Weekly video game reviews, previews, and analysis of the biggest topics in gaming, covering the late
Can you know how you feel about a game without even playing it, we explain why we don't love playing
Life Is Strange Co-Director Michel Koch comes to Kinda Funny to talk about the ending, Chloe, and yo
Special guest Steve Gaynor drops by to talk about Tacoma and Virtual Reality. (Released on Patreon 0
We all give our top 10 favorite games of 2015 and discuss our game of the year. (Released on Patreon
With Gone Home finally coming to consoles, Greg sits down with Fullbright's Steve Gaynor to talk abo
We take a look at the biggest games and predict what PlayStation, Nintendo, and Xbox have in store f
We take a look at the best games of 2015. (Released on Patreon on 12.25.15) Learn more about your ad
Tim gives his thanks to Sakurai for all he has done with Super Smash Bros, Kojima is finally free, i
Special guest Anothony Carboni joins us, Greg Miller tells his story of winning Trending Gamer at th
Our impressions of Rise of the Tomb Raider on the Xbox One, why is it becoming the norm for games to
Special guest Chris Watters joins us to discuss Star Wars Battlefront, his book The Gamer's Bucket L
Funhaus' Adam Kovic joins us to discuss his game of the year, his favorite games of all-time, and ga
Our impressions on Nintendo's latest Direct, now that Fallout 4 is out, Colin reflects on his predic
We give you our thoughts on Halo 5, Triforce Heroes, Yokai Watch and more, Activision buys King for
We give a quick rundown of all the things shown at the Paris Games Week PlayStation conference, let'
Special guest Aaron Greenberg joins us to discuss the Xbox's holiday lineup, Aaron Greenberg explain
Adam Sessler drops by to explain why Friday The 13th The Game is gonna be awesome, Adam Sessler disc
We give our thoughts on the latest game releases, does Rock Band 4 live up to the hype, the bitter r
So many games! The fall rush has begun, whether it is your first time or not, do you need to play Th
Alfredo Diaz explains why Destiny The Taken King is worth playing, Greg Miller pitches us on how awe