As we look back on the past 100 days, we can see how God has been leading us onto ancient paths from the beginning of the year. On this 101st day of the year, we see the Lord stirring the waters with this call to arms entitled "Ancient Paths: Ancient Waters". Pastor Matt and Pastor Wade lead us into deep waters and a deeper revelation as to what it means to interacts with God's ancient waters. The clear pattern throughout scripture & Israel's history is that ancient waters meant that God was simultaneously drawing out his enemies for judgment while delivering his chosen people. He's routing his enemies, throwing them into confusion, bringing the noise, and at the very same time rescuing his people. The astounding fact is that he doesn't just rescue though, he equips us for war at our rescue! When Jesus came out of the waters of baptism, he was being empowered to declare war on God's enemies. He passed this heritage to his disciples, and so it has come to us. Stand up! Declare war! Let the mighty, ancient torrents set you apart today for war!