
Latest Hacking News

A daily overview of the latest hacking news, exploits, vulnerabilities, leaks…. everything und


Total: 300

Qualys discloses new Linux vulnerabilities, critical flaw in Cisco's email security platform co

Man confesses to leaking German politicians' data, Jeep hacking lawsuit to continue to jury tri

A hacker compromises Australia's Early Warning Network, Zerodium to pay up to $2M for Apple zer

Hundreds of German Politicians have personal data leaked, lawsuit over Weather Channel App's al

10 million impacted in breaches disclosed so far in 2019, Adobe issues patches for two critical vuln

Hacker hijack Chromecasts to promote PewDiePie and a hacker group threatens to release stolen 9/11 r

A look at the largest cybersecurity, hacking, and privacy headlines of 2018 on episode 192 of our da

A Microsoft Edge remote code execution exploit has been published, the FTC issues Netflix phishing s

Latest Hacking News Podcast interview with Karl Sigler, Security Research Manager for Trustwave Spid

Interview with Nadir Izreal and Michael Parker of Armis on their discovery of the BLEEDINGBIT vulner

Microsoft issues emergency patch for Internet Explorer, attack campaign uses tried-and-true tricks,

NASA reveals a data breach that compromised staff social security numbers and Trend Micro warns that

New malware pulls commands from memes on Twitter, yet another Twitter bug, and Signal can't com

Yet more user data leaks via third-party apps from both Twitter and Facebook plus updates on the bom

Bomb threat email scam alarms businesses, Wordpress bug led to some passwords indexed by Google, and

Operation Sharpshooter targeting nuclear, defense, and energy companies, Super Micro release finding

Over 40,000 Government portal login credentials discovered online, Android trojan steals money from

Google+ now to be shut down in April following second data leak and recent "sextortion" email scam i

Interview with Valentino De Sousa, cyberdefense lead for the UK and Ireland with Accenture Security,

Botnet of 20,000 Wordpress sites attacking other Wordpress sites, Australia passes encryption law, a