The Last Podcast on the Left covers all the horrors our world has to offer, both imagined and real.
In part two of three about the original Psycho, Ed Gein, we cover his first lady murder with tavern
It's finally Gein time as we cover the origin of Wisconsin's real life bogeyman and just what his mo
It's two tales of frontier madness this week as we cover Mickey and Wiley Harpe, the smelliest cave
We wrap up the Betty and Barney Hill abduction with the terrifying hypnotherapy sessions, semen suck
It's one of the first and possibly the most credible of all alien abductions this week with part one
The most bizarre conspiracy theories get a little light on the second part of our JonBenét Ramsey se
It's possibly America's most well-known unsolved murder on this week's Last Podcast two-parter as we
We wrap up our Ed Kemper two parter with all of his gruesome murders, from his copulation with the d
Our Heavy Hitters series continues with Ed Kemper aka The Co-ed Killer! We start at the beginning wi
Whether you like to use them as Google or a variation on the Fleshlight, the dead are at your dispos
It's the second in our axe murder series as we cover the largest axe murder in the history of the Un
In the first of our two parter on axe murders throughout history, we cover a story of a prostitute b
The moon. Is it hollow? Are there aliens inside? Is it even REAL? We answer all these questions and
It's the second part of the Boston Strangler Murders as we cover the two psychics who became entrenc
It's a different kind of Heavy Hitter as we cover a series of brutal and bizarre murders that were a
We end our series on the Nazi-Occult connection with it's most heinous evildoer, Heinrich Himmler, a
It's part one of our coverage of the occult roots of the Nazi party, from the seemingly harmless tea
Aliens return with the Coronado Group Abduction, in which at least six people were abducted while at
It's our 2014 retrospective, as we cover the year's most murderous news stories from January to Dece
It's the dark side of our lord and savior Santa Claus, from his supposed Satanic leanings to the hor