In the 12th installment of the Ancient Paths series, Pastor Wade and Pastor Matt deliver this uplifting word pointing us to the Ancient Heights! Our commander sits enthroned on high, arrayed in victory and is calling us up to join him on the ancient heights. Israel was called by God to "Go Up!" and posses the land. Our pastors remind us that we must elevate, make aliyah, become an "Olah", pleasing to the Lord in order to ascend to the heights of the calling the Lord has for this body and every member in it. This won't just be given passively, we have to go and dispossess ancient hostilities that seek to occupy our promise from God! We are admonished to pursue it and not to turn back until every enemy has been dealt with. Our pastors key us in, not just to what we must do, but how to do it! We cannot go our own way, do as we please, or speak idle words! No, we are called higher, to a kind of joyful warfare, trusting in our God. This word will convict you, cause you to repent, then lift you right to the station you need to serve from!