cover of episode "The Universe Needs To Relax" (w/ Cynthia Erivo)

"The Universe Needs To Relax" (w/ Cynthia Erivo)

logo of podcast Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

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Bowen Yang
Cynthia Erivo
Matt Rogers
Cynthia Erivo: 观看《Wicked》电影首映后,她感受到了与百老汇大家庭的深刻联系,并意识到自己旅程的意义。她对电影的成功感到惊喜,并承认观众的反应对她来说至关重要。她有时能控制情绪,有时情绪会出乎意料地爆发,部分原因是多年来压抑的情绪在此时释放。在大屏幕上与观众一起观看电影与独自观看的体验截然不同,她渴望与第一次观看电影的人分享这种体验。在拍摄过程中,她有时会忘记自己正在拍摄一部电影,但看到最终成片后,她才意识到这部电影的宏大规模和细节之丰富。她与John合作,在电影中对“Defying Gravity”的结尾音符进行了独特的诠释,使其成为Elphaba旅程的开始,并预示着《Wicked》的第二部。她对“Defying Gravity”结尾音符的诠释与她在电影中其他部分的演唱风格形成对比,这突出了Elphaba的转变。她理解观众希望《Wicked》是一部电影的愿望,但她解释说,这部电影的故事内容丰富,不可能只拍成一部电影。拍摄“Dancing Through Life”场景对她来说非常具有挑战性,因为她需要表达Elphaba的孤独和渴望被接纳的感受。她理解Elphaba的孤独感,因为她自己也有过类似的经历,这让她能够更深刻地诠释这个角色。她认为这部电影讲述了一个普遍的故事,而她作为演员,倾注了很多个人情感来诠释Elphaba这个角色。在拍摄“Dancing Through Life”场景时,她感受到了剧组成员的强烈支持和关爱。她意识到剧组成员都理解Elphaba的孤独感,因为他们自己也曾有过类似的经历。她为《Wicked》试镜时,演唱了“Defying Gravity”、“The Wizard and I”和“For Good”,并进行了场景表演。她认为导演John M. Chu为她提供了充分的发挥空间,让她在试镜中展现出对角色的理解和渴望。她认为获得这个角色不仅需要唱歌和表演能力,还需要展现角色的深度和层次。她喜欢扮演具有历史深度和复杂性的标志性人物,因为这些角色很有趣,并能展现出她不同的一面。她对Elphaba的最终诠释保留了她最初试镜时的60%的理解,并在拍摄过程中学习和成长。她对Elphaba的诠释是基于她对“与众不同”和“被排斥”的个人理解,并将其融入到角色中。她认为Elphaba的自我防御机制是先发制人,用幽默来应对外界的偏见。她认为出演《Color Purple》并非冒险,而是她命中注定要做的事情,舞台大小并不重要。她认为在追求目标时,既需要情感上的直觉,也需要理性的规划。她描述了自己的放松方式:喝茶、穿睡衣、护肤、看轻松的电影或电视剧、写日记,然后睡觉。她认为每天锻炼对她的身心健康和在《Wicked》中表演至关重要。罢工事件让她既感到沮丧,又让她有时间更好地准备角色,并最终以更好的状态完成了拍摄。她认为在拍摄《Wicked》的过程中,她经历了很多挑战,最终让她更好地诠释了角色。她认为与角色告别就像结束一段珍贵的友谊,并因此感到悲伤。她认为音乐是她最早学习和理解的语言,并塑造了她成为今天的艺术家。她在11岁时真正理解了音乐的技巧和技术层面。Ariana Grande帮助她找到了合适的团队,制作出了她理想中的音乐作品。她的新专辑风格多样,融合了多种音乐元素,但都以人声为主。她对未来的计划保密,但表示她的制作公司正在制作一个电视剧集,她本人也计划参与更多具有探索性和冒险性的项目。她喜欢扮演那些渴望被听到声音、拥有力量感的角色。 Matt Rogers: 他认为《Wicked》电影的情感表达非常到位,特别是影片中关于“内心小孩疗愈”的片段。他一开始对“内心小孩疗愈”的概念持怀疑态度,但这部电影让他改变了看法。他询问Cynthia Erivo如何看待并处理演唱诸如《Alfie》等高压力的演出机会。他认为只有自己相信才能让别人相信,并强调了清晰的自我认知对成功的必要性。 Bowen Yang: 他抱怨在美国很难买到英国的Walker's薯片,并希望美国市场能有更多英国零食。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why did Cynthia Erivo choose to audition for the role of Elphaba in 'Wicked'?

Cynthia Erivo auditioned for Elphaba because she felt a deep connection to the character and believed it was her role to play, regardless of the stage size.

How did Cynthia Erivo's approach to Elphaba differ from previous portrayals?

Cynthia Erivo's Elphaba is self-assured and uses humor as a defense mechanism, getting to the joke before others can call her weird, which is a new and special take on the character.

What was the most challenging scene for Cynthia Erivo in 'Wicked'?

The most challenging scene for Cynthia Erivo was 'Dancing Through Life,' where she had to process Elphaba's ownership of loneliness and the desire to be accepted, despite feeling different.

How did Cynthia Erivo prepare for the vocal performance in 'Defying Gravity'?

Cynthia Erivo prepared for 'Defying Gravity' by understanding it as the beginning of Elphaba's journey and the release of everything she had been holding back, aiming for a guttural, rage-filled roar.

What was Cynthia Erivo's experience like filming 'Wicked' during the writers' strike?

During the writers' strike, Cynthia Erivo felt ready to film 'Defying Gravity' but had to wait, keeping the character alive within her while staying physically and vocally prepared, which she felt the universe was making her earn.

How does Cynthia Erivo unwind and relax after a long day?

Cynthia Erivo unwinds with a nighttime routine including sleepy time tea, dressing in comfortable PJs, skincare, watching light dramas or comedies, journaling, and then sleeping.

What is Cynthia Erivo's favorite color and why is it significant?

Cynthia Erivo's favorite color is green, which is significant because it's her favorite color before playing Elphaba, and she already had a lot of green in her closet, making it an easy choice for the role.

How did Cynthia Erivo's collaboration with Ariana Grande influence her upcoming album?

Cynthia Erivo's collaboration with Ariana Grande helped her find the right team and label, leading to an album where her voice is the primary instrument, inspired by vocal-forward artists like Enya and Lauryn Hill.

What does Cynthia Erivo find most challenging about cooking with certain ingredients?

Cynthia Erivo finds it challenging that many recipes rely heavily on onion and garlic, which she is allergic to, and advocates for using a variety of herbs and spices to achieve flavorful dishes without these ingredients.

Cynthia Erivo discusses her experience watching 'Wicked' with Broadway friends and family, including original cast members and their children, highlighting the generational impact of the show.
  • Broadway friends and family screening included original cast members and their children.
  • The screening was a warm and emotional experience for Cynthia.
  • The generational impact of 'Wicked' was evident during the screening.

Shownotes Transcript

Elphaba may sing about how she is "not that girl" but Cynthia Erivo IS that girl! Okay?! And she's also the guest this week on Las Cultch! The magnificent hyper-talent joins Matt & Bow to discuss auditioning for Wicked, crafting her Elphaba and ultimately letting her go. Also, running towards portraying some of the most iconic people and characters in history (Aretha Franklin! Celie! Harriet Tubman!), running in general, and a moment of appreciation for the color green. All this, how Ariana Grande has helped Cynthia find her voice as a recording artist, the responsibility and magic of singing at The Kennedy Center, the importance of listening to lyrics, the oppression of onion and garlic, and continued angst about the lack of availability of British snacks in America. Wicked hits theaters November 22nd and Cynthia is spectacular in it. OOOHHHAAAAHHHAAAAAHHHAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!

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