Bowen Yang
Matt Rogers
Matt Rogers: 本集为Iconic 400榜单的最终部分,但在录制过程中出现了音频问题,这并非节目组或网络的责任,而是人为错误。团队已尽力补救,并保证不会再发生类似情况。尽管音频问题令人失望,但他们仍然完成了榜单的录制,并将在本集节目中公布第一名。他们对听众表达了歉意,并呼吁大家关注佛罗里达州的飓风灾害,并尽力提供帮助。在节目中,他们对榜单上的众多名人进行了点评,表达了对他们的喜爱和敬佩之情。 Bowen Yang: 本集为Iconic 400榜单的最终部分,但在录制过程中出现了音频问题,这并非节目组或网络的责任,而是人为错误。团队已尽力补救,并保证不会再发生类似情况。尽管音频问题令人失望,但他们仍然完成了榜单的录制,并将在本集节目中公布第一名。他们对听众表达了歉意,并对榜单上的众多名人进行了点评,表达了对他们的喜爱和敬佩之情,其中不乏对一些名人的幽默评价和八卦解读。

Deep Dive

The hosts discuss the technical difficulties encountered while recording the final part of their Iconic 400 list and express their disappointment. Despite the setback, they proceed with the recording, introducing the producer and addressing the recent hurricanes and their impact. They also reflect on the significance of the Iconic 400.
  • The hosts encountered technical difficulties during the recording of the final part of the Iconic 400 list.
  • The hosts express their disappointment but decide to proceed with the recording.
  • They address the recent hurricanes and encourage listeners to offer support if possible.

Shownotes Transcript

Part V of THE ICONIC 400! Congratulations Paula Abdul, Ronald McDonald, Beyoncé and SO many more! Who is #1 and will be next week’s guest?! Listen to find out! And check out The Iconic 400 MEGA VIDEO on YouTube!

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