“Groom Conscious” preached by Pastors Nik, Payton, Matt and Wade was aimed at helping us to fix our eyes and heart on the one groom who has paid the purchase price for us. The purchase price that he paid with his life is the demonstration of the love that he has for us. Knowing this, we are compelled to love him in a way that causes everything else that competes for that love to fade away. From the beginning of the betrothal to now, our great groom has been carrying us and he will continue to carry us until we are united with him. The one who is, who was, and who is to come has eyes that burn intensely for his bride. The question that we must ask ourselves is, do I show the same love back to him? Will I allow the fire that is in his eyes burn away and purify what does not belong in me, that I may reflect that same fiery love!?