Learn Traditional Chinese Medicine, Functional Medicine and any kinds of Alternative Medicine

The objective is to share great knowledge of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Ayurveda, and any kinds o


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The Liver stores Blood and is responsible for the smooth movement of Qi. a)Pattern of Constrained Li

Chinese medicine the web that has no weaver  page 247-253 Patterns of disharmony  Spleen D

Chinese medicine the web that has no weaver page 244-246 East & West Reconsidered

Chinese medicine the web that has no weaver page 239-244 Chapter 8  the pattern of the human la

The patterns of Excess/Heat (shi-re-zheng : 実熱証) signs : Excess (yang) + Heat (yang) movement : forc

Chinese medicine  The web that has no weaver  page 231-234 Patterns of True Heat / Illusi

Chinese medicine the web that has no weaver  page 217-223 the wight principal patterns are com

Chinese medicine  the web that has no weaver page 215-217 Chapter 7  The eight principal p

Chinese medicine the web that has no weaver  page 203-210  18. moderate pulse(huan mai: 緩脈

page 194-202 touching examination (qie-zhen : 切診) pulse taking (脈診) type of pulse Depth 1.floating

Chinese medicine thawed that has no weaver  page 186-190 Listening and smelling (wen-zhen:聞診) 

Chinese Medicine the web that has no weaver  page 191-194 Asking  - thirst, appetite, and

Tongue diagnosis(舌診) is one of two pillars of the Four Examinations ; the other is feeling pulse Are

Chinese Medicine the web that has no weaver  page 176-181 TCM diagnostic method; the four exami

Chinese medicine the web that has no weaver  page #171-176  Chapter 6  The four exami

Chinese medicine the web that has no weaver  page 160-166 the ways of life (bu-nei-wai-yin; 不内外

Chinese medicine the web that has no weaver  page 157-160 the seven emotions (qi-qing: 七情) Exce

Chinese Medicine The web that has no weaver page 154-157 The six pernicious diseases 4.Heat (re : 熱)

Chinese Medicine the web that has no weaver page 150-153 Six pernicious diseases  2 wind ; feng

Chinese Medicine the web that has no weaver page 146-150 The six pernicious Influences (liu-yin/ six