cover of episode Crashes Caught on Camera, Ken Changing His Name, & Evans Tolerance For Pain

Crashes Caught on Camera, Ken Changing His Name, & Evans Tolerance For Pain

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Life Wide Open with CboysTV

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Big Wrench: 分享了工作后发生的意外事故和受伤经历,以及自己从小就容易摔倒的经历。 Ken: 讲述了自己改名的经历,以及对改名原因的讨论。 Evan: 表达了对打嗝进麦克风的厌恶,并开玩笑说宁愿别人放屁进麦克风也不要打嗝。还讨论了天气对自己的影响,以及自己对疼痛的耐受力。 Gavin: 分享了自己在尝试赤脚滑水时拉伤腿筋的经历,以及对赤脚滑水危险性的看法。还讨论了自己对三轮车的热爱,以及自己经常摔倒的经历。 Ryan: 欢迎听众收听播客,并介绍了今天的嘉宾。还讲述了带Gavin去吃早餐的经历,以及驾驶Corvette时被警察拦下的经历。 Big Wrench: 分享了工作后发生的意外事故和受伤经历,以及自己从小就容易摔倒的经历。 Ken: 讲述了自己改名的经历,以及对改名原因的讨论。 Evan: 表达了对打嗝进麦克风的厌恶,并开玩笑说宁愿别人放屁进麦克风也不要打嗝。还讨论了天气对自己的影响,以及自己对疼痛的耐受力。 Gavin: 分享了自己在尝试赤脚滑水时拉伤腿筋的经历,以及对赤脚滑水危险性的看法。还讨论了自己对三轮车的热爱,以及自己经常摔倒的经历。 Ryan: 欢迎听众收听播客,并介绍了今天的嘉宾。还讲述了带Gavin去吃早餐的经历,以及驾驶Corvette时被警察拦下的经历。

Deep Dive

The podcast opens with a discussion about work-related crashes and the hosts' tolerance for such incidents, highlighting their humorous approach to mishaps.

Shownotes Transcript


- Big wrench took a fall. - Oh my God. - Dude. - I must've crashed in the womb a couple of times 'cause I am ready to crash whenever. - Realize you gotta shut up and just let it die. - If you wake up every morning and you feel great, which I never do. - Pulled the hamstring pretty bad. - Did you actually? - In that barefoot. - Exactly. - I don't even know if we were ever on track, but we are certainly off it now. - The rail.

God, I hate when you do that, Evan. Burping in the mic is icky. I think I'd rather have you fart into the mic than fucking burp into it. No, you wouldn't. Can you imagine? I'd probably tear the room. Okay, so if in the middle of the podcast I go into a handstand, it's because I'm trying to get my ass closer to the mic. I would love to actually see that. Oh, my God. Evan, you're probably about the perfect height where your butt would be about right there in a handstand. Oh, that would be so out of pocket. Okay.

If you're late, it'd be perfect. I don't think you could. We'll work on it. You're sick. Well, we know that, Ryan. What department do you want to get to with him, though? He's sick and many. All right, guys. Welcome back to the LifeWideOpen podcast. We have two good friends. It's going to be chaos today because we have got Gavin and we have got Evan.

Evan. Go, baby. You got me too? Yeah, that was a weird one. Something about your prebiotic soda doesn't really scream it's going to be chaotic to me today. Hey, you got to have a healthy gut, man. This is not a plug, but it's better than that shit you guys are drinking. Gav's been in town a couple days now. We've gotten some things done. Dude, I haven't even seen you yet, Gav. I haven't hung out with you once. I was just telling Gav. I was like, dude, I'm sorry that...

I kind of invited you up here, and then I have just straight up avoided you for the last three days. Straight up. Paul Ryan. Yeah, he was saying, like, he wanted to, like, he was like, I'm trying to just dip out of here before Gavin sees me and shit. What's that about? Like, at the end of the day. What's that about? You heard I don't like heavies or what? You'd like heavy. Hold on. What the fuck is that? What do you mean?

He found out this is Gavin's mindset. I don't like heavies anymore, so Ben obviously doesn't want to hang out with me. You're thinking I'm a fake redneck not liking heavies. I mean, you're probably thinking I'm a faker. Well, no. I've known that, and I have thought that for a while, so that had nothing to do with it. Okay. Perfect.

but yeah all right good to have you here though bro yeah dude it's been fun i mean yeah the pontoon was great i wish we would have sunk ken but we tried yeah that would have been great yeah you guys did try you gave it a good effort god that pontoon that small one is just so good looking it looks so good and proper with ken driving it it's just amazing and then you have the big one you got the little one it's just so funny i like i can't even explain the feeling seeing ken be excited about a gift

genuinely happy like he went for the hug i have seen you guys give him gifts and he's literally thrown things yeah at your face yeah and so when he started moving towards you like this i was like oh no is he gonna tackle him i wasn't sure yeah like like body slam me you know whatever no he was having a great time with it and then until his chair broke yeah that he was done like that he was not happy where the fuck's he gonna sit he wasn't even that mad when he blew up the motor

He's like, man, a little inconvenienced. But when that chair went down, it ruined. He was actually just flip of a switch. This is lame. This is fucking lame. About 90 cents and screws could fix it. He blows up like a $1,000 motor. Doesn't care. Well, where the fuck was he supposed to sit, Evan, when he was getting hauled back? No, dude, he was just pissed off, leaning up against that center console, arms crossed. Dude reminded me of that...

That meme of Pablo Escobar when he's sitting on the swing set, like bored, arms kind of slumped by his side, or he's leaning up against a wall, just waiting around. What am I supposed to do now? Not having it. Meanwhile, you guys are trying to sink his...

boat. Maybe that's part of the anger. The whole thing would have been like the boat starts going down. What's he going to do? Stand and watch it sink? So it wasn't in the video, but when I was in the Centurion and he was stranded, I filled up all the ballast and I started doing like circles around him. So that's why he was rocking the

And then, you know, just that clip of the chair breaking due to the rocking. So it wasn't necessarily his fault the chair broke. So I think that's kind of what ticked him off. It was like he was getting all rocked in the boat, which is an inconvenience. He wasn't loving that. And then his chair breaks. That's what he likes when you're rocking the pontoon, you know? Yeah. Don't rock the boat. Do you think that after last week the wrenches got a little, like, confident?

Because the chair broke, the motor blew up right away. Oh, after the podcast. After the podcast, sorry, excuse me. Oh, they got caught slacking. Yeah, they kind of got caught slacking this week. The good news is I actually just got a report from Wrenches this morning that the motor might not actually be blowed up. It was just there was so much weight with Ken sitting on the back that I think we just hydro-locked it. No way. So I think they're going to try to just pull the plugs and fire it up, hopefully. Hopefully.

- Fingers crossed. - Really? Wow. - Fingers crossed. - Interesting. So, Ken, we gotta counterweight it. - I think we should just pull the Hummer pontoon motor off, which is a 115 and put that on there. - Wouldn't that be too big? - Yeah, but that'd be funny. - Well, I mean like the weight. - It seemed properly- - Maybe you could weigh the front down. - It seemed proper to me. - With the 400 pounds in the front. - No such thing as too big. There's no such thing. - We just will have to put another chair. - Back to it. No, I'm talking about motors. What are you talking about? What do you know about motorboating, Gav?

What do I know about motorboats? I grew up on boats, so I know a decent amount. What do you guys know about podcasting? You guys have been podcasting a lot lately, huh? I do love podcasts. Oh, man. A little late night podcast, maybe. A little late. I mean, yeah, dude. It's been a great three days here. We already burned down Zorba's last night. I'm just kidding.

I was going to say. We have it. I've just traded Rich in for you. Yeah. Dude, Rich straight up. I don't know if he like sent you like a warning signal, like a smoke signal. Uh-huh. But like dude had, he couldn't get out of here fast enough. I think he checked into like a 30 day rehab. Yeah. You did it bad? Back in Texas. You didn't, but. No, no. The guy is still not recovered. Dude, I'm barely recovered. Pulled the hamstring pretty bad. Did you actually? In that barefoot. Exactly. Did it barefoot. No.

What? Say it. Gav, I know that you went out with the intentions to barefoot, but being the ski never left, I don't think you tore it barefooting. You tore it water skiing. He was attempting to barefoot, though, when he did it. Did you tear it trying to get up? I popped it. No tear. Hopefully no tear. Trying to get up.

Not good. That's how you did? Yeah. I would have figured your gnarly fall would have been... I don't know what it was. I think I'm too fat, man, because I was just fighting that board the whole time trying to get up. Pop. Dude, barefooting is just like the gnarliest thing to me. The fact that people pretty much know the outcome of it. You're going to fall. Nine times out of ten, you're going to end by just eating shit really hard. And they still do it. I think it's the most unsafe water sport you can ever do. By far. Yeah, there's pretty much no safety precautions.

Nothing. Whatsoever. Like the most, I guess, protection that you can have is like how thick your wetsuit is. That's about it. And how hard you took your chin apparently. Yeah, dude. I think barefooting is one of those kind of lost arts that maybe isn't going to carry over from like generation to the next. It's dying for sure. It's for sure dying. But like the older generations are,

are still doing it. Nope. You know, because they grew up doing it more and they don't think it's quite as insane. But the younger generation look at it as like a bunch of lunatics. Well, you're going 45. I mean, what are you thinking? You're going to smack the water at some point. Yeah, it is not going to feel good. No. Even if you do it correctly at the end, you still have to stop

Somehow. Yeah, exactly. They kind of do like that fallback, though, like a fallback on their butt. But yeah, I'm sure it's still, you know, there's going to be an impact. It's not like Gracie. They kind of just slide on their butt until they... I can't think of a much more dangerous sport. Probably three-wheelers. Three-wheelers.

kind of debatable run your leg over on your head over that dumb that's even worse I've done that a time or two dude it is amazing every time I watch one of your videos you're still taking falls and I'm like this guy just keeps eating these keeps eating I know I'm falls for breakfast it is actually insane every video I just bless with it I don't know what happened at some point I must have

crash in the womb a couple times because I am ready to crash whenever. I mean, we can go crash right now. Your mom had to have fallen down the stair or two. She must have been on a couple quads, three-wheelers, dirt bike. I mean, I'm just, I don't know. Gavin's first photo on a three-wheeler is his mom eating shit. She's pregnant.

Gabbing in the belly. This boy makes a lot more sense now. That's where it came from. So, yeah. Taking crashes since the womb. I'm not sure if you take them that much better than the average person. I think that your tolerance of pain is just a lot higher than most. Like, I see you limping around and you're just like, yeah, just pop the hammy. Just pop the hammy. I'm starting to come to the same conclusion. After I crashed the mini tractor, man. Woo!

That was a bad one. I think I almost broke my shoulder. It might be broken still, but I'm all right. I can't believe you didn't. That thing straight up ran you over. I might have. Yeah. It did run me over too. Why do you keep calling him a mini tractor? I was going to ask you. It's a lawnmower. It's a lawnmower. It's a mini tractor. I've wanted one of these since I was a little kid. It's a mini tractor. If Ev was riding it, he could probably call it a tractor. Yeah.

but it's a lawnmower for you. It's like a fancy way to call it. You know, I don't have a lawnmower. I got a lawn tractor. You hook a trailer up to the back. You got some attachments, right? It's a mini tractor. Is there no such thing as a mini tractor then? Yeah, but those are not mini tractors. A mini tractor will have like a blade in the front,

or something at least connected to the back. - I don't know this for sure, but does it have a PTO shaft? - No PTO shaft. - Then it ain't a damn tractor. - I agree. I was looking for that and I couldn't come up with it, but that's what it needs. It needs the power to take off. - Someone out there that owns both a large tractor and a small tractor, they can maybe tell us. But that's like calling, when Ken called his Bronco a truck. That thing ain't a truck. - All right, fair enough. Good analogy. I still think it's a mini tractor.

See, when you got hurt barefooting or attempting to barefoot, whatever we're going with, I got really nervous because I go, damn, dude, Gaz's family, his friends, they aren't going to let him come back to hang out with us because every time he gets hurt, as shown in the montage in the video, which was actually a pretty impressive resume. But then I watched a couple videos where I remembered Barry.

back to a couple of your videos, you do fall in every one of your videos. Pretty much. I take a decent fall every time almost. I think it was the snowmobile video of yours that I watched and you crashed legit seven times. Yeah, I was like, you weren't even hanging on to the bars. I just learned how to ride a snowmobile. You were straight up hitting an anthill and you would fall off. I'm like, bro, there's no way that you're holding on right now. I was going full throttle though. He was doing no handers. He was practicing his no handers.

I'm learning, though. I got the snowmobiles down. I'll show you guys next sled season. Really? Yeah, dude. Yeah. Didn't look like it.

Dude, I'm breaking out the Yamaha fate. We made the snowmobile jet ski too. Yeah, that was great. That was a great idea. Thank you. We were going to do that last year. I told you this. We were going to do that. You already did it, but we're still going to do it. I just want to clear that up. I just want to clear that up. But that is one of those things. Like, you got to come with us, like, out into the mountains on a snowmobile trip. Let's rip it. I cannot imagine how sweaty you would be. He's sweating right now. Like, yeah, he's... I can see your nose. Like a dog that just went swimming in the swamp.

You want to cuddle up with him, but he's like, oh my God, what is that? That's what it would smell like when Gab gets done snowmobiling. Like a dog out of the swamp. It's a weird analogy that you want to cuddle up with him, but you're like, oh, he's... Like when Waffles comes over, you know, the neighborhood dog, and he smells like the swamp. Yeah, I just saw him the other day. Really? He is still kicking? He's getting a little older. When I saw him, I thought, man, I haven't seen that guy in a while. I know. Should have, like, lured him over with some treats. Yeah, he looked like he was on his way over. Really? He was going over to Evan's. Yeah, I haven't seen...

thought about peanut butter waffles. Like, yeah, we haven't seen them since, you know, prior to winter last fall. I feel like that's the best way that we could have a dog is just like a neighborhood dog that rolls through. You guys kind of do. We were just chilling on the couch and you had a dog walk in earlier. Oh yeah. That's a neighbor's dog. They asked us to try to send it away cause they don't want it hanging out here around their own.

crowd. Yeah, bad influences. Can't blame them there. Starts coming over at 10 o'clock at night every night. Start hanging out with Evan. Nothing good happens. Goes straight to the peanut butter cabinet. Whoa, whoa, chill. Comes home at 4 a.m. waddling. Wobbling, maybe is a better term to use. Maybe both. I'm the one wobbling or the

You and the dog. Well, there was some exciting news. Like a Seaboy's TV milestone was passed. We posted our 500th video the other day.

a lot of videos really that's not counting podcasts not counting podcasts we're at what 128 now over here on that it's a lot that's a lot of ideas how many hours of content is that that's a great question let's just say each video is on average 17 minutes and we've got some like outliers as in the like you know year in reviews those are hours car tours it's

Let's just say 20. Let's say 20. 6.9 days. Really? Worth of content. So you could watch our videos for 6.9 days straight. Almost four. Coming up on, I mean seven. Sorry. I don't know why I said four. We should do a challenge where we lock ourselves into a room and we can't leave until we burn through them all.

I think we should do that just for you, Ev. You know, you still got like the early days, and that's a real challenge because they weren't very good. Yeah, there's probably 30% of the vids, the early ones. Oh, really? I've picked through them and watched some, but certainly not all of them. You and Ken could do it together. Yeah, Ken still hasn't even seen the new ones. Yeah, he hasn't seen any of them. I'm only down to be locked in for seven days if Gav can come with. I'm in. Gav's going to leave there limping too. Oh.

We limped on the way in and waddled on the way out. Till 11. No, no. Just an empty jar of peanut butter. You guys don't need any. Oh, Lord.

Oh, Lord. Oh, gosh. Evan, you shouldn't have brought me into this. You brought yourself, buddy. No, you bring me into it every time. Speaking of bringing people into things, Gav, what's up with you bringing your sister into pretty much every conversation we have? What are you talking about? No, I do not. Dude. It's because of certain people around here that like to talk about my sister. Ken. Ken. Ken talked to her.

Is he talking to her? What do you think he's doing right now, dude? He's not talking to us. I don't want to think about it, but I don't know. My sister's awesome. There's nothing else to talk about. Clearly you think she's awesome. Easy, easy. No, no. She's good shit, though. She's good shit.

Oh, man. So this morning, Evan was a little bit sleepy. So normally, Evan chaperones around Gavin and, you know, make sure he's fed and has activities and stuff like that to do. But since he was sleeping, I took Gavin for breakfast this morning. We went to the local coffee shop, got a nice sandwich. On the way back, I said, you know, Gav, you got to drive the vet. Unreal. I can't even talk about it, right? What?

talk about it. That'd be good because man, on a platform like this, if we talked about something, it could be bad. Oh my goodness. I mean, that is the baddest mama jammer ever though. I mean, it feels like you're in a spaceship too with how it's designed. It's hugging you right in there. Pretty crazy.

Rusty Clark, an Army and Air Force veteran, needed treatment at a VA hospital. Meet his wife, Juanita. We live above Borgentown, West Virginia. It would take us about seven hours to get here. And I was prepared to sleep on the hospital floor beside of Mr. Clark. But the

Fisher House opened up that door. We had a lovely suite to stay in. We had food to eat. We didn't have to worry about that because the Fisher House, the foundation, Mr. and Mrs. Fisher took care of all that years ago, following their dream to make our reality that we were together and we could be treated here. It's a great blessing. Meet Rusty. I was in the Army Guard and then I went into the Air Force and then I met Juanita. Keeping families together when they need it most.

For active duty military wounded and veterans sick or injured, Fisher Houses make a huge difference. Learn more at That's Because of family's love. It's good medicine. So obviously, you know, you bring your new friend that's a little crazy.

What are you laughing about? Nothing. No, no. I got nothing. I got nothing. I didn't really have nothing. What were you saying? What were you laughing about? Well, I don't know. I just had a few things cooking and then Ben gave me a look, made me giggle. It's that simple. Carry on. Oh, Lord.

Keep going, Ry. So obviously, you know, you have your buddy in the car. You've got to show how fast that car is and make a bunch of noise and all that. So we're coming out of Cormorant this morning. And I go, Gav, look, you know, if you pull those two levers in, you can rev it up while you're driving. Kind of fun. Do that. Do a little pull just up to the speed limit. Nothing over. Nothing over. And we crest...

the hill and there was a member of law enforcement that was standing outside of his car and had someone else pulled over but we had just recently been making a lot of noise coming over so he heard you for sure yeah and then so as I panic trying to put the car in like tour mode you know make it real quiet you drop two gears I

I put it in track mode. It goes, wham, wham. Oh, my God. It starts backfiring, making a shit ton of noise. I start smacking buttons. I believe Gavin's got it all on video, and I just... What? Oh, yeah, we were filming it. Oh, that's awesome. Absolutely hellish.

Panicked. Just shit the bed. That was so good. We rolled the windows up. We clicked it in the eighth gear, and we had the longest, quietest drive home that we possibly could. So bad. So bad. Thank you. You should have just put it in neutral. I had Gavin push you home. That'd be quiet. I should have had you hop in the driver's seat then, and then you could have gotten the ticket. Oh, I thought Gavin was driving. No, no, no. No, I had taken over at that point. Oh.

Oh, okay. What were you doing then if you had the driver's experience where it was tight and hugging you? I was driving. And then we switched over at the C-Store and Ryan's like, let me show you what this bad girl's all about. What's so funny? Tell me what's so funny. I'm just envisioning you guys getting tight and hugged in the Corvette or whatever is going on. What do you say we burn down Cormont tonight? Give a run. I think that's inevitable.

I think so too. It's inevitable. It doesn't matter what day it is for you guys. It's actually Friday, so it's socially acceptable to burn down the town now. Yeah, Nicky Joe's coming to town. We can shore a real good time, Gav. So I'm really not going to sleep tonight.

Evan's girlfriend's come to town. You guys are going to show her a real good time. Did you just invite yourself into my girlfriend? No. No, no. I'm in the bedroom right above you. Just nearby, brother. I'm not saying another word. Let's stop that. Never, Ev. Door flies open. You need some help? Never heard that one before. He's all sweaty. He's all sweaty. But he's fine.

Oh, Lord. We have gone so far off track here. I don't even know if we were ever on track, but we are certainly off it now. The rails. The rails are gone. Ryan, get us back on track. Yeah, reel us in. Reel us in. I feel like we're just off track because it's been so damn rainy here. We can't film anything. We're all cooped up. That's what's made Evan this gay. The weather. It's the weather. His seasonal sexuality just won't change.

Climate change. Four different sexualities. Unbelievable. Four seasons. Okay. Just out of curiosity, run me through the four sexualities of the four seasons. I can't believe we're going down this road. Well, summertime, apparently he gets a little gay when it rains. Well, yeah, because I look up, you see that rainbow. I can't fucking help it.

It's America, dude. You do you, brother. That's what I'm saying. Fair enough. Fair enough. Okay, what does he feel in the fall? Fall comes around, man. He's getting a little bit more spiced up. He's getting a little bit more spiced up. He's double swinging it. He's bisexual in fall. No, no, no. That's just a little crazy. Is that crazy? You're not just gay? He's just gay when it rains. All right, maybe he's just gay when it rains and he's straight the rest of the time. I'm not. What? This is so far south.

So when's the part about Gavin coming in your room when Nikki's here? What? Didn't you guys just talk about that? Well, yeah. Nikki's going to be here, so me and Gavin got a long night. I just meant taking her out on the town, showing her a good time, having a few drinks, playing some pull tabs. You know, nothing weird. Yeah, I won't be sleeping tonight. That's what Gavin said, I think. Well, yeah, yeah. He was, yeah. Ken, get us a topic here.

We need to get out of the... Oh, we're missing the hot dog connoisseur. But you guys see Joey Chestnut is banned from the hot dog eating contest this year? Heard about that. Really? Why? He's sponsored by vegan dogs. Sponsored by Beyond Meats now. So wait, so he's gone vegan? I guess, yeah. And he's a professional hot dog eater? Yeah. Dude, what was that? That doesn't seem to make sense. So what was that bag or what did that bag look like? Yeah, that's a good question. Because like, so if you were to take a vegan hot dog...

kind of knowing that you wouldn't be able to participate in the...

In my opinion, the only thing that really makes you a professional eater in the first place is this hot dog competition. Is there other competitions throughout the year? Are they doing this monthly? Yeah, but your whole brand is that. Maybe it's one of those deals where he wants to go out on top so he knew he was going to get banned. He's going to get a bunch of publicity for not doing it or else we wouldn't even know, but it's all over the internet. And he made a big bag. Wow.

Went out on top? No, they wouldn't let him do it. Right, but he probably knew that. Maybe knew that. 1.2 million over four.

1.2 million over four years, Joey Chestnut. For eating hot dogs, bro? That's fucking awesome. Is that worth it for killing your brand, though? He's probably a pretty normal dude. That's probably a back on the meat. That's a pretty solid bet for him. Is there no vegan hot dogs? I feel like Joey Chestnut is like damn near a household name at this point. Yeah. Right next to Kobayashi. It seems like he could sell sponsorships elsewhere to make that 1.4 million up in other sponsorships. Say you have five other sponsors and

And then it's like you're still growing the brand here versus kind of just shooting it in the foot. Yeah. Who's this guy's agent? Who let him sign this? But no, Kobayashi was like the big rival. That was like the guy that was able to defeat Chestnut a few times. Really? It was big. It was back in like 08. He took him down. It was electric. Honestly, dude, I wouldn't know who Joey Chestnut is if it wasn't for Micah.

Literally, if it wasn't for Micah having his posters and shit, I would not know who Joey Chestnut is. I don't follow hot dog eating. I don't really even eat hot dogs. I like brats.

That's sus. Oh, that's sus now. Why does it sound like something Michael would say? I'm not sure if you can be the sus cop on this podcast. No, I mean, I just don't follow hot dog eating that much. I don't know if they're a household name, let alone his rival. Maybe if you're in Mike Salmon's household. That is a fucking nightly topic. Mike Salmon. Friends are up in 10 years. Mike Salmon.

You know, we call him Micus. He's like, I don't really like that name. We just start calling him Mike Salmon. Mike Salmon. Dude, he always does get down on the salmon salad, so it makes sense. He loves salmon. He doesn't like Micus. I don't know. He was like, yeah.

I hope it doesn't stick around. That's about the worst thing to say. You don't get to choose your nicknames around here. Unless you're Gavin. Little Wrench. I still call him Little Wrench. Yeah, that's what I mean. You got to. I don't call him Little Wrench because I only have so much...

So many things that I can say to him because I need him on a daily basis to not be upset with me. I can only piss him off in so many ways. I got to pick my battles with him and calling him a name that he doesn't like. It's just one of those things that I'll just let him. It's valid. But with most people.

You say you don't like something and that name is going to stick ten times harder. That's coming from Ken. Exactly. Fucking completely changed his birth name to another normal birth name. You just have to realize you've got to shut up and just let it die. You like Ken now, though. You introduce yourself as Ken when you're not introducing yourself as CJ. You introduce yourself as Ken.

There's other little things that you got to let simmer and die. He's picking his battles. He goes, call me Ken. You just can't do other things. Well, you legally change your name. I mean, it's in the process, but. Well, I saw you. Yeah, he signed the papers and everything. Ken middle name Drick. But he misspelled it. Ken Dick.

It's not that much money to change your name. Yeah, but to get you to do it, to finalize the paperwork, put everything in motion, legally change your name. You could add your normal first name to that so you don't have to get rid of your standard middle name or forget it completely. I think there would have to be more to the story than just changing my name. Eight years of YouTubing? More to the story? How much more to the story do you need, Ken? We're living a lie. We gave you a name for...

When we were 15 years old and now the entire world knows you as Ken. Yeah. Like how, how much more to the story could there be? I don't know. I just feel like there has to be one extra little thing to it. Otherwise it's just kind of like, that's easy. We can make one extra little thing. Maybe a couple extra little things.

Okay. There you go. Say one extra thing. That'll be done by this weekend. We'll have that done. Yeah. And today. What is this podcast? Likely. What would you want it to be? I don't know. It just, it has to make sense. Okay. He goes, all right, making a deal with us. Change the lips on the no can do face. And I'll sign the paper.

Hey, Ken, now we have you on. What did you think about your pontoon? To me, it seems like it was built to fail. Now that I see everything, the fact that there was an intentional hole put in the back of it. That was just a drain plug. And even the intentional hole to make it sink failed. Yeah. Well, the big problem was we kind of forgot to take the breather out the top.

That's why that was foiled. But I don't think it would have sunk completely, Ken. It would have stayed floating on one side. We just wanted to see you panic a little. Well, I panicked for a little bit as I was falling backwards in my chair. That one was unplanned. That one was unplanned. That one was not a part of the plan. How mad were you? Were you just so angry? No, it wasn't bad. Okay. Until the chair broke. And then CJ kept throwing a wave at me. I was like, okay, dude, the joke's not funny anymore.

You can stop now. But that's when it was just getting funny. I think everyone else was laughing the whole time. Why? It was still funny. Me just sitting on a pontoon, getting tossed around in the waves. I was like, okay, this is fucking lame. I can't wait to get that motor. I think we know what's wrong with it, so we're going to get it back up and running because that was a genuine gift from us. Yeah. I was so excited for about 15 minutes. Well, it's going to be back running, and you'll actually be able to drive it around, take it to the sandbar. Maybe get some more footage. Yeah. No, I think.

I think you take that thing to the sandbar and moms are for one going to flock to it because obviously you're driving. But for two, when you have mom chaser on the side, it signals to them like, okay, I'm going to have a tough time like keeping that thing above the water. Right. I agree. How big are these moms, buddy? Ken's going for like quantity. That's going to sink it. Gavin's more like quality. Like you'd have one on that thing's fucking bottom of the lake. Four bills. Four bills? I think we can handle that. Could you?

Probably not. I'm really excited, though, to see you out in the wild on that thing. But no, that was a genuine gift, Ken. And you seem to feel how genuine it was, being that you gave us a hug. I don't think we've ever touched like that. Evan, chill. Most of the time, they're a little different. The touches are the gifts. The gifts are a little more plumbing related. Oh, Ken!

Evan is on his gaydar. It's so hard. Dude, it's so hard. You guys just keep saying the most sus stuff. Just because I giggle about it doesn't mean I'm the weird one. That was a missed opportunity to put a toilet as the cat. No, because we wanted you to enjoy it. We wanted to look like almost a production pontoon. Like, we wanted to look legit, which it does. We wanted you boating by and people seeing that and thinking, holy shit.

That is the smallest pontoon I've ever seen. I can't believe they make them that size. The wrenches did do a fantastic job putting that thing together. What is up with this? Wait, what does your shirt say? Oh, this is a sick shirt. You don't wear helmets, bro. Thank God you were wearing a helmet.

I feel so bad, but shout out to the vintage plug shop that sent me this shirt, and I can't shout them out because I forgot what it's called. EC Vintage? Yeah, the Eau Claire one. Yeah, EC Vintage. Thank you, brother. But so are you going to take the advice you are literally wearing on this shirt that says, thank goodness you were wearing a helmet? No, that's Gav. He just ate the fall, and that's me over there chilling. Gav's about to hit me with the front tire. Perfect. Dude,

Big wrench took a fall. Oh my God, dude. Yeah. We do. Yeah, we do. It was crazy. Like I actually got scared. I think Mike right away made the comment. Usually when Mike falls, I'm laughing like a little girl because it's hilarious, but you can usually tell like when someone's hurt or not, you don't get hurt. The fall is funny. When big wrench went down,

I was terrified. It was his first time staying after work, hanging with you guys. I know, in months. Because on the podcast, you were like, yeah, you know, you never stay after work. We said, well, I got a family and dinner. But that night, he was excited. He's like, you know, I'm going to stay after work and hang with Evan. And within 10 minutes...

He had slammed on the concrete onto his back. I do feel a little bad because he hops on the e-bike. How do you run this thing? You literally just twist the throttle, go. And then someone else goes, put it in eco mode. I'm like, ah, eco mode's kind of soft. Just sport. Just run it. You're fine. And then this happened. God, I don't know if I can even watch this. I haven't watched it yet. Oh! Cody right there. At least he stood up right away. He got right back up. He didn't hit his head, though. Yeah, it looks like he hit his shoulder is what he said.

Yeah, his shirt was a little dusted up, a little ripped up. Yeah, he went home at night and his wife was like, yep, and this is why you don't stay after work. Well, dude, can you pull up the security cam footage of like

45 minutes from now. From now? Into the future. Let's see what happens. Into the future of this. Where he just sits up against the building for the next hour. Can you just pop up what followed that accident? Man, I really did feel bad. That was a hard hit when you least expected it. I come out and Big Wrench is just leaning up against the garage. And I just found out that he just ate shit about five minutes before this. So I walk out and I'm looking around. I'm like, where's Big Wrench?

I look over, he's leaning up against the wall. I'm like, oh my God. I'm like, are you good? And he's like, yeah, yeah, it was my fault, but Evan might've had a hand in it. I'm like, of course he did. Of course he did. What happened? I think Tony had a hand in it. Well, that usually doesn't, that doesn't help. But what a dream team of making problems, but it just never fails. It never fails.

Somebody gets hurt on your watch. If you're hanging with Evan, you're running into gunfire. Blades of glory. You're just running into it. You're running into the fire. But we have so much fun, though. Yeah, for sure, you guys do. There's no doubt about that. That's the great part about those e-bikes. The other night, it was like 1.30, 2 o'clock in the morning, and all of a sudden, me and Cody decide it's time to hit the FMX ramp. I will give you guys that. You do have a great time.

And I'm happy to see that you're doing it on e-bikes now. Yep, that is nice. Knowing that. Well, our neighbors have been getting, like, I think actually been getting annoyed of it because it's like a 130 wheelie excursion in the driveway. Yeah, I can't even blame them. They called Ryan the other night. Yeah, I chatted with Evan about it. One o'clock in the morning. We got her buffed. Some people are just soft. I mean...

You have to get up early, go to work. You got just loud motorcycles riding all night. Don't hate on it. Come join us. I'm sure 60-year-old Susie, who's got to wake up to go be an assistant at an accounting firm, would love to rip some wheelies with you and Cody and Mike at 1.30 in the morning. Dude, honestly, every time there'll be things that happen. Maybe you walk into the shop and there's garbage on the kitchen counter from last night.

And when you walk in on it late or early in the morning, you always kind of go like, ah, God, damn, these kids, you know, always up to their tomfoolery. But, man, you're there that night. It is so fun, dude. I know. Oh, God. So I'm glad that you guys are having fun. Yeah, I'm glad you're still doing it. Now that you got the e-bikes, it's like it solved that whole problem. I don't care one bit. Ride all fucking night. Don't even go to bed.

I didn't care either when you were riding dirt bikes. I didn't realize the neighbors could hear it. And then once I found out they were not very happy about it, I was like, oh, well, then we probably got to switch something up. Well, to be fair, her house is about 100 feet away from us. You know what? It actually wasn't her. God bless that woman. Really? God bless our near neighbor. And they still wave when I ride by for some reason. Oh, I'm sure they're not mad, man.

Were they mad or were they just more like, hey, could you please not do this? No, it was so that, yeah, the kid that called me was his grandpa. His grandpa came in at like 1 a.m. and was like, hey, you know those guys, right? Can you tell them to...

Can we have Red Bomb and the Dirt Bikes or whatever? Like, you know what it was. He like sent me a video of it over Snapchat and just very quietly out his open window so he could get the cool night breeze in. Just... And that's quiet for a little bit. Just ripping wheelies through the parking lot.

It is a rare occurrence. We try to be as good as we can. Well, the problem is we're just so dang busy all day, there's no time to ride. Yeah, you're so busy riding all day, you have no time to ride, you know? Messed up. I walked into the shop the other morning, and there was a flea of three-wheelers, half of them leaking. Only one of them. Only one of them. That's pretty good for three-wheelers. I just laugh, though. I open up the door. I see that you were parked in the driveway, and I was like, oh, nice, Gab got in last night, and then I open up the door, and it's

it's like a three room or it's like a showroom from the 80s. Yeah. After walking in. I just thought it was funny when I saw him because I was like, of course he couldn't leave him outside. Someone might steal him. No way. Was it half a dozen? Half a dozen three wheelers? Five. That's 15. What are you up to now? How many three wheelers? Oof, dude, I'd say

35, 40, 35. My goodness. Healthy numbers. How many are you picking up at a time? Are you still doing like barn bars? I mean, it's either normally like one at a time or you're picking up five or six. It just depends on kind of the deal. Usually like a widow of a farmer that had them in the barn.

or what's the story that you're seeing? It's either like a widow or just the farmer's getting old. He's ready to sell his old three-wheelers. The grandkids are kind of over him. That's what you see a lot of is the kids don't care, the grandkids don't care. They're just garbage at that point. Are they just playing video games or are they riding dirt bikes? No, exactly. That's the bad thing. Everyone just wants to play video games. I can just see Gav rolling up to this poor widowed farm. Just kicking him in the nuts.

It's just so tough because you never know the condition of the motor. I'm buying it without even checking the oil or anything half the time. It's a Honda, so it don't matter. Exactly. So most of the time it doesn't matter, but I have gotten bit where I paid a little bit more than I should have and then motors locked up, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. So that's why you should always offer low, fellas.

Dude, see, you had the one that we gave you. What is that thing? 250R. The 250R. So you had the 250R that we gave you in the garage, and then next to it, there was another 250R. And I was looking at one of them. I go, damn, this one looks like the one that we gave you, but it's really clapped out. And then there's another 250R next to it that looked really nice. What's the deal with that? You had two 250Rs now? Dude, I don't know.

We're doing a giveaway. We're doing a freaking giveaway. And I couldn't give away my baby. That one holds a special place in my heart. You almost got kidnapped for it. Yeah, I've killed myself on it almost three times. And he's beat the shit out of it. He got a mint one for the giveaway. I can't believe it hasn't popped. The mint one's fresh. Or the giveaway is fresh for you. Didn't it blow up? No, it hasn't blown up yet. Well, I blew up just a gasket. That was leaking coolant, but we fixed it. That's easy. Yeah, just a base gasket. Yeah, man. It looks like that thing has lived...

20 lives since we gave it to you. I'd say 30, man. I've beaten the crap out of that thing. Best gift ever. It just keeps going. Was it worth it? The trauma that you got from it? Now? 100%. So it took some time. It had to prove itself to be worth it. It wasn't right away. It was a little scary, man. And then I wreck it two minutes later. I'm hurting after that. Do you have a problem going and picking things up? Anytime I see a U-Haul, I'm getting a little tickled, all right?

I don't like seeing U-Hauls. Do not like U-Hauls. Well, is Evan in the passenger seat? Okay. No, no. Don't like U-Hauls. And then if I see a U-Haul with the door open, I get even more scared. Really? Yes. Oh, just, no, thinking about the door slammed on me. When we pulled that prank on you, how scared were you on a scale of 0 to 10? 30. Really? I thought, no, I mean...

I can't even describe it. Very few times have I ever felt like I was going to die, dude. And I didn't think I was going to die, but I thought I was going to have to put up a hell of a fight, and there was a chance I was going to die. No offense, Kev, but what do you think that guy was going to do with you? Women and children get kidnapped, not...

Guys built like you. I didn't know. I didn't know. This guy's more blowed up than a swiveler. Can't hold him hostage for his three-wheeler collection. Exactly. I seriously thought when that door came open, it was just going to be seven or eight big dudes with guns. That's all I thought it was going to be. And then what? What are they going to do? Just shoot you? Uh-oh.

I mean, I don't know. Kidnapped me, take me to Mexico and sell me. I don't know. So no offense because human trafficking is a real problem in this country. But like, what did you think they were all going to sit around? Like, can you imagine the meeting at like whatever sale? He's at an auction. It's like a cattle auction. And you walk across the stage and they go, how'd you get that one? And go, it was easy. Just a three wheeler. Back of the U-Haul. It was like leading a cat.

Eating a cat into a trap, dude. That's exactly what it was like. Just put it far back in the U-Haul. Think about how bummed they'd be when they got you there. And they go, Jerry, I thought you said this guy's a redneck. And Gab's like, I am a redneck! He's wearing Lulu socks. Dude. He's got an underwear sponsor. Oh my gosh. You can be a redneck and live anywhere. I'll tell you that right now. Explain the Lulu. Chill.

I've never met a redneck that wears Lulu. I like comfort. I'm just a versatile redneck. It's kind of how I see myself. I fit in with every group of people. I really feel like I can. Oh, we met...

Somebody that went to school with you. Yeah. No way. I think his name is Tyler from Adam's Polishes. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Great. I have a lot to say about you. Yeah, it was very great. Yeah, you guys know Gavin Carlson. I go, yeah, Shred 80. He goes, I went to high school with that guy. I go, oh, sit down, buddy. We got to have a chat. We should tell me everything.

Oh, no. Good things or bad? No, they were all great things. It was just, you know, things that you haven't told me. Interesting. Yeah. Like what? Now you got me curious. That's how you were in high school. Yeah, a lot of bedazzled jeans, apparently. Well, dude, no, I did. Yeah. Ooh, that's a tough look. Ninth grade, man. I was still rocking the earrings. You had earrings? Oh, I had a whole collection of Jordans and everything, man. So you didn't transition to a self-proclaimed redneck until you're...

Late in your teens. See, I was always kind of. I was still watching Monster Jam, watching all that stuff, man. Getting into the countryside, but I was all about basketball and having some swag. What pushed you over the edge? What was the defining moment? I don't know, man. It was just time to cowboy up a little bit and get the boots out, I guess. I don't know. Something hit me. You know what it is? I'm taking a good fall.

Say it, Ben. Just tell me. They're over here whispering. I don't like it. Oh, man. It's not good. What'd he say? It was your sister that turned you into a redneck, wasn't it? His sister was like an extra cute that day. I don't bring up my sister. You guys bring up my sister. I don't bring her up. Get out of here, man. How can I make this acceptable? Redneck.

What do I do about these weird feelings that I'm having? Band-aid that says redneck. Slap it on. Yeah. Socially acceptable. Get a couple cutoffs, throw the boots on, you're dialed. Knocking boots in no time. You don't dress, I mean, like most people around here. Or anywhere. Anywhere. Yeah, exactly. Like, what's your fit right now? You got the Shred A shirt, obviously. Yeah.

And then shoes and the boots on and the boots. Obviously I have never seen the, the elderly ladies of Cormorant. It was like Elvis and his prime walk through the coffee shop today. Dude, you're, you are like in like a middle-aged woman's dream. He caught a phone number at dinner yesterday, not doing anything, but say he likes three wheelers. Yep. She wanted me to fix her three wheeler, Ben. Yeah. He threw it away right away. Yep. Yep.

I did. I did. Oh, I'm sure she was an older lady. Actually, straight up. How did that come up that you were like into three wheelers? I brought it up. Have you ever been in a conversation? By their table. Just run me through the conversation.

So she was just talking about what all the boys do, what all you guys film and everything. And then I went on talking about my videos and such. And I go, do you like three-wheelers? She goes, oh, boy, I grew up on those bad girls. And then we start talking. Do you got one still? She goes, I got a 110. Tell me more. Thank you.

And then Gav tried to buy it, and she did not like that. She was not having it. You can't buy it, but you can come over and fix it for me. She just told me to come over and fix it. I got a little scared, but I was like, all right, all right. Didn't say another word. She walks off, and then I got the ticket. I got the ticket. Did you offer it? Oh, she was a waiter. Waitress. Yep. And it literally had her number. Oh, yeah. I got her number and the permission to fix her three-wheeler and then buy it after I fix it. Really? Yeah. She said I could buy it. How much? I don't know. You should do it. I probably should.

I probably should. I don't believe that half these deals happen, Gab. I want to see one in real time. I'll show you how I negotiate. I think you can make a whole bit out of this. The problem is this video wouldn't be able to go on YouTube. Well, the first half, yeah. I'd be actually fixing the video. Wannabe Redneck fixes old woman's... Okay, she wasn't old, really, for the record, but... Oh, my gosh.

Yeah, that was crazy. It actually was something, though, dude. Gav walks through the coffee shop and the ladies, I mean, everybody's talking to him. Everybody. The whole place is like, can I get a piece of this man? And then we walk out and he hops in the orange Corvette and they all stop. They got out of cars to come and talk to him. Well, then it really makes sense. They're like, and he drives a Corvette. They're like, he's perfect. He's like.

It was every older woman's dream. Oh, geez. I mean, even the 70-year-olds were getting fired up as we were driving away. Oh, God. I can't imagine. It was bad. A little scary. What a stud. That's what they were thinking. I know. They saw my mullet flying. They haven't seen one of that since 85. Yeah. 85. Good Lord. But yeah, thank you for letting me drive that bad girl, man. Of course, buddy. That is a good car for you. I could see you in like a C-

five corvette that's that's kind of how i felt too but i i want the uh the old 75 stingray that's my favorite 70s 75 why not 80s i know i know but i love that split window how do you not end up with an 80s el camino with a freaking three-wheeler in the back gav because my best friend has one i'm not gonna let you drive it you probably break it you're not letting me take the trike fest no that'd be sweet no evan doesn't even drive it dude that thing i will never get the smell out of it smell of what i

I don't even know, but it'll never be gone. Black ice? It'll smell like three wheelers and goose shit is what it's going to smell like. It's not black ice. I said black ice. No, you didn't.

Did you? Yes, I did. I knew you said black ice. Do I look like the typical black ice guy or what? Ben loves black ice air fresheners. They're a good smell. Yeah, they're great. I love them. You really think they are? It's not bad. It's not bad. Now it's going to not bad. They're a good smell. It's not bad. The smell since sophomore year of high school gets a little old. Well, they make different flavors. You don't have to stick with the black ice. There's a million trees. There is a million trees. Would you put it in your Chevy? I don't drive a Chevy. What?

Chevy's are for a special type of guy. I don't know about those type of guys. I like Dodge. Ram? Ram Ranch? I knew that was coming. What's wrong with having...

Dodge Ram. Nothing. That's when you start making the Ram Ranch jokes. What's wrong with Ram Ranch? Nothing, once again, but I don't like it being associated with me and my Dodge. I had heard that Ram Ranch was actually filmed on your property, and that's where you got your seed money to start buying these three-wheelers. Seed money. Yeah, start telling everybody that, right? He started to get me when he was like, yeah, you knew it was started in Colorado. I was like, yeah, kind of, I guess. I'm going along. He's like, dude, I thought the Carlsons were involved with it back in the day.

I really don't think so. But then he was like, he was so coffee. Well, they were. That's actually why they put in the big irrigation. Get out of here, dude. Yeah. Bad as the lake sharks. I'm not going to believe you on this one. No. Did you actually know they created a fault line through Colorado? They're filming that movie. No way. Yeah. On your property. Stop it right there. No. On the edge of town. Get out of here.

Feel bad, Gav. I can never tell when I'm actually pissing you off. I'm never actually pissed off. I know that's the problem. What's like sometimes you've been pissed off, Gavin? Ooh, you ready for the... Yeah. You guys know the most pissed off you guys have ever seen me is when I drenched that 250R in Moab. I felt like the biggest idiot in the world when I got that air filter wet. And then Evan said, well, you shouldn't have hit the damn water, Gav.

Oh, shit, Evan. It stressed me out because I even appreciate that three-wheeler is a work of art. And you took it into a freaking puddle. That's like the one terrain you're not supposed to drive. What else am I going to do with it, though? You have 37 other three-wheelers made for submarineing. I know. Just one that you got to keep dry. I know. But that's one of the times you definitely saw me a little booty tickling. You didn't seem that mad at all to me. I didn't even notice you were mad. Good, because I was probably more focused on my broken wrist. Yeah.

Hey, you can take a fall too, though, Ev. You proved that this winter. I have been accused of being able to take a fall, yes. Yeah. I think it's your density. Both of you guys are pretty dense. I think Ben did kind of hit the nail on the head, though, that maybe there is a little bit of pain tolerance or just being used to being banged up all the time. If you wake up every morning and you feel great, which I never do, then it's like more of a concern. Yeah, but it's always self-inflicted.

But yeah, I mean, some people are like, oh, you know, I might have sprained my finger. I better go to the doctor and get checked out. Like, I've been running this broken finger for 15 years. Never crossed my mind to do nothing about it. Run it. Just run it. That's all you can do, man. Jeff, that was crazy. He had the same finger I had. I mean, I've seen different broken fingers pointing this way, that way, but never like an identical match. There might be something there. Yeah.

Like what? Possibly your father. No, I don't think so. I doubt that. But, you know, maybe he's going to teach me how to barefoot water ski someday or something. Don't even try. I think there could be a future in this for us.

I don't know where I'm going. I think you were going somewhere sus. I think that's pretty sus. Future with you two together. Making content. Stunts. Doing stunts. Alright, what else we got? We're going to get Evan's live reaction to the Montana boys. Stop. Don't even show Evan these boys. It looks like you would be hanging with them, Gav. They look like fake rednecks too. I'm not a fake redneck. Oh, I don't want to throw up. That's what they say when they watch your three-wheeler video. Look at Evan's reaction. I don't even want to look at it anymore.

We've been compared to these guys, Evan. The Montana boys? Dude, I tell you what. They got it way better than us, dude. They're fucking just doing this shit. Yeah, this is a lot easier. I mean, clearly they got it figured out. They're killing it. When you're good looking, you can just do things like this and people will watch. Some of us got to work for a living.

Yeah, what the fuck? They're just literally dancing. And looking pretty. How do you even get into this? Is TikTok dancing still as big as it was? Like, when I think of TikTok dancing, I think of, like, Charli D'Amelio or Addison Rae 2020. Like, during COVID. Is that still a thing? I mean, these guys are pretty big. Are they doing this, I'm one number away? They're pretty fucking big, dude. I feel like I've seen them do it to that one 100,000 times. Like, it takes, what, 10 seconds to film this shit? Oh, I knew it was this song.

How many times do you dance to this song and people still watch, I guess,

Evan. Doesn't matter, but we're going to do this. Your late night crew should do this. Evan, let's do it tonight. Dude, honestly, ours would be way better than this shit. We'd come rolling in on three wheelers. I'm going to throw stones living in the glass house. They're crushing it. They got a couple. No, they definitely are. They're pretty well known. I'm just like, damn, that's crazy that they're that well known. I'm pumped for them, but it's just not the content I want to consume. For sure. Do you think if you spent as much time...

doing other things that maybe some may consider to be destructive. You could look that good. You'd get that jacked. That ain't worth it. Could you imagine if you... Evan turns into a muscle fucking... If he was just chiseled. I don't know if it's worth it, dude. That's a lot of dedication, time, effort. I'm just trying to hang with the boys, do some wheelies, and have a beer. He'd have to go to bed on time. Have to get up early. Proper sleep. Eat.

No more door buzz? Yeah, it would be such a drastic lifestyle change. Put the vape down. I don't know if my body could handle the health. I feel like you're a pretty strong individual. You could probably just keep eating like shit and just lift weights once a month and you'd probably get jacked. Yeah, you do. With the way that things go for you, Ev. Remember the video...

When we took the Sherp to the sandbar and Evan was like kind of... That's when I was racing dirt bikes. Yeah, you were kind of shredded back then. You didn't even... I did see a video of like the... Just like a segment from like the first summer that when you came on full time. You definitely were like a young boy, but like you had like some tree trunk arms. Well, I was still an athlete then. Like I was racing like every weekend. Do you think it was that or you think it was just the manual labor of working and...

You were doing that? Yeah, no, the manual labor probably definitely contributed too, but... Yeah, you were just like... I was more motivated. There's more of a reason, like, oh, I got to go to the race this weekend. Like, I got to do worth a shit. I'm not going to drink for a few days before the race. But, like, now there's literally no incentive to not be a piece of shit. Zero reward. It could quite literally...

not matter a single bit if you took dead last in this local race that you're running on the weekend. But instead, you're making a video for millions of people the next day and you're like, it's fine if I stay up till 6.30. I don't have to do it.

anything tomorrow besides for make a video for millions of people. Exactly. You do it great, Ev. Do the best I can one day at a time. Yeah, yeah. Whatever you're doing, I'm not trying to intervene with the process. You don't need to change anything. That's for sure. You're doing great. It's a weird thought process, though. I think now I'm able... I got a team to pick up my slack back then. I had to rely on myself. Maybe you're more... It's your guys' fault. Maybe you're... The enablers...

It is our fault. There he is, blaming other people. Maybe it's just best to be loose, though. Don't take it too serious. It depends. You don't want to be loose in all areas, CJ. Well, that's true. That's true. Why do you look at Dalton, dude? What?

- Dude, this is the thing. - Grapes. It's funny, Ev, 'cause you compare your physical appearance to the day you started till now, it looks like for the last three years, you've been working hard manual labor removing asbestos. And then it would almost look like

prior to that you were working here it was like an anti-aging maybe the asbestos was anti-aging for you it probably was there's something in we could get some put it in the walls of your room or something maybe that's why they banned asbestos they say it causes cancer but actually it's anti-aging serum it was really just like a big ploy by the beauty industry to try and sell some products yeah no more asbestos

Bring back asbestos. Make asbestos great again. Good morning, Mike. Oh, hey, Mike. Hey. Mike. It's afternoon, Evan. But you just got here, so it must be morning for you. That's funny.

So this week we raced the Lambo versus the giveaway R8. And prior to that, I had seen this video. And granted, this Lambo is a little more tuned up. I think it's got like 1,500 wheel or something crazy like that. But I also know that Ben is not as good of a driver as this and is all I could think of. You going to take that? Well, I mean, it's not like I have anything to back it. Hasn't won a single race in his Lamborghini.

You'd think he was racing like drag cars or something. But I could not get this video out of my head. Every time we did a run to try to get Ben to even get a little bit closer, this is all I was thinking about. Twin turboed. Oh, fuck. Dude, that was the save of the century. Oh! Oh! He didn't even touch the wall. Dude, I love that the crowd goes wild on this. They want to see him pile that thing up.

Dude, that is a fucking rocket ship. That's what you need to do, Ben, so you can fucking start winning. A couple thousand horsepower? 360 was clean. It was a clean 360. But, yeah, dude, I mean. If you're going to have a fail like that, it's not even a fail. That was a win. Yeah, it was. That was. It's like a re-entry.

Bubba, he stops completely and then the crowd goes wild. He had to change his pants before he pulled off the track. No kidding. He just soiled his underpants. I do believe if we drop into the comments here, save the car, but most likely we'll need new seats. Probably drove home with no music on. I can relate to that. Everyone's had that drive. Dude wipes. Dude wipes comments can need more wipes. That's going to itch when it dries. Ha ha ha.

You can always tell when a car is fast, especially with supercars or an R8, a GTR, Lamborghini, is when they have the small 18-inch beadlocks and then the massive tires. You just know. They're not messing around. If you see a guy like that on the street, don't even bother. You know. So future, just a little advice, Ben? Yeah.

Really don't waste your time with those guys. Believe me, I'm not out street racing. I'd probably be better if I was. Ben picks on like a couple civics and stuff like that. We catch Ben late at night. He's like picking races with civics. I actually get a kick out of those videos. They'll come up on my Facebook where you got the guy in the sleeper civic running, you know,

crazy power yeah I love that shit and it's great I love it it's the dude that built the car in his garage it's gutted it's just pieced together and then you got a couple hundred thousand dollars and you just shit on him yeah it's very satisfying I think that's fucking super cool the underdog's on top or like back in the day you used to be able to do this it would be like a V8 Camaro or like a Mustang or even like

corvettes and then they'd have like an evo and it's obviously got a big turbo on it and they would or a subaru even and they'd smoke them i just love that shit you know like a japanese tuner car nowadays you don't see it as much with like those cheaper cars because everything is so high horsepower like a v6 yeah muscle cars yeah pretty quick so but but not even that long ago it's like 10 years ago like

Like it would, that was like a real thing. And there'd be videos online of guys with like, you know, they just have a boosted up Subaru and they'd be at like the strip and they wouldn't be talking to some guy. They'd be at like a car, car run. And some guy was like a Corvette. You want to race for money? And they'd like put the money up. And then this guy thinks he's going to walk this guy. Cause he just has a more expensive, supposedly higher horsepower car and we'll just get wrecked. And then I remember this guy wouldn't pay them and shit. Oh wow. Yeah. It was like a big thing. He's like, you cheated. Yeah.

Well, I mean, it'd be like Boosted Boys Kyle running people in his Honda Odyssey that's plaid. That's awesome. So awesome. Yeah, that was a crazy car. I was talking to him because he was saying that he was going to build a Platyce again, like another one.

And I was like, dude, you should put a Hellcat into one of them. Like a Hellcat swap. That'd be sick. Sorry, sorry, sorry. I had that backwards. I told him he should put a Hellcat into the Tesla. Oh, that's good. Have you guys seen it? You should do it all three ways, honestly.

Have you guys seen, this is a legitimate ad from Chrysler that I saw on TikTok of all places. It can do all-wheel drive burnouts. What? Sorry, minivan. They have their minivan, the Pacifica, and they have the all-wheel drive version, and they advertise on their own page that it can do all-wheel drive. No way. Really? Those even have like a body camcorder.

kit on it right like it looks kind they tried to sporty they made it sport yeah yeah yeah like I don't and then they claimed you know it wasn't modified but and then everyone's just like screw you make a Hellcat van

Yeah, they really should. They should. Before they kill off the Hellcat, they should make a Hellcat, man. I know Slim would be in for one. I feel like a lot of guys would put their wives in that. For how expensive it would be, I feel like they'd just put them in a fucking Suburban or a Tahoe. I think that all the time with Ken's Tesla. Just picture the scenario. Guy with a lot of money goes, my wife needs a new car, and I want her to drive a Tesla. So he walks in and says, what Tesla do you have? Give me the best Tesla you got. And

And so the salesman sells him the $140,000 plaid. Little does the wife know that it's got like a thousand horsepower and is like damn near a supercar. And then you put somebody who's like not equipped, not saying that all moms aren't, but probably most moms shouldn't have a thousand horsepower. Maybe she's on the way home from wine night. So I mean, she gets a little buried in the pedal. And then before you know it, she's doing Mach 80. She looks like big wrench tits over tea kettle before she knows what happened.

Cam, when you drive your Plaid, though, if you're not giving us a ride, does it just drive normal, though? I don't drive like a hooligan all the time. Right, but if you're giving it gas, is it really...

really fast? You don't give it gas, you give it electricity. It's pretty touchy. Do you have to literally use like your big toe? Like Spongebob. I mean, you can put it into a different mode where it's the throttle's dialed way back. It's way more comfortable to drive it that way. I suppose you can do like the valet mode on it or whatever. Top it out at like 70. It's called like just chill.

- Interesting. - Chill. - Just chill. - Say it, Gab, chill. - Chill, baby, chill. - Chill. - But that's what I mean. Like imagine you're just not equipped to drive that type of equipment at that speed. And then you start going, you start pressing the pedal, you panic. Before you know it, dude, you're doing 110. - It's not a matter of if you have enough space to pass, it's do you have enough space to pass and slow down? - Yeah, for sure. - Ken let us drive his Cybertruck the other day. Shout out to Ken, that was sick. We happened to end up at the drag strip

You can't have a Cybertruck parked next to a Lambo without at least running it once. Did you know this? I didn't. He was asking me. You were throwing some feelers out there to me. So I can't believe you didn't do anything with the Cybertruck. I was. I was totally expecting that thing to come back with something done to it. No, no. We were actually just using it.

But we did drag race it once. Yeah, you have to. Okay. All right. That's what I thought you would say. Is there a mode that you can put it in? Like race mode? No, that's the fastest that one goes. Oh, okay. All right. Cause he's just got the duo motor. Yeah. I mean, I still walked my Lamborghini, but did it? No.

I won that one, thankfully. So I do want to say I caught a little flack being, you know, a fellow electric vehicle guy. My Hummer would spank that Tesla, right? Probably. For sure. For sure. Can we just see it though? I mean,

I mean, yeah. Like, I think it's actually the race. Nobody wanted to see the race. Who wants to see this race? They couldn't hear it either. Uh, speaking. So you thought someone, they were going to come back with the Tesla, like something modified to it in a way that would obviously be a prank on you. Yeah. I mean, just the way Ben kind of proposition. He was like, uh,

can we borrow your cyber truck? Yeah. Are you using it? I was like, I mean, yeah. Okay. Ken just doesn't fight it. We're going to do something to it. He's like, well, already ordered a new one.

For one, that's amazing, Ken. I mean, you just, you stick to your principles, always stay suspicious, but you don't halt the production of the video. Yeah, that was great. So great job. People started polishing some of these tests. It looked like a fucking mirror. I think you should do that, Ken. I hate chrome, and that looks too much like chrome. It's more of a mirror. Which is what chrome is. It's more miry, though. Chrome is chrome. I think you should polish it, Ken. I already put PPF on it. It protected the paint for a week, and now it's just, it's not even paint. You got paint protection film on your fridge.

Stainless steel, dog. I just really don't like shiny, chrome-ish looking things like that. But you like kind of half shiny sort of silvery things? Yeah, because it looks like brushed stainless steel. Do you not think it would be kind of a hazard on the road? It's almost like a giant mirror driving around, which could almost, I don't know, it just seems like it. There's different angles you catch the light.

Yeah, and it's like blinding people, but also it's like you're looking at it, you're seeing yourself. It's like... It would be the best thing for driving in front of you because you are notorious about leaving your high beams on following people. All it would do is reflect it back to you. Oh, yeah, that would actually be a safety hazard at night. Oh, yeah, dude. I didn't even think about that at night. You'd be driving a disco ball. I think that's a wrap for this podcast. Thank goodness. Probably a little bit more sus than usual if that was your first podcast. Try another one, please.

Bro, if they went to the end of this, they're going to think all of them are this. Not that there's anything wrong with it. I'm happy for you two. Well, anywho, thank you guys for making it to the end of this podcast. If you did, make sure you subscribe and come back next week for probably a less sus episode. Yup. Yup. Yup.