cover of episode CboysTV's Most Viral Video, CJ Ruins a Surprise, & How We Give Our Friends Nicknames

CboysTV's Most Viral Video, CJ Ruins a Surprise, & How We Give Our Friends Nicknames

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Life Wide Open with CboysTV

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Ken: 在 Instagram、OnlyFans 和 YouTube 等平台兴起之后,人们获取名利的方式发生了根本性变化。过去,人们可能需要付出巨大的代价,甚至出卖灵魂来换取成功。但现在,通过这些平台,普通人也能轻松获得关注和财富,因此人们不再需要像以前那样付出沉重的代价。 CJ: 我同意 Ken 的观点。社交媒体的出现降低了成名的门槛,同时也为人们提供了更多选择。人们可以通过分享自己的才华、技能或生活点滴来获得关注和认可,从而实现个人价值。这使得人们不必再依赖传统途径,也不必为了追求名利而牺牲自己的原则和道德底线。 CJ: 我认为,社交媒体的出现改变了人们对成功的定义。过去,成功往往意味着财富和地位,而现在,成功可以是多方面的,例如拥有大量的粉丝、获得广泛的认可、实现个人梦想等等。社交媒体为人们提供了展示自己、实现梦想的平台,也让更多人有机会获得成功。 Ken: 社交媒体的双面性值得我们关注。虽然它为人们提供了更多机会,但也存在一些负面影响,例如网络暴力、信息过载、虚假信息传播等等。我们需要理性地看待社交媒体,并学会利用它来实现自己的目标,同时也要避免其负面影响。

Deep Dive

The discussion explores whether modern platforms like Instagram and OnlyFans have changed the need for selling one's soul in Hollywood, with a light-hearted mention of Tom Brady and Kim Kardashian.

Shownotes Transcript


Today's episode is brought to you by Angie. Angie has made it easier than ever to connect with skilled professionals to get all your jobs and projects done well. Let me tell you, there's the version of it where you try to do something at home and then there's a version of it where you have someone help you, you watch them do it the right way and you go, thank God I didn't try to do that myself.

I have fully done things around the home that I think look good and then a bang in the night and I wake up to a shelf collapsing, a painting falling off the wall. Like it, I've seen it all go south. I own a home and I can tell you, I know how much work it can take. Whether it's everyday maintenance and repairs or making dream projects a reality, it can be hard just to know where to start. But now all you need to do is Angie that and find a skilled local pro who will deliver the quality and expertise you need.

Whatever your home project, big or small, indoor or outdoor, you can Angie that and connect with skilled professionals to get the project done well. Right now, one of my wishlists is I want a bike for my condo in Milwaukee and I would love to rig it up on a pulley in the ceiling because I have one of those like lofted ceilings.

but I'm so scared to try that on my own. Angie has 20 years of home experience and they've combined it with new tools to simplify the whole process. Bring them your project online or with the Angie app. Answer a few questions and Angie can handle the rest from start to finish or help you compare quotes from multiple pros and connect instantly, which means you can take care of any home project in just a few taps.

Because when it comes to getting the most out of your home, you can do this when you Angie that. Download the free Angie mobile app today or visit That's A-N-G-I dot com. Tom Brady slamming Kim Kardashian, allegedly. Allegedly. What? Yeah, you guys hear that. Glory to God on that one. Would you date Kim Kardashian, Ken? So you think with like Instagram and OnlyFans and YouTube and stuff like that, you think people still sell their souls? I feel like you don't need to anymore. You're right.

Your hinder's kind of been, I don't want to say taken a pounding, but it has kind of been taken a pounding. That's such a rich person thing to do. Buy a ton of fireworks and light them up. Yeah, like a ton. It's like, what else you do with this money? Let's just blow it up. Let's just literally blow it up. Which, hey, that show that one dude put on, that was a great show. It was good. That was legit. It was like 20s.

25, he said. I was actually surprised. I thought it was a $50,000 show, quite frankly. Right. Wow. Like, I would have estimated 50 grand. Because it went on for like 30 minutes. It was better than the ones that, like, the Lake Association put on. Really? You thought that was better than Pelican? The problem was we were so far back. Everyone I talked to said the Lake Association ones were disappointing this year, though. Well, they probably didn't get enough money from selling all their phone books.

Gotta raise the prices. It was just funny because Ken's like, yeah, we're kind of locked in now. You might be able to see it from the dock. And then that was the last time I had spoken to him. And then he came back and he's like, dude,

It was 10 out of 10. Thanks, bro. I couldn't see it from the time you missed was a 10 out of 10. I'm not going to lie. It probably was one of the better fireworks shows I've seen in my life. The fireworks in L.A., I saw like a video, a couple of cool videos. Some guy did a really cool time lapse. But essentially, there's a helicopter flying over. And you're thinking L.A., it's a dense city. I mean, there was fireworks going off everywhere.

Everywhere. Oh, I saw this. Everywhere. If you could pull up a clip, that'd be sick, Ken. And apparently no one's allowed to do any of it. Even the big shows are supposedly shut down and everyone's like...

Fuck it. Nah. Yeah. And I just couldn't believe it. I did think it'd be sweet to watch fireworks from a plane. Yeah. One day we got to get a friend with a plane. We've got ones with big pontoons and boats and stuff like that. We got to find that plane friend. Well, we said that when we were watching him and Mark's like, we can do that next year. He sounded pretty confident the way he said it. Like,

We were going to get a plane and go through them. Sweet. So you guys know how I have a HOA around my house? Yeah. I got an email from the HOA on, I think, like the 3rd or the 2nd.

And it was just like, just a reminder, here are the fireworks that are illegal in the state of Minnesota. All of them? Yeah, all of them, right? And go, we abide by the laws of the state, and those are the rules that we follow in this HOA. And then somebody responds back in the email thread and goes...

It is your God-given right by being an American to light off fireworks. You do what you please and have a good time doing it. Happy Fourth of July. Oh, my gosh. He had his name attached to that and everything. Some older gentleman, I'm sure. A grand moron type. Yeah, and then the next email thread is from the president who sent the first one and goes, that was not a member of the board sending that email. Do not listen to that email. I repeat, do not listen to that email. Okay.

I feel like I'm in the middle of an HOA beef right now. I don't think anyone's ever gotten a text or an email from their HOA and it been something cool. Positive. Yeah, positive. You never have anything good to say about an HOA. Yeah, not most of the time. True, because it really is just a rule book. Then again, though, when we were running the HOA over at the last place...

Things were pretty good for us, I'd say. We lit off fireworks. And we let everyone else do what they wanted to. I think our HOA was corrupt. I think so, too. I think there was some corruption by having us involved. Yeah, when they put us in charge, yeah, there was... Yeah, no one wanted to take the responsibility, but no one thought, this is a good idea. It turned out all right. It did, yeah. This guy I know has some neighbors that he doesn't like.

And they kind of live in a neighborhood where they could form an HOA. And there's been talks about,

about creating an hoa between the three neighbors that get along and the one that doesn't to force the one neighbor out you can force someone out if you're an h.o i don't know probably you could make their life suck so much that they want to leave who is it where is it fargo just somebody really distant from me not very close to me at all yeah i think i think i've actually uh talked to that guy and i might have actually even given him the idea of doing it because of my hoa yeah

And if that were me, I guess I would hope to never be the hated neighbor. But if it were me, like, I would just, like, not. I'd be like, I already lived here before the HOA, before all these dumb rules. Sorry. I don't know. Just get some bottle rockets and start firing them off. Well, it's not even about that. Like, yeah, start doing burnouts in the Chevy. Yeah. HOAs hate burnouts. Especially in Chevys. I have seen a lot of Instagram videos of people

People in the hood lighting off fireworks. Seems like they love fireworks more than anyone. They do. Dude, I saw the craziest. Oh, I saw two of them. The first one being just a guy parked in a truck. Oh, I just saw this one. With his window down a little bit. And this guy running by just chucks like a full-on mortar into the car. And the guy closes his door. He didn't notice. He didn't notice. And he like puts up his window and then you just hear boom.

boom it like blows him out of the car practically and then the next one that one was messed up was a guy doing an instagram live stream and he puts a firecracker in his mouth and he lights it and then he like like closes his lips and then just goes boom what yeah you just you just described two videos of people dying and that's that's what you think no and then he just opened his mouth the teeth are gone and then he goes like this gone

It was supposed to be like a magic trick. What a maniac. So who tried that first? He had the burnt mark. If you were to light it off on your driveway, how it leaves a little burn stain behind. He had that on his tongue. It's like a black splat kind of thing. It was crazy. I thought you were going to bring up Roman candles. Everyone loves Roman candles because you can aim them. They're just firing them at police cars. But I mean, everyone's just like, yeah! Do-do-do-do!

It's just in a state of like, I can't get, I'm not going to get in trouble for this if everyone else is doing it. That's effed. I mean, you shouldn't shoot fireworks at anyone, to be honest. You just shouldn't put fireworks in your mouth, I feel like. That's like a pretty... I think that's actually on the box when you get it. It says, do not put this in your mouth. Yeah, don't swallow this. Dumbass. Yeah.

And that's like a crazy like fuck around and find out kind of thing. Yeah, who did that first though? You know, like who tested it to be like, oh, you know, it burns your tongue, but it doesn't blow all your teeth out. What if you accidentally grab the one that's too big? That's what I was going to say. And it does blow your teeth out. You get someone that's like, oh, it's these fireworks, right? Yeah. And then throw it in. Oh, yeah, I think so. Here's a video of Minneapolis.

It's pretty wild. It's just this one clip that's been circling around, but it's pretty wild that this shit is going down in Minneapolis. I feel like that's not that big of a deal, though. Like, Roman candles, you shoot them at, like, people. So they're shooting at the car. I'm not saying it's not a big deal, but, like, the cop could straight up just drive right up to them. But I'm sure he doesn't know if they have guns or whatever.

Yeah, and a whole Roman candle flying at him. That's pretty cool. And does this guy just take off running? I love how he's standing outside of a Chevy Spark. No, it's an Equinox. Excuse me. No one has ever done anything cool in a Chevy Equinox. Oh, he's trying to rebrand. Although they... Yeah, no one has. I wonder...

how David Blaine, the magician, does literally 99% of the stunts that he does. I can see him swallowing a firecracker, full-on swallowing it, and then the only bomb you hear is when he farts or something like that. Wow.

That would be cool. It's called magic. I could see him doing that. Like the magic tricks are one thing with like the cards and everything. You know, that might all be like kind of an illusion to the eye or like the sleight of hand. But when he does like the actual stunts or... That's all training. Yeah. Standing on top of a pole for how long did he... 50 hours or something like that? What?

Really? Oh my gosh. Being entrapped in ice for like 20 hours, holding his breath for 14 minutes. Don't people think those guys are like the...

Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Oh, yeah. My parents did. Yeah, like, Criss Angel. They're like, yeah, I mean, he sold his soul. Really? That's what they think? Pretty much. I mean, they're like, it's not as easy as it is in the, like, TV shows or, like, a cartoon, but... So you think with, like, Instagram and OnlyFans and YouTube and stuff like that, you think people still sell their souls? I feel like you don't need to anymore. I feel like it's so easy to do it on your own. I think it's different now. You don't need to...

You don't need to sell your soul. So when your parents are saying that, what are they? I mean, he sold his soul to the devil and now he has like certain powers. Yeah. It's a long, it's like demonic. Yeah. Black magic. Yeah. It's like, so if you, uh, like, I guess like Tom Brady, uh, credits, like a lot of his accomplishments, uh,

And he would speak on that. And then, I'm not saying, but then I don't think Criss Angel or David Blaine, I don't know about David Blaine, would go like, yeah, got that shit from the devil. Tom Brady slamming Kim Kardashian, allegedly. Allegedly. What? Yeah, you guys hear about that? Glory to God on that one. No. He's like, thank God. No chance. No.

No, they were at the white party or whatever together. Everyone was at the white party. That's true. You mean no chance. I mean, there's 100% chance. It's Tom Brady. No, I'm not saying it like that. I just feel like Tom Brady wouldn't want to smash Kim Kardashian. Why not? He doesn't seem like he's a type. That he couldn't handle it? No, he goes. No, I mean, I'm sure he always. CJ, smash. Deep down, deep, deep down. Believe that, CJ. I do. I do.

Tom Brady. Really? I would like to. I feel like Tom Brady's like a little bit. Above it. Yeah. Okay. Really? Like she's too much of like a meme almost. Not a meme, but you know what I'm saying. The connotation that comes with Kim Kardashian. David Portnoy put it, a dirty A-lister. That's what he said about her? He said there's plenty of A-list celebrities that he could be hitting on or going after. Rihanna.

I don't know who else they said. I don't know. I'm just saying, like, Kim Kardashian's been around the block. She's been around the block about 20 times. So... I don't know if you could ever, like, I guess hold that against a guy that has the opportunity to date Kim Kardashian, though, you know? I mean, if you could, I feel like you got it. Would you date Kim Kardashian, Ken? Fuck yeah. Okay, good. What about Kris Kardashian? Uh...

I mean, still, you got to. I mean, she's had a lot of work done. Chris has definitely been on the block once or twice. I mean, they all have. Ken already got to her. I heard she had a bad hip. Who's Chris? The mom? The mom.

No, don't date her, Ken, dude. Don't date Chris. You got to wife that, dude. She gets like 20% of it all. Yeah, she would get her greasy fingers a part of Ken's equity then too. Turn this into a billion dollar empire. Yeah, now that I think about it, that'd be pretty good. Ken, you should. Yeah. Hey, did you find David Blaine's accomplishments? Yeah, he held his breath for 17 minutes. Didn't eat for 44 days. Wow.

Wow. Stood on a pole for 35 hours. Looks like it's pretty tiny, like basically enough to hold your feet on. And stood in an ice block for 63 hours. And I just lost my patience. 63 hours? Jesus, dude. He was buried alive for seven days. Didn't Mr. Beast do that? Did he do seven days? I can't remember how long it was. How long was it? I got to look that up. It was long. This one guy I used to watch on YouTube did kind of stunts like that. Jake Paul.

He buried himself in concrete for 24 hours, even though it was literally six minutes, and it was the cringiest video I've ever seen on YouTube. Mr. Beast was 50 hours. 50 hours. And how long was David Blaine? Seven days. Oh, cripes. So quite a bit longer. Something tells me that David Blaine didn't have, like...

The whole lit up coffin, like the amenities that Mr. Beast had. Not saying that he had like luxury amenities down there, but like I wouldn't be surprised if it was just like pitch black in there. Yeah. And he had probably no oxygen flow to the outside. Like, I don't know. The dude's crazy. What do you think he thinks about for that long?

Like, I can hardly go to the bathroom without my phone. I think he goes to another place. Yeah, he was talking about how you start to hallucinate. That's what I mean. I think he goes to a different place. Because you put yourself in such an extreme situation for so long. It might have been in the ice. I think it was in the ice. How long did he spend in the ice block? 63 hours. So how is that...

Earned him a million bucks. Like into his pocket? Yeah. Or was it for like a fundraiser or what? It just says earned him a whopping million dollars. Other magicians weren't impressed. What? I don't know. Sounds like they're jealous. Yeah. That's the ultimate ice bath. I think he swallows a quarter and then he like pushes it.

down his arm and like out and then like cuts it and then you know just stuff like that like you might have to pull that one up no yeah you definitely got to sell your soul to the devil to do shit like that yeah it's like how again magic body like in just incredible some kind of trick yeah man i tell you what nothing gets the crowd going like a magic trick like even

I don't think any of us know any magic tricks, but Jake, he knows like one card trick. And if there's ever a deck of cards, he'll always pull out this card trick half the time he gets it wrong. But I know that. But most of the time, there's someone new, and they're amazed by it every time. How did you do that? If you're just sitting at like just a little different angle, you can see like the card behind his fingers. They're like doing something like that, but...

Now, me and my buddy got obsessed with that for a little bit. Obviously, we knew that if we got too obsessed that you're just a loser. Unless you're good, obviously. It's like I went through a yo-yo phase. You had such self-awareness, Mike. But, like, yeah, we had a couple. Let's say we had, like, ten total. Could probably only remember five on the spot. And one that was good. One that was really good. And it just got people. Really? Like, you'd have a crowd. And I could see it's probably addicting. Yeah.

Probably impressing people like that. Yeah, I want to learn a magic trick. Let's do it after this. All right, next podcast, I'm going to have a magic trick for you guys. Well, really? If we can, we'll try. I'm going to tell you to cut that part if I don't. Okay. If we can, try to have it not be a card trick, but also I'd say just have it be a card trick. Like what? Swallowing a frog? Well, that'd be more entertaining. Just eating a frog, basically.

You just swallow it. You're like, all right, that's it. All right. I'm at the beginning of the podcast. I'm going to swallow this frog. Stay to the end. It's going to be the best retention on a podcast. I throw up a frog at the end. It's still croaking.

I'm out. Hi, I'm Angie Hicks, co-founder of Angie. And one thing I've learned is that you buy a house, but you make it a home. Because with every fix, update, and renovation, it becomes a little more your own. So you need all your jobs done well. For nearly 30 years, Angie has helped millions of homeowners hire skilled pros for the projects that matter. From plumbing to electrical, roof repair to deck upgrades. So leave it to the pros who will get your jobs done well. Hi,

Hire high quality certified pros at Today's episode is brought to you by Angie. Angie has made it easier than ever to connect with skilled professionals to get all your jobs and projects done well. Let me tell you, there's the version of it where you try to do something at home and then there's a version of it where you have someone help you, you watch them do it the right way and you go, thank God I didn't try to do that myself.

I have fully done things around the home that I think look good and then a bang in the night and I wake up to a shelf collapsing, a painting falling off the wall. Like it, I've seen it all go south. I own a home and I can tell you, I know how much work it can take. Whether it's everyday maintenance and repairs or making dream projects a reality, it can be hard just to know where to start. But now all you need to do is Angie that and find a skilled local pro who will deliver the quality and expertise you need.

Whatever your home project, big or small, indoor or outdoor, you can Angie that and connect with skilled professionals to get the project done well. Right now, one of my wishlists is I want a bike for my condo in Milwaukee and I would love to rig it up on a pulley in the ceiling because I have one of those like lofted ceilings.

but I'm so scared to try that on my own. Angie has 20 years of home experience and they've combined it with new tools to simplify the whole process. Bring them your project online or with the Angie app. Answer a few questions and Angie can handle the rest from start to finish or help you compare quotes from multiple pros and connect instantly, which means you can take care of any home project in just a few taps.

Because when it comes to getting the most out of your home, you can do this when you Angie that. Download the free Angie mobile app today or visit That's A-N-G-I dot com.

Wait, you guys hear about Joey Chestnut? I saw there was some kind of controversy involving him. So they canceled the hot dog eating contest due to weather. It's a fucking hot dog eating contest. What kind of weather do you need, really? So they cancel it. Put a canopy up. Joey Chestnut freaks out and rallies the troop and gets ESPN to put it back on later in the day. I love that.

They were just like, yeah, as only he would. Yup. And they rallied people together. And of course he annihilated and won for 15 years straight. And I also don't think this happened this year, but the,

the clip resurfaced oh yeah yeah some pita guy comes up and he's like protesting him and he just chokes him out in like four seconds throws him to the ground or like body slams him and then just keeps going ken can you pull up that clip it's so legendary joey chestnut is such a such an american hero so these guys going up against him i love i love that they're there trying because in my opinion

I like to think they know they're not going to win. Yeah, everyone's just... Which one's Joey Chestnut? Right in the middle. Look at this. He, like, just snaps him down. What the fuck? Damn. It's crazy how he's not that big of a guy. I can't believe how... I'm so disappointed in our hot dog eating abilities.

I don't know how to do that. That's why as soon as you were like, you need to... Five minutes. I could be his mascot, but I'm not trying to compete against him. What did he eat? 62 in 10 minutes or something like that? Or 42 maybe? I think his record is 72 because he's shooting for 100. 100 is like the grail. Dude, that's going to be a national holiday when he hits that. I think it will. They'll have to change the 4th of July to Joey Chestnut Day.

I didn't even think of that. I guess it is on the 4th every year. I didn't realize this, but he just does competitive eating in general. Like here he is for Thanksgiving. He got a sponsored thing where he just eats a shit ton of pumpkin pie. So is he doing mukbangs? Pistachios. I mean, the guy just... Kind of. Kind of what it is. I hate that word, too. Yeah, I do. I hate that word, too. I hated that phase of YouTube mukbang phase. Like when they would just get like a... YouTubers would just get like a hot chick and...

and going mukbang. That's like one of those things like when you tell someone you're a YouTuber they totally don't know you. They assume like you almost think like oh so they're doing mukbang. They're doing get ready with me's. Yeah. Ken do you have a video of him warming up? I'm trying. Jamie be struggling today. You good back there Ken? Oh it was like electric. It was like they were announcing a world class fighter. Yeah.

thousand generations of humanity, yet we have evolved not at all. Like animals to the laws of physics, shamed before the universe. And in all of history, only one man has stood to say that he will dictate what is and is not possible in this world. I speak of this man.

Dude, imagine Joey Jha's chestnut. 39 only. He's got the Adidas on. Massaging his neck. He needs a trainer behind him, though. That could be you, Mike. You're out there fucking massaging his neck. I'll be his mascot. You're rubbing his jaw. They need the Buffer Brothers to do this. No offense to this guy. Yeah. He tried his best. It's a hot dog eating competition.

I've admittedly never watched this live, but I might have to now. It's pretty lit, bro. Yeah. Yeah. They really did a great job with the production. I watched it, I guess, only once. And yeah, you just wouldn't believe your eyes. My tune's in. Yeah. I want to be like that. I got to support. Fellow hot dog lovers. It doesn't even look fun. It's fun to watch, but it does not look fun to participate in.

I've done it. It's not fun. Yeah. I was like on and on that note. Yeah, I'll agree with CJ. We we need work or we need to quit. You know what they didn't do after eating all those hot dogs, though, is run half a mile.

And I'd like to see Joey do that. He does that. I bet you could run a fucking marathon afterwards. Those guys are all surprisingly very thin. I know. I would have thought they would have been bigger. Yeah, he must have a really good metabolism. That must be like the key to being able to do that. I don't know, man. Because they all had the same kind of build. Like they were rather athletic, like pretty...

And yeah, I don't know. They're athletes at eating. Yeah, I mean, true. They are athletes. It's a funny way to look at it. We had Tyler Stewart over here the other day. He's like technically the best surfer in the world. He's won the world's competition a few times.

That's just to preface the story. We got done surfing, and then he's like, I got to come over and ride you guys' scoot ski. Of course. Of course. Come on over, bro. And then he's like, yep, I just want a couple pictures on it, some videos, you know, throw it up on Instagram. For sure. Got you. I hop on the one wheel. This is the 5th of July. The 4th of July, I ate all day. Might have eaten something bad. I don't know. And I...

I might have ate something bad. So I'm on the one wheel, filming him, taking a video. Trust to fart. No way. Shit my pants. How bad? Like just a little bit or like a full blown? No, just a little bit. But it was like, I mean, I knew right away. That you loaded your trousers. Yeah, I'm on the one wheel like, yeah, getting this clip. And then he like goes by. All right, I'll wait for him to come back.

And then luckily I was on the one wheel because I didn't have to waddle. You know, I just went, whoop, the garage doors were open. Probably pegged the thing out right to the toilet. Wow. And then, you know, and cleaned up. I just thought it was too funny. Like if I would have not been on a one wheel, like people would have known. You guys would have been waddling. Yeah. I would have been like. Man, when you started this story. I did not expect it to get there. Yeah, I didn't know where you were going with it, but why?

Your hinder's kind of been, I don't want to say taken a pounding, but then you looped your dirt bike last week too. It has kind of been taken a pounding. Dude, the road rash is not bad. I sprained my thumb and that's been annoying as hell. You were honestly really smart that you were wearing, one, your helmet, and two, your gloves. Because when you put your hand down, I mean, I've had road rash in my hands. That shit hurts. So I was glad to see you were moderately prepared.

And it just so happened to be, you know, in the summer, it's like shorts, t-shirts, shorts, t-shirt. I just happened to be wearing pants and a sweatshirt and helmet and gloves. The road rash was not bad.

The sprained thumb, kind of annoying, but I haven't looped a dirt bike in a while. And then right before we go out, Evan's like, yo, yeah, you want to go rip some wheelies? And I'm like, yeah, I'll just pit bike. But my pit bike has missing an important bolt. So he's like, take the 150. And I'm like, I'm just not feeling very limber. Like I'm really cold from the lake today because it was, I don't know. Anyway, just looped it nice and good.

You were 12 o'clock going that shit. And that's why I kept going. I had really bad arm pump, and I was having a real good time until I wasn't. Oh! You did a really good job of kind of like getting back on your feet real quick. This is my favorite commentary, though. Yeah, Evan goes, World star!

I'm gonna grab the bike

Like Kodak Courage at its finest. This is such a good clip. I love the sparks coming off the bike right there. Dude, the bike slid for like 50 feet. Yeah, you're going fast. Is that your first loop? No, I looped last year on my pit bike. Honestly, at about the same speed, but it was all right. It was CJ and Alex. Yeah, I think that was two years ago. Dude, my little brother looped his Supermoto, and he has it bad.

Like his cheek was real bad. Oh, that sucks. Road rashes. My mom was all concerned about your cheek. She was like, how is he? Okay. And I sound like he seems to be fine. I don't know. Mike, he's pretty good at falling. Yeah. You are. You're really good at falling. Yeah. People are like, you looks like you really know how to like fall on the pavement. And I'm like, I don't want to be attributed to that.

You are good at falling though. You are. You are. Like you're very good at like, I don't know the way he like rolls out of it. And like, like you could tell when you were sliding, you like put your feet like the soul. Yeah. Yeah. Try to run it out. But it was like your souls. And yeah. And I do look at it like, you know, that shit happens if you're going to go out and do wheelies that that happens. But I'm like, I'd, I'd still be happy if it didn't. The only thing it taught me was to like not overdo it. Yeah. But at the end of the day, like it didn't really teach me much.

You're still going to be out there doing wheelies with Evan. It just tells you not to overdo it. Were you riding the rear brake? That was the interesting thing. You'll get a couple people that are like,

Cover the break. Cover the break. And I'm like, did you see the whole 40 seconds before that? So what happened? What happened, though? It just went too far and you missed it or what? Yeah. I was just trying so hard. My arms were so pumped up that everything just froze. Yeah, because what you don't see, you have like a 45-second wheelie before it. You do have wheelies down pretty well, but you're so jerky with it. So jerky. It's so not to. Constantly. Especially on the 150. It acts like a two-stroke. I mean, I look so whack.

Yeah, whatever. You got your elbow down, though. You're not doing this anymore. You used to be freaking. I know. And now it's less. It's a little bit more on the wrist now, but yeah. But yeah, tons of comments. People are like, dude, whenever Mike's wheelies anything, I like just watching. Just wait. That gives you anxiety. Sketchy Mike. Yeah, that's how I feel. Ev's really good at taking a fall.

Like, dude, when he came into the shop the other day on the moped. Oh, my gosh. And the front end slid out. The dude is seriously built like a little brick house. Yeah. He's like a little hog, you know, just a dense little nug. And, yeah, I think he straight up dented the shipping container with his head. He hit his head on the... So that blue chair...

There's like this little point that like goes above where the wheel is. And I watched in slow motion. Cause he was like, I hit my head on the chair with my temple. And I watched it in slow motion. He hits and his glasses like slide up a little bit too. And he's just like,

And he just gets up and he's just fine. Oh my gosh. Like you didn't see it in the video, but we're like, are you good? You know, we're like checking him over or whatever. And then, then he's like, yeah, yeah, he's fine. He's laughing it off, whatever. And we told him to wear a helmet right before that. Yeah. He refuses to. He's been really off it lately. He's been like more against the helmet lately. Well, it's kind of like telling a 13 year old to wear his helmet. Now that we tell him, he's like, no. Yeah. It's like, what do I do? It's like, yeah, I tell you, but I can't really force you to do anything.

Even if it's for your own good. I think it's funny that like right before he pulls into that, into the garage, I go, hey, put a helmet on. And he goes, bro, I'm riding a moped. And then he does that. Yeah, mopeds are dangerous, dude. It's usually, it's usually like when you least expect it. And then when I was doing the jet skis with him, I was like, you're going to put a helmet on? And he was like, fuck no.

No, and he was all pissed off that I kept asking him to wear a helmet. I was like, bro, I care about you. I don't want to be sweeping you off the road. Yeah, my parents weren't too pumped about him not wearing his helmet. I was hearing about it. They were saying, kids watch. I said, I...

I mean, I can't tell him to do anything. He's his own person. We did tell him though. You know, my aunt and uncle told me, it was my uncle actually, we were watching the Hummer video. We're showing my grandpa who's in a nursing home, can't really figure out videos. So my, my uncle will show him. He goes, oh, there's all this talking before it takes forever to get to the thing. And I go, the video is 12 minutes long. And he's like, well, yeah, but Jesus, all this stuff happening before I go, what?

what's one TV show you watch? He goes, Oh, I really love gold rush. And I was like, it's an hour long program with commercials. And then he was like, well, if you guys did like a 45 minute video on how to make the Hummer, that'd be great. And I go, but what if there was talking? He was like, well, you'd have to explain that.

And I was like, damn, can't win with you guys. Is that the uncle that didn't like the reckless golfing? No, he was okay with it. I mean, it wasn't his favorite video, but... Yeah, I've heard some flack back from golfers on that one. Like who? Your family, I'm sure, wasn't pumped on it. My dad was like, I mean, think about all the people that that's their safe haven. That's their go-to spot, and it's disrespectful. And I was like,

Yeah, but think about all the people that watched it and got happiness from it. Way more. I said, there's truth to that. What about the people that watch the videos of us like beating on a three wheeler and they have such hard ons for three wheelers like it upsets them that we would do something like that. I was like, every single group of people can get offended by something. I was like, but think about all the people that get enjoyment out of it. I was like, it's like harmless, fun, fun.

Most part. I think we were less hard on the golf course than a normal golfer because typically when a golfer swings, he takes a chunk of grass out. There was no chunks of grass gone by the time we were out of there. And we did in better shape than we found it. Exactly. We also sweeped all the bunkers and like nothing really got fucked up. And yeah, I mean, you couldn't find anything. Which is just...

a part of us being like really calculated yeah it's not everyone's cup of tea because I do remember I think it was like our first or second one and it was like the

started when reckless golfing was kind of like wow people are really seeming to like this like like people are saying that's like their favorite videos we do and uh we were at some kind of family event and like a few people in our family i thought that was the worst video you guys have ever done i thought that was stupid i was like well the people love it so and it's pretty dang fun yeah it was tough can't make a video for everybody yeah it's not everyone's cup of tea but

uh it does stress me out a bit though that obviously we're gonna do a number five at some point whether it's this summer next summer and um so many comments that say that is my favorite video so it's like where do we go from here i know exactly where we're going i don't know if we can do it on five but we have to do it on six we might have to just get five out of the way so we can do six but six is gonna be

It's going to be so good. Dude, I want to enter Reckless Golfing 6 in like a parachute in. Oh, my. It's like the start of the Super Bowl. That would be so fun, dude. Fireworks coming off the back. It would be such a moment. At Pebble Beach. Oh, my God, yeah. It's the best golf course ever. We go to like the best golf course in the world for Reckless Golfing 10. That's so cool.

That's 10. Now it's 10? Yeah, Reckless Golfing 10. We're going to be like the Jim Connors. Like every year there's only one made and people wait for it. And when it comes out, it's like, hey, did you watch the new Reckless Golfing?

How do they do it? We have guest appearances coming. We go international. Yeah, we got like professional golfers. We spend like one whole, we only make one video a year and it's just reckless golfing at that point. It's like we spend a whole year working on it. We posted this YouTube short of Evan going up the canyon when we were in Moab on the R6 when he drops out at the top.

Posted two or three weeks ago. It's got 45 weeks, 45 million, 49, 49, 49 million views in three weeks. It's a YouTube short. So it's not really the same as a YouTube video cause it loops, but that's insane.

That is insane. Insane views, yeah. It's Mr. Beast's numbers. That is half of Mr. Beast's numbers. And he's pulling it out of long form. We've actually done 87.6 million views in the last 28 days. Yeah, so right now, something that we... The previous record was like 19 million. Right, and so something that we've been looking at before we... Obviously, you guys probably noticed we haven't been posting shorts up until like the last month or...

too. So all of those analytics go into the same channel. And yeah, I was getting texts from like

side-by-side blog and then cletus reached out to us too and they're like wait you guys have 85 million views in 30 days yeah and i'm like it's just the shorts they're like okay that makes sense i'm sure cletus and them are like because i bet you they do what we do or at least what i do i like check i see how everyone's doing seeing if we're keeping up or if we're doing better if we gotta pick it up whatever and i bet you they typed in ours and they're like

Holy shit. 87 million views. It was at like 20 before. Because whenever someone's pulling the 20 to 25 range, you're like, damn, they're on top. They're doing good.

And then it is 87. So, yeah, we'll see if... That's all because that's short. We'll see if, like, YouTube separates that eventually. Like, I hope they do. They really should. Yeah, it's not the same. Two tabs and also in the analytics for us, for our sake, I hope they split that up because, I mean, everyone's digesting short form. Appreciate everyone that's digesting the long form. Man, it is reaching...

Such a different... Dude, you know it's good when you go on our most recent comments and you don't understand a single comment and you keep scrolling and they're all in Russian. Yeah. It's reaching so many different crowds. I got an interesting fact for you guys. So we have 3 million watch hours, right, in the last 20 days. So it's 3...

3 million hours have been spent in the last 28 days watching C-Boys TV YouTube videos or whatever. So when you convert 3 million hours into years...

It is 342 years. Wow. 342 years has been spent in the last 28 days watching our videos. That's fucked. That's cool. That's very cool. Like four lifetimes. It's been so fun. You guys have been killing it. You guys have been. Everybody has been. I mean, everyone has been. It's crazy that we're in literally the heat of summer right now, and Minnesota summers are dope. We talk about it all the time, and we don't work a day in our lives because we love what we do.

It's so awesome, you guys. I just had to give you a hat on the back. Thanks, Mike. You've been killing it too, bud. Thanks.

So, last night I was at a friend's birthday party with Ken and Tint and Mark. I was going to go to that, but then we had dinner with my parents. Yeah, it was a good time. Well, apparently he already knew about the surprise. Oh, really? How did he find out? I mean, it's all over Facebook. I thought it was a private thing. Yeah, but I feel like there's no way that you can do a surprise party with a bunch of people without them finding out. Oh, my God. Oh, yeah. Yeah.

I'm just sitting there chatting with Mark, and Mark's got some of his kind of like old friend group there too. And Mark just goes, yeah, I never get a nickname. You know, all these years Mark just was Mark. And then I'm like, wait. And then I kind of thought about it, and I'm like, we give everyone nicknames. Big Wrench had a – you know, that was his nickname like a month ago. Day one. Yeah, I mean pretty much day one. Ken is a nickname. He's got a whole new name, not even a nickname. But I was just cracking up because Mark's like –

Kind of want a nickname. Oh, we should get him one. Hey, Pencil Dick. Okay, I want my real name back. Hey, Pencil Dick, that's your name now. I agree, but one, Mark's easy to say. I don't have a nickname, though. It's just CJ. Ryan doesn't have one. He's just... No, it's...

It's a little different. It's a little bit different within the crew, but... Mike. Well, we call him Steve, though. Steve sometimes. Mike's kind of a nickname. Mike's not his name. No, it is a little bit of a... I mean, I would consider it one. Ben is actually the only one to successfully delete a nickname. Yeah, Bean. Bean.

Yeah, I got rid of that one. You deleted it. That's like, I mean, that's hard to do too in the crew. I'm not going to lie. Yeah, that's a good point. Because you really don't choose whether a nickname is deleted or not. I don't think anyone in our friend group has gotten out of a name. Imagine if Big Wrench came to us and was like, hey, I don't want to be called Big Wrench.

And we're like, we already have. We're like the brand, man. Well, that's big wrench is an amazing nickname though. Cause it's applicable cause he's the lead wrencher. So he's the biggest wrench. Yep. And then, you know, it's a little bit dirty, which is funny. And, uh, let's just talk about how satisfying it is when a name catches goes. Yeah. And sticks or even when it like is first spoken. And then I, as soon as someone said big wrench, I'm like, that's it.

That's it. A lot of times it seems like when we meet someone and we don't really know them very well and somebody just gives a nickname and then it might be kind of funny. Like when we first met Tint, we didn't know Tint very well, but we knew that he tinted cars and we just called him Tint. We started calling him Mark Hot Tub.

Hey, hard talk. It just doesn't work, man. If Mark sticks with pontoons, I guess. Hey, pontoon. No, we just call it toon. Yeah, it's toon and tint. Toon and tint. Sounds like a business. Toon and tint. Dude, speaking of ruining surprise parties. So we go out to eat for Mike's dinner at this really nice restaurant.

Because Mike is such a classy guy. We had to go to the nicest restaurant in town. So anyways, we pull up and my girlfriend's old work crew was all there because it was one of her former co-workers birthday. And they're like older. They're probably 40s, mid 40s. I guess it was a surprise party bus after which the birthday gal didn't know about.

So we go rolling up, and apparently Alex told us all that, but I did not hear that part. I didn't hear that part. And I can barely hear the way it is, so you got to give me a little bit of grace here. And you're stupid. That too. Like, I am a little bit stupid. So we go cruising by. She's like, oh, there's their party bus, all this. And it's like got the lights going, all this. I'm like, nice. That's pretty cool. They're going to have a good time. Walk in. They kind of know me from just...

We used to go to work things. I'd go tag along. So I'd go over there to say hi with everyone. So the party bus was waiting outside. Yeah. She didn't know that, but everyone else there knew. I'd go walking in. Hey, how's it going? Yada, yada. You know, we're talking. And it was like I didn't know really what else to say. So I'm like, saw the bus out there. Like, going to have a good... You guys are going to have a good time. Don't have too much fun. And then there's kind of like...

It was so clear. And I was like, yeah, the lights and everything were going. Things ready to jam. And it was just so clear. Like everyone's looking at me like then someone just someone just goes or is her husband. He just like looks at me goes the bus was actually a surprise. And I just I literally just go. That's so awkward. Like there's probably like 15 people at this big table looking at me. I just go.

All right, I'm out of here. I'm hitting it. See ya. Because there's nothing more that you could say. I didn't know what to say. I just walked up. I was like, God damn, that sucks. Walking into the restaurant, you had to go underneath the big...

Balloons. Oh, sorry about that. Jesus, dude. I don't know. I felt bad about that one. That one's tough. That one's tough. I mean, I like being in the know. I like to know things, but I hate knowing a surprise and not wanting to ruin it. I just kind of feel like at some times it's going to come like blurting out of you. Yeah. And you just, it just is always like a little bit of weight on your shoulder. Like when we were going to surprise Gavin with his three wheeler on the RV trip, he

It was like once that was over, it was like this big weight lifted off your shoulders because you just wanted it to go right. And there was a lot riding on that, though, because if it would have went like, you know, like the whole prank and all that, like we're like we wanted to work the country for it. But because like if that prank wouldn't have worked, it had been kind of like a little bit of a flop.

Especially looking back on it, knowing how amazing it did go. That dude's got to have PTSD from that shit. We maybe went a little far on that, but we gave him a three-wheeler, so I mean, that's something. Ben's dad comes in a couple days ago and goes, you guys see Gav blew the three-wheeler up that you gave him? And all of us are like,

Did he really? I mean, it's not that surprising, but we're like, really? All the old Hondas? He doesn't, like, rebuild those because they just keep running. Yeah. So, like, that's kind of, like, he's going to have to send it. No, I watched the video. He got her going again. Oh. And he was doing the tug of war and just had her...

All right, and then it like popped for a bit and then didn't run but I think after it cooled down. It's a Honda It's not a shitty moped. It's not a scooter moped We got in our jet skis downstairs that both blew up within three minutes I'm so when me and CJ were kids I had a like a TTR 125 or something and CJ had a CRF 150 so like they were dirt bikes, right and

So me and CJ have kind of talked about our other friend, Matt. So I lived over here. CJ lived over here. Matt lived right in the middle. And we were like the three best friends. We're big wrench lives now, actually. I almost just went RIP Matt. Matt is still with us. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So anyway, though, so I had a dirt bike. CJ had a dirt bike. And then Matt wanted to get one. But his dad bought him a moped. Yeah.

because he'd like never ridden a dirt bike before. And he was like, let's just start with a moped, right? But everywhere that me and CJ would ride dirt bikes, Matt would ride the moped. So like we had a dirt bike track that we would go to. Matt would ride the moped. We would go to the sand pit. Matt would ride the moped. Like we would ride all over this county and Matt would be there on a 50cc moped. One day we went to like this mud pit

And we're going through the mud pit. And Matt's like, how fast do you think I got to go to make it through this mud pit? We're like, probably start at the top of the hill. Of course, as you tell your friend Matt. So he's like booking down this hill. You know, the moped probably did, I don't know, 40. And he was doing all of it. And he hits this mud pit and there's no knobs on any of the tires. And I just remember the moped like just getting deleted out from underneath him. And he eats the mud so fast.

And I don't think the moped ever got cleaned or like any maintenance done. So then for the rest of that moped's life, it was just muddy. Dirty. Of course. And so we're hitting jumps on it then. And then they got a nicer one. And then we did all the same stuff, but on the nicer like Zuma moped. Nice.

So it's like the evolution of mopeds. They really are great until you put a jet ski on them and do what you're not supposed to do. They're like the golf cart of the two wheel world. For sure. Yeah, they can take a beating. I just don't think they're meant to be off road. Although you kind of just proved me wrong with that. So I don't know. I think it was just a driver. Evan broke everything he touched that day.

Four things. Four jet skis. I feel like that was kind of overlooked. I think we need to tell Evan, you know, he is doing a great job. I don't want to stop him from doing such a great job. But maybe if we were just like, hey, you have to help fix it when you break it, it might change things. Because why is he... He treats his dirt bike like a fucking...

newborn baby. He's like putting it in his room. He's like, oh, it's raining out. Get that inside. It's a dirt bike, dude. Every single time something breaks, he's so quick to just blame it on me. Or the machine. He's like, no, you touched this last. This is your problem. I'm like, dude, I was just screwing on the plastics. You blew up the motor. Yeah. I see why he does that, though, because he...

actually destroys about 60% of the stuff that he gets blamed for. And about four, you know, I'm not going to give him 50, 50. We've collected like so many strange vehicles. And at this point, I don't want to say we're running out of weird vehicles to buy and test, but like we've done a lot of them. We need more. We need more. And I feel like there's so many things out there that people know about that

That they're just not... They're keeping to themselves, maybe. Like, the fact that nobody told us about wet bikes. Like, we had to figure out what a wet bike was just by, like, looking up jet ski motorcycles. And that accidentally came up. And, well, we found two... Tracked two of them down. They're very difficult to find because they are kind of hidden gems. But I feel like there's so many little vehicles or, like, old things that were maybe discontinued or made for two years out there that would be great on the channel. So, if you have those...

Let us know Leave a comment Or send us a DM Or find them on Facebook Marketplace And send them our way But yeah We're always in the market For weird things I just still can't get over How cool the wet bikes were I think the fact that They're from 1978 Like no one was hardly Doing anything on the water Back then It's like If you had a fishing boat That's like Yeah And skiing And stuff like that But

But if you had a speedboat, you were like a real, like you were really doing it from the way my dad would explain. But he said he had only seen the wet bike on a James Bond movie.

And that's the only time we've ever seen one. I don't know. I just think that it's really cool that we have these things, but I think it would be an absolute shame if we just put them out on the side like we do with most of our contraptions. I think we maybe need to just have them fixed and sell them, send them down the road to someone else who can appreciate. I'll buy one. You want to buy it, Mike? Yeah. If you want, it's fine, but it's two stand-ups now.

You don't ride the jet skis that you have. I just think that they are... I have five stand-ups. No, I mean, I just thought it was cool. It reminded me a lot of a timber sled. It looked very similar with the ski. And I mean, it's just such a...

I don't know. Like the idea behind it, I'm just very impressed that they were able to have that as a consumer product back then. Seriously. And it worked that good. It very was. But from my understanding, when I did some reading up on it, I think it was just obviously they were a lot of money. The trailer. It was the whole trailer thing. Yeah, just kind of all of it. And then on top of that, it was very difficult to ride. Yeah. And I'd assume people back then maybe weren't as...

accustomed to riding machines. Like, you know, they probably weren't as good of riders as people are now. So like, I don't know. They didn't sell like crazy. I think if we had more space...

We'd be more inclined to keep these things. Because we'd have a showroom. Or just like a place to... Essentially, like down there is a showroom. Everything we buy and use, it just sits outside. Exactly. Literally, it just rots away. Almost everything. It fades away. Besides for the shambo that has been outside for four years. That's what I mean. And now it's sitting in the showroom. We have a showroom inside for everything we can fit and everything that doesn't fit goes outside. And I'm not saying we build a shop so we can keep everything. That's very hoarder of me. But I'm saying if we did have like a massive...

they would probably get parked in there. No, we for sure need more space. It's funny. That's like the classic thing. If anybody's dad has ever built a shop, they go, oh, you buy it, build a bigger shop. You just get more junk. 100% true. And I want more junk. I don't know. Give me more. The nice part about that, though, is like...

certain things are worth so much more to us by just having them than the money in the bank. We're always trying to come up with new video ideas or little pieces of content, and I just feel like we salvage so many vehicles for just a little bit here and there. Essentially, it's like having them at our disposal. It's worth way more. Invaluable. Right.

But I think it's getting to the point where it's just sitting outside. Now we've got stuff that we haven't even filmed yet that's already sitting outside and just getting covered in dirt and dust. And that's my point. I just think it would be a shame to let those things go to waste because obviously they're pretty mint. Dude, we've got a new member in the audience. Tuner. Mr. The Tuner. Yo, we got Tune. Tune just pulled up. Yo, what's up, Tune? Your nickname. Nickname.

Yeah, we heard you wanted a nickname. We're going between Toon and Pencil Dick. We figured we'd give you the benefit of the doubt. We got Tintin Toon. But it's not short for Tuna either. No. Well, I don't know. I've basically been waiting to reveal this to mostly Ken because I've already told you guys, but you guys said that Ken would be pissed when he heard because he's been working on his credit score since he was 10. But I got a perfect one now.

Perfect one. A perfect one. 850. Don't know how I did it, but... Holy shit, good job. Did you see his face, Ken? Oh, fuck. Actually, I mean, a couple credit cards and a loan on a Bronco and a house with you two. Bro, that's what you did. The house loan doesn't count for it. Oh, that's the other thing.

How? I don't know. You got a credit card like a year ago. Same. You don't believe in banks. Well, Mike buys so much shit. They're like, this guy seems always... No, but it's all cash. It's all cash. I got to see this. Let me see it. 850? I actually don't know. There's no way. Mark, I feel like you are arguably one of the most financially responsible guys I know. What's your credit score?

Okay, so Mark doesn't even have a perfect credit. What? $850? Let me see this. No way. Exceptional. $850. Wow. Dude, Mike, you could probably get whatever you wanted from the bank. Let me see what I got. The next loan is just guaranteed, so what should it be for? God, mine's not good at all. Buy an airplane. Buy a fighter jet. There we go. Is $615 good?

But yeah, when I started, when I got the loan for the Bronco, they were like, yeah, we can't get you this good rate because your credit score is like four points too low. And it was at a 700 and you need like a 704. Mike hacked the system. No, I don't know how, how it works. Uh, I saw this thing on Facebook. It said, uh, in Japan, avid golfers buy insurance to protect themselves on the course. And I was thinking we should maybe get it. But then I kept reading. It says, uh,

They purchase it because if they get a hole-in-one, they have to buy gifts and drinks for their friends. So the policy covers you for up to $4,900 of hole-in-one insurance. Wow. What? Well, there's almost a guarantee I will never see that. I was like, I don't need that. You got to be so confident in your golfing abilities. I'm like, yeah, I'll go golfing today. Better get hole-in-one insurance. It's like the biggest flex. It's like showing your forklift certified card or your Costco membership card. It's like, I've got hole-in-one insurance.

And I do have one incredible piece of information to end on. I have been curious about this and just absolutely enthralled. And we talked about it, about Taylor Swift and her tour and her massive tour, her, her like world tour.

record-breaking tour. And so Bloomberg posted this. So like, again, you know, don't quote me, I guess, but... Quote Bloomberg. These are the numbers that I was expecting. I'm like, she has to be making a metric fuckload of money. And...

It says Taylor Swift is making more than $13 million a night on her tour. Those are the numbers that I was expecting. I'm like, I'm not even surprised. Concert goers are paying an average of $254 a night to see Swift perform. Pop star on track to gross more than $1 billion on this tour.

That's the numbers I was expecting based on what people are spending to go to these concerts and based on how many people are going to her concerts. I'm like, she's gotta be making some money. And then 13 million a night. That's pretty crazy. You guys, I, I can't even explain to you. I can't even put it into words.

What Greta's Taylor Swift experience was like. She started crying talking to us about it. Yeah. Like that good. I'm not laughing at her, but that's just crazy. What Taylor Swift is able to do to her fans, like this... I've never seen anyone be so obsessed and enthralled and like...

it's a part of their personality and they, they own that. If, if you're like, Oh, being a Swiftie is part of your personality. Like that, that like you'll see a little twinkle in their eye, a little Taylor Swift sparkle.

Like they, that gets them going. I shit you not you guys after Greta went to the Taylor Swift concert, that is all she talked about, all she thought about. And she just replayed the videos that she took during the concert for a week straight. Really? Yeah. And it got to the point where I was like, I'd be with her and she'd just be staring out the window and I'm like, what's going on? And she's like, you know what's going on. You know what I'm thinking about right now. And I'm like, okay.

I'm not even going to. Taylor Swift. I'm going to just let you just do you. I'm not surprised one bit that she's making that much money. I would have honestly thought more. Every single person that goes to that concert, all of them buy merch. I saw that they sell out of like 30,000 pieces. Everyone.

of merch every single concert. Wow. So every single time that you guys ask Greta, like, oh, how was the concert? You know, because we'd all like hang out or you'd see her like separate. So I heard it from all three of you guys. I mean, oh boy. And she would be like, jaw would drop and be like, oh my God, let me tell you. Where do I start? And then she'd start crying. Oh my God.

Oh my God. It's just so good. Wow. That's amazing. Man, that's like some... Who's like the... She'll be doing this forever with a...

fan base like that. Like she'll be 60 and she'll be in Vegas like with a residency and she'll, you know, it's the most extreme cult following that I've ever seen. And I'd, I'd assume that it'd be like something similar to like back when like Elvis first like hit the scene, like how obsessed everyone were with him. She's been around for a long, long time though. But yeah, it seems to just like be ramping up, ramping up. And, and the craziest part is like,

I mean, there was a couple weeks ago now and like she's already planning on like going to Europe and like seeing her on like her Europe tour. And like these people will travel the entire world to see her. Wow. It's crazy. It's pretty cool that she's even going out of her way to do that though because obviously she's got more money and she knows what to do with now. It's like...

Does she want to keep staying on a tour bus going all these places? She must enjoy it, which is cool, you know, but like I'd imagine it's pretty exhausting. Yeah. She's doing a three hour show. Like she's like showing up for her fans. I'll give her that. You know,

You can go home and just chill. Oh, yeah. Well, I mean, yeah, putting it in perspective, you have David Blaine sitting in ice for 63 hours for a million. You have Jake Paul fighting Nate Diaz, however much money he'll come home with. Three million, five million, I don't know. And then you have 13 million a night. It's like truly, yeah, you could go home and sit on the couch if you wanted. My buddy Evan rides dirt bikes for free Zorba's burritos. Is there any other artists that are like,

Doing it on that scale. Morgan Wallen. Morgan Wallen. I'd say Morgan Wallen's got to be, like, the second to that. Drake's probably pretty crazy. But I think the cool thing that... I don't think Drake tours at all. For Taylor is that... He just did a show in Chicago. Oh, really? She doesn't... She's not, like, pioneering a genre. You know? And neither is Morgan, but, like, pop country and everyone's, like, really vibing on it. But she's not really pioneering a new genre like Elvis was. Mm-hmm. So I just...

I don't get it. I'm not saying that there's nothing to get. I just, I don't get it. It's insane. Yeah, it is one of those things that has been relevant for so long, but like her music isn't that different. I feel like be careful. Yeah, I know. Maybe take that part off. I'm going to have some problems at home. All you Swifties go over there.

comment on his last instagram post let him know what you think about him you've got a girlfriend who really loves taylor swift unfollow ben you don't want to stand with a guy like that you don't want to be around or associated with a guy hundred thousand followers on instagram yeah his last post has the a hundred thousand comments dude that that could probably be like the worst thing that could happen to someone is the swifties turn against you like biggest scooter braun didn't go so well for him didn't go so well at all he's

He's got pretty much half the world against him now. People still comment sicko on my Instagram post after you guys told them in a video to do that. I still get sicko comment. That's fair, though. John Mayer and her dated like 10, 12 years ago. She's got a whole song about it. It's a song that just came out, and she had to tell her fans, like, do not bully John Mayer.

after this song comes out again. She redid it. She had to tell them, be nice to John Mayer after this. The same thing with Jake Gyllenhaal. Up until the whole thing with her and him, I'm like, yeah, Jake Gyllenhaal's a killer actor. He's got a bunch of good movies. Guy's killing it. And then everyone's like, yeah, we hate Jake Gyllenhaal. And we've always hated him. And he's the scum of the earth.

And I'm like, just because she made a song about him or whatever.

Not that this YouTube going off about Swifties isn't riveting, but CJ and I are going to step out. We'll leave the lights and cameras on for you guys. We'll just cut the podcast here and everybody else can tune back in next week and you guys can summarize. You give us the spark notes, okay? All right. Thanks, guys. Appreciate you guys for listening. Subscribe, comment if you haven't. Go check out the main channel, Cboys TV, if you already haven't, which I hope you have. And we'll see you next week.

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