Reflecting on the process by which God makes men into righteous oaks, we look to the Father of the faith, Abraham. Abraham was a mighty righteous oak who faithfully followed the Lord throughout the cycles of growth in his life. In him, we see the old military adage exemplified "Semper Fidelis, Semper Gumby" or "Always Faithful, Always Flexible". From him, we learn to glory in the Lord's ability to take what is currently dead & breathe life into it. This revelation is supposed to give us the confidence to cultivate a faithful walk with our God through every season. Through these season, he is calling us to delight ourselves in him. The most amazing thing that is learned is that as we delight ourselves in him, he delights us. Let this message inspire you to cultivate faithfulness and delight yourself in the Lord, as brothers Justin Linton and Paul Rosales encourage us with this sermon entitled "Semper Fidelis, Semper Gumby".