Called to Change One Life at a Time!
Hello, Friends The message Jesus presented was The Kingdom is near! Another way to say essentially t
Hello, Friends Most human beings are preoccupied with a desire to know how they rate in things. We o
Hello, Friends In our western culture our world view has been largely shaped by ancient Greek though
Hello, Friends One of the most natural human desires is to want a life of ease. In general, most of
Hello, Friends The men we admire most in the Kingdom did not achieve their purposes without preparat
Hello, Friends The Hebrew words Lechem Paaniym mean the bread of His face. This odd phrase is pregna
Hello, Friends The title of this message is a play on the television program Meerkat Manor. The New
Hello, Friends This message uses ancient covenants, comparisons between David and Jesus, as well as
Hello, Friends Transformers is a message inspired by a cartoon program from the late '80s. In the ca
Hello, Friends This message focuses on the relationship between adversity and spiritual health. Resi
Hello, Friends This message focuses on understanding and interpreting the events of our lives. God h
Hello, Friends Have you ever longed to be courageous like Maximus or do you admire the loyalty of Do
Hello, Friends This message covers scriptures ranging from Leviticus to 1 Peter to emphasize importa
Hello, Friends This week's message was titled "Seven More Days". The message covers the events of Ki
Hello, Friends This week's message was titled "Devoted to Prayer". It is the third in a series calle
Hello, Friends This week's message was titled "Devoted to the Fellowship". It is the second in a ser
Hello, Friends This week's message was titled "Devoted". The Church described in the book of Acts wa
Hello, Friends This week's message was titled "Slippery Toe Amputation". A crazy title, we know! Thi
Hello, Friends This week's message was titled "Mission Impossible". A man in ancient Israel once sai
Hello, Friends This week's message was titled "Mother Israel". This teaching is a departure from tra