The world’s most popular daily video game news podcast hosted by Greg “GameOverGreggy” Miller, Tim G
Blessing and Greg ask if Concord is dea on arrival and react to the new Borderlands movie trailer.Ru
Greg is joined by a freshly vacationed Blessing. Ubisoft apologizes to its Japanese audience, Xbox i
Run of Show - - Start - Housekeeping Today after, KFGD, you’ll get: The Devolver Game you have to
Master Cheeks is dead, the FTC is mad at Xbox, and EA Sports College Football 25 is HUGE.Run of Show
Tim and Andy talk about Fallout Season 2, Spligate 2 being announced, and SEGA fighting against hara
Tim's been playing Nintendo World Championships, and he's ready to weigh in on it. Plus, a Call of D
The reviews are in for Capcom's latest, so Andy and Tim are diving in! On top of that, Link's playab
- Start - Housekeeping Today after, KFGD, you’ll get: Andy, Mike, and Parris giving Tim their Con
Blessing and Andy talk about Switch being the longest lasting Nintendo console, Luigi continues to b
Blessing and Andy talk about a new game Blank State, a new TMNT game, and Stellar Blade dev's promis
Blessing and Tim tackle Xbox Game Pass making major changes, Riot Games canceled a Smash competitor,
Tim and Blessing talk about 2K’s Bioshock team is recruiting like mad, Nintendo Switch sees sales de
Tim and Roger talk about what's going on with the Horizon Netflix TV show, PlayStation returns to To
- Start - Housekeeping Today after, KFGD, you’ll get: GAMESCAST updating you on the Fantasy Criti
Capcom's talking Resident Evil and Dead Rising Deluxe Remastered, and that means: we are, too! - St
- Start - Housekeeping Today after, KFGD, you’ll get: GAMESCAST - a conversation about the Review S
Blessing and Greg talk about a Konami Producer speaking up about Kojima, Tomb Raider’s reveal isn’t
Greg and Gary talk about Xbox’s canceled Cloud console, Nintendo cracking down on leakers and Capcom
Tim and Blesing talk about the Elden Ring DLC Shadow of The Erdtree being patched to make it easier,
Woof. What a day. Let's break it all down with Greg and Blessing and talk about Dr. Disrespect, Midn