LessWrong (Curated & Popular)

Audio narrations of LessWrong posts. Includes all curated posts and all posts with 125+ karma.If you


Total: 438

Support ongoing human narrations of curated posts:www.patreon.com/LWCuratedHow do you affect somethi

Last year, I wrote about the promise of gene drives to wipe out mosquito species and end malaria.In

Patreon to support human narration. (Narrations will remain freely available on this feed, but you c

COI: I am a research scientist at Anthropic, where I work on model organisms of misalignment; I was

Readers may have noticed many similarities between Anthropic's recent publication Towards Monos

In 2023, MIRI has shifted focus in the direction of broad public communication—see, for example, our

A cohabitive game[1] is a partially cooperative, partially competitive multiplayer game that provide

As of today, everyone is able to create a new type of content on LessWrong: Dialogues.In contrast wi

Response to: Evolution Provides No Evidence For the Sharp Left Turn, due to it winning first prize i

ETA: I'm not saying that MIRI thought AIs wouldn't understand human values. If there'

Neural networks are trained on data, not programmed to follow rules. We understand the math of the t

Moderator note: the following is a dialogue using LessWrong’s new dialogue feature. The exchange is

A lot of people are highly concerned that a malevolent AI or insane human will, in the near future,

Lightcone Infrastructure (the organization that grew from and houses the LessWrong team) has just fi

Large language models (LLMs) can "lie", which we define as outputting false statements des

Effective altruism prides itself on truthseeking. That pride is justified in the sense that EA is be

This is a linkpost for https://narrativeark.substack.com/p/the-king-and-the-golemLong ago there was

This is a linkpost for Sparse Autoencoders Find Highly Interpretable Directions in Language ModelsWe

Epistemic status: model which I find sometimes useful, and which emphasizes some true things about m

I’m writing this in my own capacity. The views expressed are my own, and should not be taken to repr