The world’s most popular daily video game news podcast hosted by Greg “GameOverGreggy” Miller, Tim G
Metaphor: ReFantazio is a hit, Disco Elysium has spawned multiple new studios, and Xbox will soon se
Nintendo’s testing a new Switch feature, Star Wars Jedi Power Battles is back, and Grand Theft Hamle
Nintendo’s alarming hardware announcement, Tim’s preview of a cool upcoming game, and Dragon Ball Sp
Until Dawn suffers a rough launch, Red Dead Redemption FINALLY comes to PC, and Little Big Planet 3
Big news about the future of Halo, Alien Isolation 2 is in development, and Metaphor: Refantazio has
Our review of Silent Hill 2 Remake, Ubisoft is reportedly considering a buyout, and David Hayter is
Why Assassin’s Creed Shadows got delayed, Ghost of Yotei is ditching repetition, and Avatar: The Las
Thanks For The Support! Run of Show - - Start - Housekeeping Today after, KFGD, you’ll get: GAMES
New details on Hi-Fi Rush 2, Like a Dragon Yakuza gets its first trailer, and Devolver Digital launc
A reported dispute between Blizzard and Netflix, Death Stranding 2 was at TGS, and Horizon’s online
Blizzard is trying once again to make a Starcraft shooter, Somehow The Day Before’s developer has re
PS5 Pro & Anniversary Bundles are live, Roger’s played the pirate Yakuza game, and everything an
We’ve played the PS5 Pro, Assassin’s Creed Shadows has been delayed, and Sucker Punch is planning ot
A bunch of layoffs in games media, Final Fantasy isn’t hitting sales expectations, and Legacy of Kai
A State of Play has been announced, we might have a price for the 30th anniversary PS5, & more d
Concord’s Game Director Steps Down, Like a Dragon gets a pirate game, and a bunch of video game netf
Nintendo and Pokémon are suing Palworld, PlayStation’s revealed 30th anniversary consoles, and State
Alleged Switch 2 images have appeared online, Horizon Zero Dawn Remastered has been rated, and we mi
Sources say Marathon is targeting $40 price point, Skate has been confirmed for 2025, and we’re not
A new development on the PS6, a Starfield Shattered Space deep dive, and Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom has