cover of episode Once Upon a Witchlight | Ep. 52 | Feywild D&D Campaign | Garden of Beatin'

Once Upon a Witchlight | Ep. 52 | Feywild D&D Campaign | Garden of Beatin'

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Legends of Avantris

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Granny Nightshade
Morning Frost
Torbjorn: 我认为我们不可能同时拯救那些孩子并偷走画作。我质疑Will的动机,即使他看起来变了,他过去犯下的恶行也不能被忽视。如果他记得过去,那么他仍然是一个危险的存在,应该被绳之以法。即使在Feywild这样充满谎言和欺骗的地方,正义仍然应该得到伸张。我们必须弄清真相,无论真相多么难以捉摸。 我坚持认为,Will曾经犯下的罪行,无论他是否记得,都应该受到惩罚。他吃过孩子,这无法被原谅。即使他表现得像个孩子,这并不意味着他不再危险。我们不能因为他的外表而忽视他过去的罪行。我们必须确保那些孩子得到安全,并且Will不会再伤害任何人。 在Feywild,我们必须时刻保持警惕,因为这里充满了谎言和欺骗。我们不能轻信任何人的话,必须依靠自己的判断来做出决定。我们必须找到所有被困的孩子,并确保他们安全地回到Little Oak那里。 我对于在Feywild中所经历的一切感到困惑和迷茫。这里的一切都显得如此虚幻,真相难以捉摸。我必须时刻保持警惕,因为这里充满了危险。我们需要找到蘑菇贩子,寻求他们的帮助,弄清Will的真实身份和目的。 Pincushion: 要进入Granny Nightshade的房间,必须通过我。独角兽被Bavlorna变成了摇摇马,藏在Granny Nightshade的房间里。只有和Bavlorna私下会面才能进入她的房间。在Feywild,真相难以捉摸,我们必须时刻保持警惕。Bavlorna诅咒Will,把他变成了小孩。Oni会吃任何生物,包括孩子和其他的Oni。Granny Nightshade不知道Will已经被Bavlorna变成了小孩,也不知道Will已经离开很久了,并为此感到生气。 我作为Granny Nightshade的向导,可以帮助你们进入她的住所。但是,你们必须明白,在Feywild,真相往往被隐藏起来,我们必须小心谨慎。Bavlorna的诅咒改变了Will,但他过去的行为仍然是真实存在的。Oni是一种危险的生物,他们会吃任何东西,包括孩子。Granny Nightshade并不知道Will的真实身份,她只是认为Will因为她没有给他足够的钱或孩子而离开了。 蘑菇贩子可以帮助你们解决疑惑,但也要小心,因为寻求答案的过程可能会很危险。Granny Nightshade的酿酒离不开蘑菇贩子,他们守护着Granny Nightshade最珍贵的五种蘑菇。这些蘑菇拥有强大的力量,可以帮助你们窥探未来,但也要小心,因为它们也可能带来危险。 花园很危险,我们需要一个向导。我将带你们穿过仆人走廊进入花园,那里充满了危险和未知。Granny Nightshade可能今晚不回来,所以我们需要等待。我们需要处理前面那位女士,我们会照顾好她。 Morning Frost: 我们这群人意外地成为了拯救Feywild的英雄。我们之前的计划和真相并不一致,在Feywild,真相难以捉摸。我们需要继续救孩子,下次见到Will,Gideon应该打爆他的头。我们需要弄清楚Will是否还吃孩子,以及他是否记得过去。我们不应该因为偷东西就杀掉别人。 在Feywild的旅程中,我们经历了无数的挑战和冒险,最终成为了这片土地的守护者。我们之前的计划与现实情况存在偏差,在Feywild,真相往往被隐藏,我们必须时刻保持警惕。Will曾经是一个邪恶的Oni,但他现在却变成了一个孩子,这让我们感到困惑。 我们需要继续拯救那些被困的孩子,并将他们送回安全的地方。下次见到Will时,我们必须采取行动,阻止他继续作恶。我们不能因为Will的外表而忽视他过去的罪行,他必须为自己的行为负责。我们必须弄清Will是否还记得自己的过去,以及他是否仍然对孩子构成威胁。 Granny Nightshade: 我不知道Will已经离开很久了,并为此感到生气。我以为他只是因为我没有给他足够的钱或孩子而离开了。如果他回来道歉,我可能会原谅他。 我并不知道Will已经离开很久了,我一直以为他只是因为我不够重视他而离开了。我为他提供金子和珠宝,以及足够的孩子让他吃,但我不知道他为什么离开。如果他回来向我道歉,并且愿意继续为我工作,我可能会原谅他。 Ewan: 我知道蘑菇贩子的位置,我可以带你们去。但是,我需要你们帮我收集逃走的动物。如果杀死动物,Granny Nightshade会生气。我不会杀你们,我只是会把你们的骨头和内脏添加到我的垃圾堆里。 我知道蘑菇贩子的位置,我可以带你们去。但是,我需要你们的帮助,因为最近有一些动物从围栏里逃跑了,弄脏了整个花园。我不想杀死那些动物,因为Granny Nightshade会生气的。 我不会伤害你们,我只是想让你们帮我收集那些逃走的动物。我曾经是一个垃圾堆,但我现在已经有了人形。我虽然看起来很可怕,但我内心深处其实很善良。我希望你们能够理解我,并帮助我。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why did the Krew pursue mushrooms in the Feywild?

The Krew pursued mushrooms in the Feywild to unlock deeper insights and truths about themselves and their mission, seeking visions and answers from the mushroom peddlers.

What transformation did Will of the Feywild undergo?

Will of the Feywild was transformed from an oni, a large blue monstrous beast, into a little boy by Pavlona's curse.

Why did Pavlona curse Will of the Feywild?

Pavlona cursed Will of the Feywild after a heated argument during an afternoon tea, turning him into a little boy as a form of punishment.

What role did the mushroom peddlers play in the Feywild?

The mushroom peddlers guarded special mushrooms that provided visions and truths, helping those dealing with misconception and dishonesty in the Feywild.

How did the Krew manage to escape the giant Venus flytrap plant?

The Krew distracted the giant Venus flytrap plant by singing 'Slow Ride' by Foghat, allowing them to escape and save the piglet Oink.

What was the significance of the crystalline pool in the garden?

The crystalline pool was a beautiful and serene place that provided a sense of peace and invigoration, reminiscent of the lake where they met La Morna, the unicorn.

Why did Ewan, the compost heap creature, help the Krew?

Ewan helped the Krew by setting up a teleportation circle to the mushroom peddlers, as he had made contact with them and wanted to assist in their mission.

How did the Krew initially react to the garden's beauty?

The Krew initially reacted with awe and confusion to the garden's beauty, each experiencing different emotional effects from the environment, such as euphoria, paranoia, and anger.

What was the purpose of the mushroom circle in the cave?

The mushroom circle in the cave was a teleportation device that allowed the Krew to travel through a network of mycelium to reach the mushroom peddlers' location.

How did the Krew plan to handle Will of the Feywild's past as an oni?

The Krew debated whether to turn in Will of the Feywild if he reverted to his oni form, considering his past of eating children, but ultimately decided to let him be if he remained unaware of his past.

The Krew recounts their previous adventures and the challenges they face in the Feywild, including the revelation about Will of the Feywild and the mission to save the children.
  • Will of the Feywild was an Oni.
  • The group is on a mission to save children and return them to safety.
  • They are in the Heart of Loom Lurch, Granny Nightshade's lair.

Shownotes Transcript

The Krew pursues mushrooms in hopes of unlocking things deep within themselves...


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