In this episode of Life Matters, Commissioner Johnston explores the recent elections and the losses of November 7, 2023. Those losses for pro-life Issues and candidates can be attributed directly to the Dobbs Decision.
The Dobbs Decision was not understood by most pro-life individuals. The Dobbs Decision was not, in fact, a victory for the pro-life movement. It did not “overturn“ Roe versus Wade. It was the Supreme Court apologizing for Roe v. Wade, and saying it’s not going to get involved - that was it. “Let’s pretend that never happened. Now you voters can do whatever you want.”
But that is not ‘overturning’. In fact, it is giving approval to the medical killing of children if so voted.
But that was never the case before Roe. We have NOT ‘gone back to before Roe’ because doctors were following the Hippocratic Oath before Roe.
They have not restored the legal or ethical standards of the Hippocratic Oath which is the key and essential violation of Roe and its conjoined decision Doe v Bolton.
Dobbs was exactly the same as the Dred Scott Decision.
The Dred Scott Decision was a Supreme Court decision that was expected to end the slavery debate. But, in fact, it did not. It made it worse. It allowed slavery to continue in slave states, but worse, it allowed slavery to be enforced in anti-slavery states!
That’s right! The Dred Scott Decision said that pro-slavery advocates could come in to free states, grab runaway slaves, and bring them back to slavery. Dred Scott had asked to be declared ‘free’ because he had indeed escaped a slave state and was in a free state. The Supreme Court said, “No.”
So under the Dobbs Decision, exactly the same legal standing has taken place. As Justice Kavanaugh put it, “The Supreme Court should never have ruled on abortion and will never again rule on abortion.” “We don’t want anything to do with this issue,” to paraphrase his concurrence. “If you want to kill babies go ahead. If you wanna protect babies, go ahead, but we will not debate this at the Court ever again.” If you pro-lifers understood the meaning and implications, they should be truly appalled at Dobbs
Many still think that Roe somehow started the abortion debate, and the Dobbs somehow ends it. They are categorically wrong, and because if that have not been prepared for the battle at hand. They are walking in civic ignorance.
In the second part of the program, Brian has good news and that is that Life Fest Film Festival is now available to be viewed anywhere in the world. You can view it on your computer screen at home or as many people now do, stream it onto your flatscreen television. There’s no need to fly to Hollywood to buy seats at the theater or stay in a hotel. It’s a film festival where excellent new film makers and experienced filmmakers can explore the issue of innocent human life, and the significance of each and every life.
Motion pictures have become the new literature of our culture. Visual storytelling is where most people get their feelings, emotions and ideas about what really matters in life.
This storytelling is an important art. It’s what Jesus did - the Pharisees were religious. But Jesus told people stories to help them understand the truly deep underlying issues of life.
And that’s what movies do. They tell important stories that impart knowledge and understanding in the most important things. When it comes to the right to life, the significance of even the seemingly insignificant life is an essential premise.
So the good news is Life Fest can now be viewed on your home Screen! There are special discounts for listeners of Life Matters and you can buy gifts of screenings for any young people you may know who want to go into the film industry. That’s the purpose of Life Fest! It’s changing Hollywood and Hollywood is what impacts our culture.