cover of episode Strange Worship: Six Steps for Challenging Christian Nationalism With Dr. Drew J. Strait

Strange Worship: Six Steps for Challenging Christian Nationalism With Dr. Drew J. Strait

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Kingdom Roots

Shownotes Transcript

In this episode Scot McKnight and Cody Matchett talk with Dr. Drew J. Strait about his recent book, Strange Worship: Six Steps for Challenging Christian Nationalism.

Drew J. Strait was baptized Catholic, raised United Methodist, discipled as an Evangelical through Young Life, Reformed through Whitworth College, and became a convinced Anabaptist after a transformative re-reading of the Gospels after the Iraq war. This ecumenical background energizes Strait’s passion to bring together diverse coalitions of Christians to bear witness to God’s mission of reconciliation—to reconcile humans to God *and *humans to one another. Perpetually overwhelmed by how much he doesn’t know, Strait loves to cultivate engaging spaces to learn alongside his students and listeners.

Forthcoming Publications

  • Drew J. Strait, “Dominionism in the Trumpocene: Toward a Biblical Hermeneutic of Resistance.”* In On Christian Nationalism: Critical and Theological Perspectives. *Routledge Studies in Fascism and the Far Right. Edited by Joan Braune and David M. Gides. New York: Routledge, projected 2025.
  • Human Animalization and Fascist Politics: Toward a Homiletic of Resistance against the Dehumanization of Immigrants (this is an essay I wrote during my sabbatical on the Canaanite woman in Matt 15, animal metaphors in the Trumpocene, and animal metaphors for dehumanizing people in Greco-Roman antiquity).
  • Next book project will focus on biblical interpretation and human security–reclaiming biblical interpretation as a site for peacebuilding through the church.

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