Learn real-life Taiwanese Mandarin 聽播客學中文

Hi, it's Jai and Mion, two Taiwanese. In our podcast, we discuss a wide range of topics to help you


Total: 166

EP106 | 滑雪


今年的雪季差不多要結束了呢~ The snow season is towards to an e

EP105 | 一見鍾情


你覺得"一見鍾情"好?還是"日久生情"好呢? Which is better for you?Lo

這個季節好像會有很多蓬蓬的東西 ☁️ This time of the year we seem

EP103 | 旅程安排


你出去玩喜歡把旅程安排得很詳細嗎? Do you like your travel itinera

EP102 | 駕照


今天來聊聊關於拿駕照的事吧~! Let’s talk about getting a driver

最近這麼喜歡憶當年 Love to recall the good old times so mu

EP100 | 炫耀 Flexing


今天讓我們來炫耀一下台灣人最近有什麼爽事吧~ Today let us brag about so

被騷擾、被吃豆腐真的很令人惱怒欸!😤 Being harassed and being take

啟靈藥, 聽起來就很神秘啊~ Qǐ líng yào, sounds like mysteriou

台灣公司的尾牙活動都在做什麼呢? What is it like in a year-end pa

二零二二再沒幾天就結束了呀~ In a couple days we will finish th

EP95 | 來喝茶吧


紅茶、綠茶和烏龍喝起來都不一樣 Black tea, green tea and Oolong a

如果大家聽到不是94集的內容 If what you have heard was not the

你有寫日記的習慣嗎? Do you have the habit of writing diary

蒙特祖馬誰?? Who is Montezuma? 這集我們來學學肚子不舒服的時候可以怎麼

在台灣,餐廳和網路都可以"吃到飽"🤩 In Taiwan, we can use "chī dà

為什麼要吃麵糰?🤔 Why eating a dough? 生吃麵團的口感到底是怎麼樣呢

大家覺得我們說中文的時候常常模稜兩可、不清不楚的嗎? Do you feel that we ar

台北清單第二集來囉! Here comes the second episode of Taipe

EP87 | 台北小吃推薦


好多人要到台灣玩啦~ As many are planning to visit Taiwan s