Called to Change One Life at a Time!
This message is 2,532 years old and still fantastic
Wade Sutherland brought a timely Word in a way that moved the hearts of all that were present!
The best way to measure your offering may not be in what you gave but instead what you kept. Listen
The hardest Father's Day message most people will ever hear! I dare you to listen.
When we place ourselves outside the will of God, we stand in the line of the enemy's fire. This mess
The "If" Men: Pulling Arrows.
From the smallest creature to greatest of galaxies God displays His ability to be faithful in sustai
A straight forward call to repentance and salvation shared entirely from the Tenach.
This is one class in a series of 6 that we teach at LCMF to our new Christians. This session covers
This moving testimony is a must hear!
Strength made perfect in Weakness
Brother Carter gave an amazing word on Faith and practical application. Please listen carefully as
This message covers Biblical figures like Asaph, Jeduthun, and even HEMAN!
This was an excellent message delivered by an Elder in the Church
The Mount of Transfiguration, Hannah, Manoah, Zechariah, and Mary all had similar attributes that ar
Our brother, Branden gave an excellent word that encouraged us to examine what we are gathering to m
This is a very practical twist on what some see as a controversial subject
Nephilim are not discussed in most congregations... We encourage you to listen to this message
This sermon took place following a missions adventure to Kenya
Eric Hill shares on the power of being unified in Jesus and operating as a community to do God's wil