Build your English vocabulary with these short programmes. Each episode explores a new topic to impr
Find out why we write some phrases with hyphens but not others.
Catherine and Finn talk about spelling words with double letters in 6 Minute Vocabulary.
Learn how to pronounce verbs and nouns with Neil and Catherine.
Catherine and Doug discuss British and American English
Can you think out of the box or take the helicopter view at work? Learn business jargon.
'c' or 's'? Learn how to spell words that begin with a /s/ sound.
When talking about moving in, moving out and moving on, what do we mean? We explain.
Do you recycle your rubbish? Do you buy prepacked food? Are you proactive?
How do you pronounce the words night and knight?
Learn about words that sound like the thing they describe.
Do you ever 'meet up with' your friend in the park? We talk about multi-word verbs.
We explain how some adjectives end in either -ic or -ical, depending on their meaning.
Listen to our fantastic, wonderful programme about strong adjectives.
How words change depending on whether a man or a woman is doing the job.
Rob and Catherine are here to help you update your language!
British people love to talk about weather! Learn some useful vocabulary about it here.
Learn about words that sound the same but have different meanings
Ice cream, popcorn... Learn about nouns made up of a combination of two words.
We explain the order you put adjectives in when describing a dog!
Finn and Feifei help you learn this important part of speaking and writing, in English.