cover of episode EP#37 【十亿俱乐部】宠物食品品牌诚实一口(Honest Bite) 联合创始人“吕哥”Olivia: 我希望自己很强,但是是我自己定义的“强”

EP#37 【十亿俱乐部】宠物食品品牌诚实一口(Honest Bite) 联合创始人“吕哥”Olivia: 我希望自己很强,但是是我自己定义的“强”

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Lead Her Way

Shownotes Transcript

Hello 大家好,感谢收听Lead Her Way! 

上期和友台Slightly Open 的朋友们聊了聊创始人的天赋秉性、品味和选择后,我对这个问题更加的痴迷,到底什么样的人能“成事儿“,当然成事儿的定义不同,但是在创业这个语境里,有一个必不可少的衡量标准,就是有没有足够多的人为你做的产品、服务掏钱买单。在思考了很久后,我决定推出Lead Her Way 播客的新系列,就叫十亿俱乐部,采访的对象是中国消费品品牌创始人,在相对较短的时间内把业务量做到了十亿人民币的体量;因为我觉得十亿是一个里程碑,不仅仅是财务上的,更是对创始人一个特别大的考验,怎么做人,怎么管人,下一步怎么走,都是挑战。

这个系列的第一位嘉宾是吕哥Olivia, 她是宠物食品品牌诚实一口的联合创始人。我第一次见她,我觉得这个女生非常“冷“。 直接、冷漠且不修边幅。我们聊了两个多小时,她思路特别清晰,直击事物本质,完全不掩饰自己的野心,对自己的认知清晰明了。她和她的联合创始人(也是她的先生), 在经历了三年创业摸索失败后,在2020 年上线了宠物食品品牌诚实一口,一路走来,到了今年,4 年多的时间把销售额做到了十亿人民币。她们没烧钱,完全盈利,只在很早的时候,拿了很小的一笔投资,拿投资的理由是,想选择条难走的路。

Olivia 非常直接,真性情,不仅仅讲了一路走来踩过的坑,还聊了很多干货,比如为什么要做消费者调研?什么时候融资?什么时候你需要个ceo coach?  



Hello everyone, thank you for tuning in to Lead Her Way!

In the last episode, I discussed with friends from the show Slightly Open about the innate qualities, tastes, and choices of founders. This deepened my fascination with the question of what kind of people can truly "make things happen." The definition of "making things happen" can vary, but in the context of entrepreneurship, a crucial measure is whether enough people are willing to pay for your product or service. After much contemplation, I've decided to launch a new series for the Lead Her Way podcast called the Billion Club, featuring founders of Chinese consumer brands that have achieved sales of one billion RMB in a relatively short time. I believe reaching one billion is a milestone—not just financially, but also a significant test for founders in terms of how to conduct themselves, manage others, and decide on the next steps, all of which are challenges.

The first guest in this series is Olivia, co-founder of the pet food brand 诚实一口 (Honest Bite). When I first met her, I found her to be very "cold." Direct, indifferent, and unpolished. We talked for over two hours, and her thinking was exceptionally clear, cutting to the essence of things. She didn't hide her ambition and had a strong self-awareness. After three years of trial and error, she and her co-founder (who is also her husband) launched 诚实一口 in 2020, and in just over four years, they've achieved one billion RMB in sales. They didn’t burn cash; they are fully profitable and only took a small investment early on, motivated by a desire to choose a challenging path.

Olivia is very straightforward and genuine. She shared not only the pitfalls they've encountered along the way but also a lot of practical insights, such as why consumer research is essential, when to seek funding, and when you might need a CEO coach.

I learned a lot from this episode and hope it inspires you as well.

本期特别感谢黑蚁资本Victoria 介绍我认识吕哥Olivia:)