cover of episode Culture chat: ‘Anora’, the unlikely film leading the Oscar race

Culture chat: ‘Anora’, the unlikely film leading the Oscar race

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Life and Art from FT Weekend

AI Deep Dive AI Insights AI Chapters Transcript
Danny Leigh
India Ross
Lilah Raptopoulos
Lilah Raptopoulos: 本期节目讨论了Sean Baker执导的电影《Anora》,讲述了一个布鲁克林脱衣舞娘和俄罗斯寡头之子之间短暂而疯狂的爱情故事,以及由此引发的冲突和矛盾。电影获得了戛纳电影节金棕榈奖,并被认为是奥斯卡奖的有力竞争者。 Danny Leigh: 他认为电影既是一部充满活力和疯狂喜剧能量的电影,也是一部令人悲伤和忧郁的电影。他两次观看电影,感受截然不同。第一次观看时,他被电影的喜剧能量所吸引;第二次观看时,他感受到电影中更深层次的悲伤和忧郁。他高度评价了这部电影,但同时也承认它带给他一种警醒的体验。 India Ross: 她非常喜欢这部电影,认为它是一次令人兴奋的感官体验,并且赞扬了导演Sean Baker的才华和电影的视觉效果。她认为电影巧妙地避开了以往同类型电影的俗套,并颠覆了美国社会中关于个人奋斗和社会阶层的传统观念。她还认为电影中对边缘群体的刻画充满了同情,但并没有刻意展现贫困的悲惨景象,而是尊重观众的理解能力。 Lilah Raptopoulos: 她认为电影节奏快,情节紧凑,演员表现出色,并且影片中的一些细节描写也让她印象深刻。她还认为电影并没有对主题进行明确的价值判断,而是呈现了人物在权力游戏中复杂且多变的策略。 Danny Leigh: 他认为电影的核心是金钱,以及金钱在美国社会运作的方式。他认为电影中Armenian黑帮追捕Anora的场景,第一次观看时觉得荒诞有趣,第二次观看时则更关注Anora的脆弱和危险处境。他认为电影可以被解读为一部女权主义电影,因为它没有物化女性,而是塑造了一个复杂而引人入胜的女性角色。 India Ross: 她认为电影中Anora与黑帮成员的冲突场景展现了权力关系的复杂性和人物内心的挣扎。她认为电影的成功部分原因在于它捧红了一位新星,并且电影本身也具有好莱坞式的叙事魅力。她认为电影的成功也与观众对更具挑战性电影的接受度提高有关。她认为电影的成功与当下观众对更具边缘性和挑战性故事的接受度有关。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why did Danny Leigh find 'Anora' more melancholy on his second viewing?

On his first viewing, he took it as a comedy and was swept away by its giddy energy. The second time, he felt deeply saddened by its melancholic undertones.

What makes 'Anora' stand out in terms of its pacing and storytelling?

The film never feels slow; it keeps moving with a propulsive energy, avoiding predictable plot points and maintaining a sense of unpredictability.

How does 'Anora' subvert traditional tropes about sex work and the American dream?

It subverts the idea that someone must elevate themselves socially to achieve happiness. The film shows that the aspirational life of the husband is not his own but his parents', and they are in a dirtier business than Anora's.

Why does Danny Leigh consider 'Anora' a feminist film?

It respects its characters, particularly those on the margins, without exploiting their struggles. It shows Anora as smart and valid, navigating her world with agency, even in moments of vulnerability.

What is the central theme of 'Anora' according to Danny Leigh?

Money is the central theme, driving the film's narrative. It explores the layers of service workers and the unseen wealth of the oligarchs, highlighting the interconnectedness of class dynamics.

How does 'Anora' handle the power dynamics between Anora and the Armenian henchmen?

The scene is both hilarious and tense, showing Anora using her wit and physicality to protect herself while also highlighting her vulnerability. The men, though physically stronger, are also wrestling with their roles and the situation's psychosexual dynamics.

Why is 'Anora' considered an Oscar contender despite its unconventional themes?

It births a star in Mikey Madison, whose performance is compelling. Additionally, it addresses class and marginalized communities in a way that resonates with current social and political contexts, making it a serious contender.

What does India Ross want to see more of in cinema?

She wants to see more newcomers on screen, as they bring fresh energy and avoid the monotony of big stars. She finds it exciting and worth the effort to cast relatively unknown actors.

What does Danny Leigh want more of in cultural content?

He wants more mess and complication in storytelling, embracing the complexity of life. Films like 'Anora' and 'Bird' by Andrea Arnold exemplify this approach, which he finds beautiful and necessary.

Why does Lilah Raptopoulos want to censor herself less in her own art?

She was inspired by the Metropolitan Museum of Art's employee art show, where she saw many employees, regardless of their day jobs, creating impressive art. This made her realize the importance of making art without overthinking or self-censorship.

The film critics and the deputy news editor share their first impressions of the movie, highlighting its comedic energy, melancholic undertones, and unique qualities. They praise the director's talent and the film's pacing.
  • Positive reviews from critics
  • Palme d'Or at Cannes
  • Oscar frontrunner
  • Unique and engaging style
  • Comedic and melancholic elements

Shownotes Transcript

Today we’re talking about Anora, the new critical darling about the whirlwind romance between a Brooklyn sex worker and the hell-raising son of a Russian oligarch. The film follows the couple’s chaotic week together, their impulsive marriage, and what happens when the oligarchs hear the news and demand an annulment. It’s directed by Sean Baker, known for *The Florida Project *and Tangerine. It won the Cannes prestigious Palme d'Or award and is tipped as an Oscar winner. Who holds the power in the film? And why do people love it? FT film critic Danny Leigh and deputy news editor India Ross join Lilah to discuss. 

We love hearing from you. Lilah is on Instagram @lilahrap), and email at [email protected]. And we’re grateful for reviews on Apple and Spotify!

Links (all FT links get you past the paywall): 

– Danny Leigh’s interview with director Sean Baker is here:

– His five-star review of Anora is here:

– Danny recommends Andrea Arnold’s Bird and the documentary Soundtrack to a Coup d'etat. India mentioned the film American Honey

– Here’s Lilah’s piece about the Met’s employee art show:

FT subscribers can share your suggestions for Woman of the Year 2024 in the comments here), before November 25. Who has had a big year, in your industry and elsewhere? Who has earned accolades, accomplished remarkable things, made huge strides, produced important work or set records? Who has shaped this year? 

Clips copyright Neon and FilmNation Entertainment

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