Two passionate yet lazy learners of English and Japanese have casual conversations about culture, la
How to Make Japanese Friends, 1 Day Trip to Korea, Why is Cheating Bad?, and more! 友達の作り方、韓国の1日旅行、 浮
Cheating in Japan, Traveling to Korea, Japanese Masculinity, and more! 日本の浮気、韓国旅行、 日本人の男らしさなど!
Asian Masculinity, New Year’s Resolutions, Is Japanese Food Cheap, Language Learning tips, and more!
New Year's Celebrations, Downsides of Great Public Transportation, Japanese Spirituality, Why Japane
Religious Belief, Why Americans Are Fat, Japanese Honesty, and more! 信仰、アメリカ人はなぜ太ってるのか、日本人の誠実さなど!
Honesty, Interviewing in Japan, History Suppression, and more! 誠実さ、日本でのインタービュー、近代史教育制圧など!
World War II Education, Oyster Culture, Board Games, Manspreading, and more! 第二次世界大戦の教育、牡蠣の文化、ボードゲーム
Being a Woman in Japan, Car Infested Cities, Male Microaggressions, and more! 日本での女性生活、車だらけの社会、男性のマイ
Japan Travel Tips, Small Joys of Japan, Up and Downs of Parasocial Relationships, and more! 来日のアドバイス
Parasocial Relationships, Thanksgiving, China's softpower, and more! パラソーシャル関係、感謝祭、中国のソフトパワーなど! New
What is Soft Power?, Voting, Strange Medical Practices, and more! ソフトパワー、投票、医学の変な習慣など! Language Info
2022 Trending Japanese Words, Natural disasters, Lying in Medicine, and more! 2022年の流行語、物の哀れと災害、医学と嘘
Halloween in America & Japan, Snow, Hitch Hiking, Japan's educational system, and more! アメリカと日本のハロウィ
Japanese cram school, Bayonetta Director Twitter, The Future of VR, AI and art, and more! 日本の塾、神谷英樹の
The Metaverse, River Study, The Return of Bleach, Yoshi Wins, Language Learning Tips, and more! メタバー
The New Mario Movie, Game/Anime Adaptations, A Town With Only 5 Doctors, Best Anime for Language Lea
Japanese Toilets, New Youtube Video!, Hammocks, Barefoot Running, and more! 日本のトイレ、新しいYouTube動画!、ハンモ
Japan's Upcoming Reopening, Japan Travel Tips, Effects of the Pandemic, Learning Japanese Through Yo
Tourism in Japan, Japan's troubled reopening, Tennis, Arrival of Fall, Best Arcade in Japan, and mor
Japan's Dropping Birth Rate, Odaiba: Japan's Artificial Island Amusement Park, Dying My Hair, Englis