Pastor Eric, Pastor Matt & Pastor Wade present this rousing sermon entitled, "Rock and Quarry." The Scriptures are replete with examples of our great God being identified as a Rock! The kind of Rock that others gods can't begin to compare with. Deuteronomy 32:4 gives a seven-fold description of what our Rock is like. Our Rock is immutable, incorruptible, unassailable, the foundation of faithful flawlessness, the definition of justice, the superior standard, and the pleasing pathway! This Rock that will one day fill the entire earth gives us the right to become blameless. He gives us the right to dissolve deviant behavior, participate in a divine work and to become the possessors of a truly resurrected life! Armed with this understanding, our pastors teach us that we are destined to not only be like our Rock, but to be a quarry that produces other rocks of the same quality as HIM! Let the transforming power of the Holy Spirit empower you to become a Rock and Quarry!!