The world’s most popular daily video game news podcast hosted by Greg “GameOverGreggy” Miller, Tim G
Tim and Andy talk about the new Resident Evil, Shovel Knight, Dark Pictures Anthology, and more! Ti
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Imran Kahn joins Andrea Rene for their first KFGD! They chat about the WoW Classic mania on Twitch,
Time Stamps - 00:04:55 - Housekeeping My Control review is up! Kinda Funny Gamescast PAX is THIS we
We got a new cohost! Imran Khan stops by for his first official gig as a Kinda Funny part timer and
Andrea and Greg talk about contractors listening to your Kinect commands, GameStop stock, and more!
Praise be to GamesRadar! Gary Whitta and Greg talk about Josh West's preview of Death Stranding's ga
Andrea and Greg talk about how devs, gamers, and everyone else have to re-learn how to talk to each
IT FINALLY HAPPENED! Insomniac is officially part of the PlayStation first party stable. Time Stamp
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