

drier sheet. Girl was just addicted to the flavor of the drier sheet. I think that is pride, one of the lighter ones.

Can you look up like the strangers, the string addictions. Why is a dollar from sea? Bos, T V crying. Okay, that's my .

search .

IT on one of.

on one of these things that was the search, you know, like tiktok search for, sometimes say crazy things, that what that I was A T for sea boys, like, got click on this because how we thought I was gonna lead to something .

there was A A weird trend of tiktok going around that said, dolen from C, B, S, T, V has to go and and some of them got a wear amount of lakes and um IT just like for those of you that think that and I can happen.

yeah a huge and I just a great guide.

you can make those take talks if you want, but like they are invalid because like it's not real.

If we all didn't like dolphin, mean, one of us cannot like them. But if the rest of us like.

I always looked at those and wondered like which side they were taking if they were like, don't need leave as if they were saying, like he shouldn't be dealing with this yeah I wonder like i'm not sure if that's how they looked at IT.

Both I was like kind of fired up about IT. And I like, you know, some people are like really just saying whatever they want again, you know, behind a keyboard, whatever. And then sydney, like I think a lot of those people like they'll throw a light on because they're they're here for the law.

They're here. That's probably true. Yeah, they're here for the the Randy being stolen, whether no matter what side they're .

on there here for IT, he told me the other day he's a girl. I'm getting death threats.

Oh my gosh. Yeah.

you like I know they're not well, but it's still crazy to read with someone role.

Yeah no, that's say I think what people don't realize to is like if our channel was all just like rainbows and and butterflies of like having the exact same personality or or not showing you know when he goes wrong or like things like that, like IT wouldn't be fun to watch and IT won't be fun to watch if every character on the channel was the exact same. So that's where like when dollar you know is often with evan, it's funny to show like there's so many different like little side. I guess you could come like side quest of sea boys TV that like if you're if you are fan that watches every single week, you would understand we're like that's what makes our video so special and it's like the different personalities that we have and like just like the different story lines and and so like you guys got ta let up a little bit unlike .

the kid yeah he was just supposed to be like filming, not post beyond camera and then it's just like, so naturally started rolling into a and like we just started getting on camera like this can't funny put IT in and then starts snowboarding and now like poor downings over here getting death threats he's eighteen years old yeah he just graduated high school hard working. That doesn't an amazing job on the best man i've been saying IT for a long time, like after since after a month when we hire and I was like doing that kid is a beast because he is he's a freak in b stood.

There is one thing to note to everything. So I just love like how the dynamic of everyone here, but then when he came in, the dynamic cut even wider spread like to he makes me feel Younger and older all the same time, like some do some of the stuff I don't know what .

you guys are getting into that he makes you feel that way.

Just some of the stuff he says.

yeah, he definitely is a little bit more year to the ground with the trends .

and what ds know, the short shorts those are yeah.

i'm glad those are going.

He got called.

He did. He did as can is there anything I could improve on after the first month of working for us? And can said maybe where a little less alone, I feel like a halter store for like a month.

And he was wearing a lot alone for come in working at the shop, but do have got none.

So we yeah mean in not defensive himself when evening there.

Like next podcast, I think really good for that. yes. Yeah, we do that.

I was telling them and I go haman people didn't like, can just a very short sixteen months ago and look at them now yeah.

he's like a favorite on the superstar. I'd told him too. I was like, dude, like just because people are like hate on you doesn't mean that you're not making a difference you know, in the video or whatever like you know, you're not really supposed even beyond camera and now it's like your character, like people are noticing you and like you know which is is really good, you know and um i'd say in terms of making a difference that over in the video whether people like you are not, you made a difference and you made some kind of form of kind of feels like W W E, but it's real life. It's real life except between you and done. I don't know who is the the baby face and who .

is the the heel.

Baby face being the good guy in the heel .

being definitely the good guy.

I feel like, I feel like you're the heal.

but still everyone's on your side.

Is IT not fair to say that when I get into IT result that he literally starts IT every time? Is that a fair observation? No.

you don't agree. I think you very I mean.

time time would I definitely get into .

IT and go back and IT but I swear just sets IT up like teeth the ball up and it's so like you .

inflame the situation though sometimes too.

I guess he's an already burning fire.

I think somebody else has to tell you that you're guys it's for.

say, his truck, you know, he loves this truck's in the cars. He spends all this time and money trying to make his truck cool. And quite Frankly, he's watched sea boys TV sce. He was like ten or something like that. So like like the beginning is so crazy .

he work balon when he was six yeah are sure .

then he gets here and you're just like that things a piece of shit like and just like he's just like, i'm sorry he hurts his feeling .

like got to hear that once in a while.

you know so i'm sure that doesn't make him like you.

H doesn't loves me.

J I maybe but what they have on speaking of people that don't like us.

So what about .

that video last night, whistle and decel dropped you kind .

of a cat, a .

stray? yeah. IT definitely was a string on business. Then he makes a video.

And then equals, are mini truck not cool? Which was like the that that's fine. But that heard given's feelings are mechanic Epace a bout I T.

I think the biggest thing, again, what you explaining to me, obviously you read up for this, but you were like how he was like, yeah, all they did was put a minute, uh, side high booch ck. All that I was put a hyborian engine in the mini truck.

That's still cool. They never said that, but they're I kind of mimicking us at the end. That's where I was like the miming makes IT seem like, doesn't like us.

What is fine? I really don't give a shit if he doesn't like us. I don't want any. I don't need anything.

Yes, I mean, he's made like several comments like in his videos about you know being like, you know i'm the i'm the best youtube or like i'm the what what did you what .

did you say at the end?

Yeah, I will always be bigger.

Better IT honesty is very light, but the subs are fired up. Man.

doesn't really matter because I is faster.

Well, that's what I said.

That's doesn't even matter really what.

That's why I just think, lake, we should just run a drag.

You would never do IT though.

Yeah, obviously not. Do jet engines are slow right here? Watch this.

Maybe there's something we can do to give .

you a little more power so we can go like roadbed.

But 还 不是。 说 whose .

voice do you .

think they are making and like .

band you think .

they're .

making on your voice boost.

then just great. I think .

it's funny. I really .

think it's yeah, yeah. No, I agree.

I agree. It's it's funny for sure. I think you'd be awesome if we .

raised some yeah we win.

I think IT be awesome.

To claim that the jet engine red honor active mini truck is Better is just like, I mean, they're just honest.

two different things and even faster.

even other dict ous. I think that he probably looked at IT was like all this to be a good idea on a mini truck putting a jet engine on IT. What looks the best red while somebody ready has a red many truck.

So i'm going to get ahead of the comments of everyone being like I copied c boys TV. And then i'm going to throw a jab because he said some other youtube ors have done IT, but there is wasn't cool. So i'm going to do that.

So I think he said that to get ahead of the commerce to make IT seem like he is Better. And that's why he did IT definitely cool. And no doubt about that, I think that's why he did that.

He was just like trying to not have everyone been like ou coital yeah. And that was his like defense mechanism against IT. But i've spent, you know, quite a bit of time with them and I don't think he would say that like to our face necessarily.

I think it's just planned into his character, quite Frankly.

to do IT .

race for slips.

Maybe I don't know how fast you can really get going with a jet engine. Maybe after a hundred, he'll be beating us. I mean, what to go to like the of flat if he's going to do that?

I don't magine. I said .

eighty. I think that's good.

He'd be Better off put the wings on IT, then take away like the fact of IT being able to roll, like he'd be Better off just getting .

some actual lift and then chAllenge us .

to a flying made that thing. Fly I would hands down.

give the .

cool I be first. I would be the only many drug that can fly. There are health vehicles, man, I think it's all funny games.

It's just like it's just funny that it's about a red. Many try. I get the end of the day, let's ha, yeah.

I just had to bring IT up because I know it's revved right now and people are deminers. People are calm in our stuff, saying, IT so I want to respond but uh, I think we .

ve got a lot .

of in and jay Grace, many truck .

combine yeah winner is to keep the other .

person's many tracks in cry when.

And I do want to go on the record and say i'm not pass about IT, but I will be pissed if we can't .

race them and beat them and would be even mor Epace i f w e l ost t he r ace a nd t.

hen l ost t he m any y eah t hat w ould b e I g uess m aybe I c ould j ust b uild f ast.

He would have browsed to stand, and we couldn't be mad if he says.

this is Better .

and the sock, everyone.

nothing we can do.

We lost fair work a lot with tank. And one more thing I I did not get for you guys, oh, this. I got the last one we got IT was at eight months ago, three million. Wow, let's go.

Thank you. Really.

what are we celebrating with core bell?

There's only one bottle. Can you get? Lady.

yes, let's a think eight months ago. That was what I could afford today. That's all the sea store had.

Here we go. Hey, thank you. Gave thanks. Cruel, crucial part of us here. And four million, by the way. I will say, yeah.

do without everyone on our team from obviously dot in behind the camera now kind of in front of IT, the mechanics, the fabricators and Randy Justin, all the designers. The team is pretty big. Now IT is which honestly, I don't think every, but sorry.

that was insane.

won't be to do IT without everyone on our team.

We're doing a little start give away this weekend. So stay tuned for that. You'll see on thursday the video and we have some fun fall gear that we design.

I don't know you guys just got a state to start away, guys. And we've been doing like some big giveaway, and we want to keep doing that. We also want to like do some smaller.

shorter giveaway and weird desire of that bottom and just start spring IT.

We were this weekend just kind on a little trip for fun. We had our girls with and everything I paid for the L B N B and had like the insurance saying, whatever IT is yeah put deposit this great shit security posit then he's like two in the morning. One night he's got all the champagne is just about to puppy in the spring all of us, I go, don't do that.

Don't do that. Like no because you know IT makes a huge messe almost impossible to clean up. Fuck last night, the very last night, where there i'm tired a shit because we've been run around for four days straight, pretty much just walking around in bars. So I go to bed, wake up in the morning to find out, pop the champagne button sprayed all over the fuck. Can .

spraying like he .

won a damn that I don't know what security? No, no, no, I do. Can I did right? And I immediately was like, seeds can be fucked sed right? So I go, jeff, grab a egg and mean, jeff wiped the whole kitchen now and probably look Better than I did when we got there.

But IT is just too fun last year. Morally book in the I doing, I did not like doing that. I did know what I was doing. No one else doing .

what they were doing because I was leading. IT, yeah, you can seriously, but will appreciate you so much for every time we travel you book everything and that actually does not go on notes now. IT, yeah, so shadow to can for book in everything and shadow to, uh, everyone listening right now on the podcast for if you've subscribed means the world to us. And thank you for million describes shot out everyone in this room. We will be here without you.


see at five.

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