cover of episode Teens flip junk into $1M on Facebook Marketplace — Here's how

Teens flip junk into $1M on Facebook Marketplace — Here's how

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Kim Komando Today

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Kim Commander
Kim Commander:MrBeast 的宣传资料显示其拥有巨大的影响力,每月在各个平台上拥有 20 亿的观看量,并拥有 1.35 亿的订阅者。即使是打喷嚏也能成为病毒式传播。他的广告合作具有排他性,要么与他合作,要么竞争对手会与他合作。Kim Commander 的 YouTube 频道粉丝数量正在增长,并正在努力追赶 MrBeast。 Andrew: 同意Kim Commander 的观点,并补充数据支持Kim Commander 的频道发展

Deep Dive

MrBeast's pitch deck, used to attract advertisers, has been made public due to a lawsuit. It reveals his massive following across various platforms, including billions of monthly views and millions of subscribers.
  • 2 billion monthly views across MrBeast's channels
  • 135 million subscribers on YouTube
  • 18.5 million followers on X
  • 600 million unique viewers every 90 days

Shownotes Transcript


Hey, it's came command today, your daily podcast, to keep you up to date with all things digital and beyond. And i'd love to have you be a part of podcast. You can make an appointment to speak just over two commanded a common on the top, right?

There's a butter, says male. Kim, go that out and that hit. So, mr. Beast, yeah, his pitch deck has gone public.

No, mr. Beest is pitch deck. That's what he uses to go and get .

advertisers right. And you know, everybody has a pitch deck. So I was like, really seriously, what does his pitch deck look like? Was IT leaked? No, no, no.

It's part of the law suit. Okay, yes. So it's actually like making the rounds is like, you know, freedom of information act or something like that.

So so here, for example, here's one of the slides right there actually you can you see IT yeah um so he's got a really big following two billion views per a month across all of these channels okay, he has one hundred and thirty five millions subscribers to mr. beast. Um it's the number one trending video on youtube, whatever he least whenever he releases a video.

It's number one that would make sense. You get the most people following you when you put something out there.

The most people gna watch IT. Uh, he's got eighteen and half million flowers on ex. I mean, it's just kid. It's just huge at ninety day unique viewers. Six hundred and million cash isn't that crazy.

So every ninety days he has six hundred million people watching him for .

the first time are unique viewers because .

they watch one thing and then not another thing exactly.

They don't buy you, man, I tell you. I mean, when I sneeze, ze, i'm lucky. If somebody says god bless you, he goes viral.

okay. Now the second slide is when that really got my attention. Now apparently this is a pitch to general motors OK.

So if you look, he's wearing a general motor shirt, right standing next to, what is that A G, M. truck? No.

you think we d be. If as a pitch to G, M, you not could thrown in there.

And basically what IT says is either you advertise with us or else your competitor as well.

then maybe IT is a different is that a big?

I don't know. I could be. I could be, I don't know, but you are say that you you have to have really big cohansey to say that.

Well, it's easy when you're the king, when you have ninety eight thousand followers on youtube, it's a little harder to make these kind of claims.

Are you saying that I .

couldn't do IT? I think you could do IT. IT just won't have the same impact as IT does as a mr.

be. But if you look at the way that mr. B is smiling in the way that he's standing like all pumpers with the arms folded, I know, you know, he's like, yeah, I got, I got, I got big honey.

He's got all the phone.

This is, this is so are we close to mr.

Beast on a scale of one to ten being ten? We're right at his level, yes, in zero being were a lifetime away from him. We're negativity, but that's progress. A year ago we were negative thirty six.

yes, and we have almost ninety eight thousand followers on you two, right? You know, we're getting there.

climbed to do we need to do.

I need to figure out how get everybody who listens to the kim command to show, right? Like all six million listeners. And I need to get them to subscribe to my your channel.

Just came up with this idea.

now. I mean, obviously, i've talked about IT, right? But I haven't exactly like maybe you said like you could win something. So what I need to do, I need to give them an incentive.

So like maybe if you go and follow and subscribe and like to do all other other stuff to our youtube channel, is that maybe like somebody could like when me on their voice smell, would that be a big enough thing? No, no, no, no, don't think personally, but no, not at all. No, so there's there's a little piece of fan male that's going around, but we do not really fan mile now because now at all happens online. And actually, IT was a response to our newsletter because we have people to rate the newsletter. And somebody wanted to know if I was um tim commanders daughter or granddaughter that has taken over the empire .

because obviously .

I maybe he said is like, how can that be but you know, how can he be so lovely?

So when did you have .

very right this for I so it's good all so now you if you're upstairs and people are call me junior, that's why OK thanks. Hey junior. Hey junior. Well, that have welcome is kim commander today and yes, I am kim commander. I don't know if you remember, but there is also that rumor going around that kim commander really was an older woman who lived in a trailer park in mesa, right? And when I was on the air, SHE was like feeding me things to say, because I was kim commanders, daughter or granddaughter.

This has been happening forever. Yes, but not true. You are in commander.

One of this thing, right, can help IT.

You know, you're not your own mother. No, you're not your own grandpa.


not that at all. How about this? Just accept things at face value. I know of the internet lies to a lot, but just some things are exactly what they are.

And i'm wearing a dress, kay kay, for the gentlemen who thought that I was not a woman.

yes, thought he thought you used to be not a woman because .

you currently are, because he zoom in .

on my hand side in your of you.

Someday I should, I should just compile everything that people say about me. And we should have like, mean tweets day, like on glasser. I got a great review yesterday. Something called me an unstable nurses.

St, okay. And then you, when? Okay, good.

That checks out. Next, next, next, next.

Does IT ever get to? Does that everybody?

Now, because, you know, a lot of the glass doors stuff, I think it's all phony belongs. And I think it's somebody who may be used to work here are and maybe they get all different accounts because they like to dream up titles that never even existed like like show producer. This guy said or go said, were a show producer for three years.

Okay, who could that be? What we've never had to show producer, okay, we do know matty and but she's only been here two years and she's still works here. So I really think in that turn.

no matches already started. She's trash online even before he loses her job. Here wasn't what was this? I don't want to give up the naming of the d yeah.

wasn't he the show producer? No, he was never show producer. I was producer, was video guy.

He definite called him m producer.

Well, he also wanted to take a, he wanted to be, wanted to, like, unionize everybody here in the.

yeah, let's like a title of show producer .

and very called them and said, okay, here's your making. Now, here is what you make of your union. You sure you want to make a union is like, no, never forget .

about all that.

Hey, what do you have on board? And of course, this is Andrew.

We've been escape with us. We are the future of could be completely different if a rule, one single rule.

changes a bad .


Well, you have to talk about IT. Yeah, I couldn't read the story was paying world.

So I just send them to main.

as I heard.

you can figure that out. And I did. I used the backdoor browser.

Hey, don't for you to enter to win the iphone sixteen pro with apple intelligence. IT works so great you're gonna love IT go to win from came to come once again, that's win from kim da com. No purchase require the lawyers making me say that. No, it's like him about sarcasm .

when you said work so great.

All IT is a story and IT makes the screen of different colors. Pretty theory, colorful theory. I know you're like, oh, really that something that is something all right. We also have a couple of teens joining us who you when you hear about teenagers that are doing things IT makes you sit back and go like I was like such a loser er IT also makes me .

as a parent going and I pushing my child heart enough I mean, I know he's ten, but why does any have three or four businesses in a four, eight years, about two hundred fifty .

thousand hours by now? And it's nine account? exactly. I know he used to getting that. He really doesn't to get going.

He does. Here's something loading for too long.

He is free loading a little free loader. Um yeah no, all right. I said this two years ago and people openly laughed at me.

Okay, I had some people here um in the studios saying like, oh my gosh, I think that she's really lost IT. I heard that people were talking behind my back like, I don't know. Maybe this is maybe he is unstable and this is not good because I said two years ago that google is dead.

It's actually the first thing you said. One of the when I came remember when I started as a guest? Okay, I just came me IT as a guest and before then before transition to be in part of the show, that was like the first thing you said when .

we did that show goods dead yeah okay. It's really did. Have you seen a ChatGPT? Did that?

Will the new search engine have you tried IT? I haven't tried IT yet.

Oh gosh, you know, if I was sitting there google, I really like, oh, this is bad. Tell me about, well, you go to chat V, T, and then you've got like one little icon. We are gonna search ChatGPT and then you have like what looks like to be a globe icon. You click the globe and then you type in whatever you're looking for whether it's sports scores, news um maybe want to know the history is something whatever you might google because .

ChatGPT in itself is a couple of years old.

right? Meaning the .

information on the regular chat P T was scraped years ago. It's not real time. This search is now real time information.

Well, as far as scraping, it's pretty, pretty close. So september twenty, twenty four, I believe IT used to be a couple years old, but yeah, they have hands caught up. But so now it's like whatever you want to search on google, you go to chat T, G, P, T, IT gives you all the answer that you want.

No ads for now, no scrolling for now. But it's pretty sweet. I mean, you sit there and you're like, no.

should are you worried about halcyons? I say in air quotes that the information you're getting .

is not accurate, but I always had to check that OK. I mean, because so IT may not always be accurate. But what I think is interesting, I started showing you different logos of different sites that they're going to to get this information.

Well, german is the same thing on a google search because now when you do a google search, are going to get .

the AI information at the time.

Yes, over, do you? Thank you. And IT does have the same thing. The little logo is there and it's that maybe they're worried. So they're pushing a little bit more. But that has been more frequently in my google searches for the last two weeks OK. Then IT was before one hundred percent.

They're pushed in that down there pushing so but it's just the time that we're living at mean, everybody thought like, oh, who's ever going to replace google? And that now was just like, uh.

so much what we said the same thing about facebook and we said the thing about my space. And then there's always going to something bigger, Better, Better. Someone has got a garage somewhere where they're working on something that is Better than .

the current technology. No, you have A I that's .

working on with each digital .

there two and something with that. So is if you haven't tried IT, just I be curious for .

what you think about IT. Now I will I will try IT this week. But IT down the chicken or the egg question comes up.

The AI uses the internet to scrape and gather its information. Yes, if you get all your answers through the AI, no one's going to websites anymore. Therefore, they'll be nothing to scrape. yes.

And what you know well there will be because you have like the latest new sports scores and things like that.

But if nobody goes the website, no one seeing ads, it's not profitable. IT goes away.

Well, your i'm paying for this OK. I'm paying twenty dollars .

months for this. But their source .

ChatGPT is going to dry up.

It's not going to be in a year.

but people like me that have a website that have seen the the revenues go boom.

Okay, if you not watching the video and didn't understand the sound effect, the revenues were higher. Then they sharply went down and lower go head.

And then they went bone.

which is a man IT sounds playful, but that is out of big graph.

This is why we really need to subscribe blog, follow. I mean, let me just I don't even care you buy anything, just go ahead and click and know that. So this is long range repercussions, and that's really smart of you to say that because you know everybody who's a website Operator, website developer, uh, S C O specialist, whatever, maybe you know, I C O is dead, kay.

What we need to do is figure how to get ourselves into the A I and into the search results. And so we get ourselves into that. But what everything is.

even a bigger picture, longer turn out, is the source that they, this chat type tickets, its information from.

they're going to kill IT. Yes, yes. So where .

will then they get their information?

They might have to hire A I people and write things and to do some research, I mean, and to fill out where to actually have like maybe a person in charge of where all those gaps are and then to send an A I agent to create that information based on where those gaps are who are searching for. We're just in this really major fundamental shift of how we have used the internet and then how it's gonna be used.

saying within the next five years how deeper we in ten percent.

in five percent, one percent, in fifty five percent OK. It's kind of like when we looked at the first iphone OK really like, wow, this going to change the world.

And now we look at the iphone to go very so stupid if you're on facebook is what backs ers have some tricks, do they? Yeah, what they're trying to do is when they take over your account is that they're going to know like start selling fake things and pretend things on facebook marketplace OK so that all your friends are like and true. I didn't know you're selling a generator and you're like, yeah, I don't need you anymore.

It's not gonna en, and they're also throwing fake funerals. Why there's a guy bangladesh and he will like if he sees like somebody who died on facebook. So he has like a more jury set up and there is a there's a pretend body in there and so he says, okay, we're going to have a funeral let to say for john, a lot of .

jin bin, yes.

And so I know john Smith on facebook. So he reaches out to all of john Smith friends and he says, we are going to have a memorial service for john Smith at one fifteen or one twenty if you would like to protect pate. Um you it's going to cause you like twenty or fifty box and so and then you you go on to the web camp and it's one guy in bangladesh is doing this um and then you sign in and then there's whole video stream going on and you see like a couple of manners by the casket and they know that music, that origin music, that place love .


Okay, there are all paid actors, okay. And so but you're gonna .

recognize that there's so many issues with this that I can believe people are falling for.

but they're all getting together. Teach more realized, john.

for that. Have you paid to go to the funeral? Will you ever pay to go to a funeral?

Definitely have to some guy.

And so how they people in the pay to go to a funeral.

people all for anything right right now this this next story is kind of um to me was very interesting and i'm gonna to read parts of IT because I don't want to get the facts. It's about elon musk E F of now before you said there is A O U hate elon mask.

Now I will tell you, I don't like a lot of things that he does, but he is a genius, right? And he probably one of the most inventive people in our century, mean as far as the way that he thinks in what he does. You know, I just .

learned this week that he was part of the creation paper.

Were you been, I know, I didn't know. How could you not know that? I did know what color sexy on today. I saw someone reference IT.

and I was like, OK enough to do with people out.

And then I google.

yeah that I google certain like holy buckets. I had no idea. They never bring you up and never gets mentioned.

It's always about test logs s on space and inking things like that. Well, the new york times reporting is reporting, and some people are saying it's not true, but the new york times is reporting is that he went to Austin, texas, and he bought two properties right next to each other, up ones like a seven thousand square foot once, a fourteen thousand four hundred square rehouse, and he bought them both, and he paid seventy percent more, and he spent twenty or thirty five million dollars right on the two property. Now his whole idea is that his baby mothers are all gonna live together in this compound, in awesome taxes, with this eleven children, so that this way, when he wants to see the kids.

they are all centrally located .

and they can all talk to each other. And Austin isn't too far from the space facility and taxes where he lives in fifty thousand dollar house, by the way, is IT. Yes, it's like a little on the space x property.

Is this like his way of staying connected and grounded?

I think so. Okay, so there is my brain. So there's a lot of drama rama behind this, like shavon. Ezela was a big time newlin executive and SHE went to him, said, you know, I I wanted have your babies and like, okay, so with I, V, F, SHE gets inseminated with his firm.

No, he saves money. And just, you know, so SHE .

pops out a couple of twins and and meanwhile, crimes, we don't know, she's also the mother. Three SHE haven't like big custody disputes over this. And then you have jutting.

Justin mask is the mother, every five of his kids. That was his first wife? yes. yeah.

So in the summer of twenty twenty three, most was living with crimes in a seven thousand, four hundred thousand awesome taxes. About that time they welcomed their third child, a sun, I don't know. Xyz.

yeah, that was the moon with the name, legally.

could even name and exactly, uh, by a surrogate. So SHE had one natural child and then a girl. He had a boy and then a girl by surrogate.

And now they have, as they had a third kid by sara, right? So grame said, i'm not gna live here in this compound. I want to, i'm going back to canada because that's I wanna be and he said, i'm really upset about your relationship with shavon zilla.

That was the newer link executive because what happened was is that musk donated his firm to the us. When he was married to crimes and wasn't really like talent crimes like, oh, by the way, we're having a baby and then i'm also having another baby with the north link executive. So he kind of didn't tell anybody that he .

doesn't sound like he was an affair. IT was just a for scientific purposes.

So this gave birth to twins just a few weeks before their daughter was born.

Is that crimes?

Is me do? Yeah, I was mask trying to follow here. K, I know that's what i'm saying.

So I am looking at all these notes. okay? Crimes learned that musk e had fathered zales children a month before the twins were born. And mask and grants were talking about their daughter like what are we going to name my daughter? And um actually wanted to name the girl value y that's .

a plain think a military plan. Yes yeah. Or maybe of side of fighters or something something like that.

kay. But remember, the newer link gal gave birth before crimes is and their daughter report so mask named the neural link baby balcony so and crimes, it's all .

his life. Remember when he said she's a genius? This would .

contradict and crimes went on accent said a girl cursed with my daughter ter's name will now Carry her mother's shame. 嗯。 And you think you're thanks, giving day dinner a mess.

and you want to put all these people in the two houses next door to each other. Could you imagine that's .

a poke?

What do you think I think, and work out? No, no. This, this is a bad plan from the beginning. There's more of a chance of testers going to go a thousand miles on one charge. And this is for .

working out just what, just like cuba, what just all live together will be happy. Now the thing is too is that I think the noral link goes limited in the fourteen thousand school fit house crimes is in the seven thousand house.

Probably me on it's problem.

So so if you if elan mosque here right now, yeah, you're dad, you have just one woman, one mother, children, imagine fashion way. So what advice would you give to elon? Well.

I mean, obviously he is. He would take the given that your children don't care about video games, they don't care about possessions, they care about your time. And he is trying IT sounds like them as much time as possible um but also when the two mothers kill each other that will be a negative for the children.

I think I would just I would love to go to their thanksgiving day dinner. I just sit there and go say something like so so much which child do you like the most?

Do you know all eleven names?

Okay, one year I have A, I have a member of my family who is definitely a big good. Okay, okay, and very much a racist.

Do they get shamed when they go? That's just uncle.

Yeah, that's yeah you like so whatever work because that is ever gonna. And so what I like to do is that thanksgiving, just when everybody's like just had a just enough alcohol, is that I I look at them i'll just say, uncle carl, you know oca Carol, you're right we be like, oh, what you mean and I and I I said, when you are said we should have more people on welfare.

did doubt you you you sit and watch the fire burn or do you stand up and walk away and turns behind you?

I can go around the corner this. sucks.

Yeah, I don't think you're going to get invite.

You should try that when you are so fun.

I don't have many family members like that. I wouldn't work.

With cyber security solutions from vote phone your business, can hackers, hackers start your business? Can today vote phone business together? We can. It's kim commander today and just a reminder that this is not the kim commander show for all you that have wondered this really the big show that all over five hundred and ten stations um no, this is our monday, monday day, wednesday, friday podcast and join me is Andrew with who who s on one station.

But you know, we let them on anyway and in case you are interested, you can always get the kim command to show as a podd cast and just where we get to the cast to search for commander with A K or you can go over to command a com. You can type in your sip code. And that's where we have the patent pending A I super duper station finder tool.

This is A I I didn't know that you had I integrated.

It's not, but that sounds Better.

Yeah it's like the dub when local radio stations, TV stations have the arizona dotter dupper five thousand. It's just slap .

in a name of, know what they do not saying how boobs any.

they don't have doublers anymore either rid of them.

I know rid of the boobs get with the toppers.

but I apology I know. Let's all play along. Oh wow, that sounds impressive.

Kim IT is you type in your zip code and then we punched out a whole bunch radio station that um you might build to fight this on as a .

supercomputing that are using to get all this information. I .

quantum, it's quantum. This is called quantum computer. I mean, would you expect .

nothing less technology? Ch.

so my first job I worked at target, I told you this in the photographed partment. right? I think I was making like five dollars an hour. okay? And I wasn't very good at IT. It's my fact I hated IT, especially I put on my little red cape and then they gave me you a little rock yeah something like you know then people always like ask your questions, like you know, what kind of camera should I buy? I don't care what I look like.

See these ten pants that doesn't mean i'm an expert. Anything the ten pants .

they were the worse talk about a glam don't what was your first job?

Tell marketing I was fifteen a lie to get in so I could work. And I was collecting donations for the municipal motor, psychotic icons of california. And I think about seven, fifty an hour plus commission.

ExcEllent, yes. And everyone, that was my manager. We had four managers. They were all addicted to cocaine. So I made for a very, very energetic. Every day, without question, seven, thirty, someone's vacuum, just so much energy just .

happened that way. Well, junius is kirk and Jacobs chini and um they decided that they would open after own business. Okay, are collecting junk?

No, you mention our first job. That means they are pretty Young. yes.

I don't know how how older you guys.

yes. So i'm twenty one years old. I turned twenty one in August and my my brother, i'm nineteen OK OK.

And so when did you start the business?

So I was seventeen years old when we first bought our first truck, and then Jacob was fifteen. About 不了。

So definitely, definitely far.

Yes, I didn't buy my first truck until I was in my thirty.

Even now he's got a car of payments. But that's okay. alright. So so tell us how this all got started.

Well, yeah, it's honestly IT all started on accident. Like I never knew that I wanted to own my own business like this, or or be an entrepreneur in IT IT. All kind of happened when I was being curious one day in riding my bike, and I discovered the dump.

And when we, when I went to the dump with one of my friends, we I saw the set of of speakers on the side of a dumpster. So I asked the guy if the speakers worked, if I could take them. He didn't know, so he said I could take them.

And when I brought those speakers home, then up working, and I was like a fifty pair of speakers that someone just threw away. So I ended up like after that, just going back to the dump over and over and basically collecting audio equipment because I just loved audio equipment and speakers in general. I was very passionate about that type of stuff at the time.

And eventually my bedroom turned into like a mini holder house. Because if back to the ceiling of audio equipment that I found from the dump and and they all worked, because I would bring IT home and test IT and IT worked, but my mom basically said I had to throw IT all away, and I couldn't just throw that stuff away. And that's when I realized that I could sell IT on facebook marketplace.

And that's when I sold my first radio for fifty dollars, and I made money doing something I loved working for myself. And there was more money than I had made working at my job at the grocery store for twelve dollars an hour. I made like fifty dollars in thirty minutes of work doing something I loved. And that's kind of when IT all started. And then from there, the rest of .

the story continues.

Okay, so, so you go from speakers. What was the next big find?

yeah. So this was also happening around the time of kova is when I was expLoring the dump. So basically what happened was like everything shut down and certain items were higher in demand, like lifting weights and bicycles.

So I would go to the the dump and find bicycles that people would thrown away, and weights and collect those. And for the weight I found, it's like one dollar per pound of lifting weight that I would find. So if I found two twenty five pound dumbbell, that's fifty dollars right there. And a bicycle, but like, you couldn't get bikes anywhere because everyone was home and board trying to go out and do stuff and I was selling them on facebook for like a hundred dollars each. And then I remember one weekend I sold like four thousand dollars were the bicycles during my spring and in high school.

And you didn't spend any money hiring anything to this point. I was all just found items.

yeah, and I didn't even have a car at the time. I would basically like, make a pile of this stuff at the dump and then asked my mom to, like, pick IT up for me because I was like, five minutes from our house and as much as I could, I would ride stuff home on my bicycle tour. So i'd be like riding down the street with, like, a full flat screen TV in my hand on my bicycle. And I would find working TV like, all sorts stuff.

Wow, that's pretty mazing boy. First, well, put us to your mom yeah that's pretty awesome.

So and have a big supporters since day one of our business and help us a lot.

Well, you know that's that's important to have that to have that support behind you, especially with your month because you know some bounds be like, oh, come on, just, you know don't be doing this. It's all garbage. Forget about IT. But then I bet if he started seeing the potential when you started really making somebody doing this, she's like, I think the kids on to something.

I need a one. We will be our next question.

And so so you continue to work the dump so to fake um and then did you transition into collecting junk as I saw?

So basically what what I started off as was a little side hustle where I was selling junk that I would find IT the dump. And then after about like a year of doing that, I learned about the junk removal business through being at the dump because the guys who works there, they really liked to me because I would always help them out. And they did junk removal.

So they invited me to go help them on a couple of jobs. And I saw they were able to pay me so much and still make so much money on the job. And I wasn't too much different than just transporting items back and forth from the dump.

It's like transporting and item from someone's house to the dump now. So I saw that opportunity and saw that he was more scalable than bigger than just selling the junk itself. So that's when around the time that I ended up buying a pickup truck with my brother and we basically started removing junk for people. And the guys at the dump are the ones that kind of showed us the ropes of how to start off. And it's a really simple business, but that's how the junk removal end of things started.

So are so did you advertise?

yes. So I would say when we first started, the advertising we were doing was more like my mom, you to have any friends who who needs this or like going down to our neighbor's souter like our friends mom, it's like, yeah, we just started this business, whatever kind of like very word of mouth. But very quickly we realized that only got a like one job every two weeks.

And I meet a capture, somewhat excited, but we still definitely needed more. So from everyone on like next door dot com and started posting there. Anyone on facebook started posting on there, and I say, next storm, facebook were the two platform. So we really started off with, and that kind of transforms that like one job every two weeks, maybe like to remey jobs a week. So I would say like those with the two platforms we used besides just word of mouth and business cards and and what not.

So now did you turn this into a cycle where you I would come to you and say, hey, I need you get out of my drunk and i'd give you some money and that's how you made money. And then you take my junk, you d find the stuff that was good and you'd resell IT. And how then you made more money? Yeah, exactly.

So like people, you be surprised when people are moving is a lot of the times when they hire us so someone's moving and they can take everything with them. A lot of times there's really good stuff that they are just throwing away. They need IT gone. So we'll be removing like working TV, really nice thousand dollar coaches, all this cool stuff. And then we will be able to go around and sell IT.

And I mean, from the beginning of our business, working with that four thousand dol f one fifty that we purchased with selling junk, so literally starting from zero, just selling trashed to buy our first truck, we've worked their way up to now having three dump trucks and a warehouse where we can sell the drunk out of full time. So we actually have one of the guys that works for us on the weekend just sell stuff on facebook marketplace. And we have a bunch of people just like and all sorts people are just come in and buy the stuff that we find so we can be referred sing IT instead of throwing them all away at the same time.

is so smart. You guys are amazing. What's zero overhead?

D except for a pickup truck, they just get handed the stuff to sell IT. It's pretty. They're getting paid, not even handed.

You're getting paid IT for the stuff. You ve got a warehouse. They ve got a warehouse. They ve got you have employees now you know what that's like, right?

Yeah which is a whole .

another issue which we're not going to talk about guys because he's sitting right here. I want to I want to get to the whole employee and so um so where do you see this going? I mean, I can I see you guys like you could franchise the heck edis.

yes. So right now, we're in the process of planning out our second location launch. We're going to open that towards like may or the beginning of summer when we're out of college for the ear because we're both in college actually in my dorm right now, we both go to babs and college and wealthy massacres.

But the plan is to continue this after college, but this summer, launch our second location. And in terms of franchise, we want to take things slow and do IT the right way and not jump in the things too quickly. So it's it's a sensitive brand junk teens because I don't want anyone out there to just kind like go and take that and abuse IT in anyway.

So I want to make sure that we build this the right way from the ground up, slow and steady. So IT is a potential option in the future to franchise. But for now, we're probably going to open second and maybe thirty location and then from there decide if we want to franchise.

You know you might want to look up to see if you could find any pitch decks or perspectives uh, with the moving company. IT was like college guys or something like that yeah yeah college hunks. Yeah live on undercover boss.

And there's a lot of media out there for them, and we've learned a lot from them too.

Well, I think it's pretty amazing.

I just have one cook question to set a curiosity. What when you go to someone else, pick all the junk? What percentage is reellement and what percentage do you actually have to throw away?

So I would say it's very case by case, but from like an overall standpoint, I would say like severable stuff, maybe like ten percent, and like overall, like reusable because we don't just sell stuff. We we really try to donate self because I made a lot of stuff out there. We can only sell like five, ten.

Fifteen dollars and to go through the effort of posting that is just a lot of work. So ah stuff like that, it's still useful. So instead of throwing them away, we just try to give IT away donated.

So I say like ten percent IT is resolved, probably about twenty and twenty five percent is donated. But I mean obviously is junk removal, trash removal. And the name people aren't hiring us to remove their their new stuff is most the hiring us stages remove trash, just stuff that's like a stain stuff is broken acta. So I say, like around to twenty five percent of the stuff that we remove, we can reverse SE and seventy five percent ycl.

This is yeah. Another example of that could be like metal, for example, is all recycled. And people, the scrap yards will pay us for the medal that we recycle our Operating costs. It's kind of a break given, but at least we don't have to pay for IT and its recycling at the same time. And i'd say at least twenty five percent of every truck load is metal for the most part.

So so how much are you guys making?

yes. So I can kind of give the run down of how we started and how we got to where we are really simple. Our first year with just a pick up truck, we did one hundred twenty k in revenue and that was high profit because we basically did everything ourselves.

So we took all that money, reinvested ted into our first dumped ck. And with the dump truck and the pickup truck in our second year, we were able to make four hundred and thirty ty k sales. And that was also with very minimal advertisements spend, still ordinary.

And then our third year, which was last year with with what we made from second year business, we invested in the second dump truck. So now we had two dump trucks in the pickup truck and we reached nine hundred thirty k and sales because we then started also investing in paid advertisement on google and facebook. And now it's our it's our fourth year business. We've bought a third dunchuach because of the increase in volume, and now we're on track to do about one point two million this year.

awesome. Yeah, you know, you guys, you guys are just are killed. And this is so amazing.

One percent of businesses go from nothing to one point two in revenue in four years.

Read IT just started making .

money this year .

after twenty years. After twenty years, one will ask question for you guys when you do, how is something that's a standard that you that what somebody wanted you to there a little static there, good. Is there is there something that you guys picked up and you're like, okay, I guess this is something and then when you went to sell IT, you're like, oh my god, this is crazy.

I would say probably the pinball machine are we've found two pinball machines in the last year and the first one that we got like we didn't really think much of IT. It's like, oh, this is a cool archive game. We can just throw IT in our man cave and then we looked IT up and it's worth like four thousand dollars.

And surprisingly, these old like arced games are worth a lot of money because they're like collectable and really like a lot of people want them for their house and like their man and cave. So i'd say that some coins that we found, like I just have a bag of coins that I just like any time I find something cool, I throat in there. And one time I had a coin guy come by the warehouse, and I had him looked through my stuff and there was one coin.

He was like, oh, this is like a five hundred dollar coin right here. And i'm like pulling out draws of of trash from the dressers that we find a little coin, and they are throat in the bag. But you never know little stuff like dad can be worth a lot of money.

Well, congratulations on your success so far. Um you guys are gonna really make IT I know it's what are you study at in school? Tell me it's not like, you know history or something?

No, no. So babs, a school for entrepreneur s um it's it's a number one in the world for entrepreneurship. PS are workable studying entrepreneur ship here.

awesome. Well, congratulations and keep in touch with us.

Oh yeah, of course. Um is there is there any like last words that we can say before it's over?

哦 yeah yeah you is this a plug or you just act plug something?

Absolutely lug. Just paint the picture a little bit follow of junk tees. So like from the beginning, my brother and I have have made a lot of sacrifices and dedication to be able to like build the the business to where we are today.

A lot of our teenage years where most kids are out their party anger, playing video games like we are working twenty four, seven, that's how we got to where we are today. But now because of this, there are so many other Young entrepreneur s who have seen what we've done in baLance ired specially to our social media, which is where we tell our story a lot. And there are so many kids out there.

We have started businesses because of us wanted to go out there and do big things. And originally, our goal with this business was to make a lot of money, but it's really growing to something much bigger than that now. And now the goal and the mission of jack teens is really to empower the youth and continue inspiring Young entrepreneurs and Young, ambitious people out there to do great things. And that's what we're all about. And I just wanted to leva found that in case if anyone was kind of trying to see that long term picture of job teams, we want to keep fulfilling that mission through this foundation that we've built.

I don't think it's amazing. And you are inspiring a hundred percent.

Where is your social media?

You can search junk teams on youtube, tiktok, instagram, anywhere where we're all over there. Because I kind of spread out with IT.

Well, thanks guys for .

being here.

of course. Thank you. Where's my son?

Private video games.

Isn't that great? awesome. Yeah.

they're so down to earth. They're so genuine.

Where's Francis? It's goal playing soccer. Get these these two guys.

They have a going on. They do you know they've been working hard. They're studying an entrepreneur r ship.

Do you think he takes a certain kind of mind to see something at a, you know, june kyard and say, hey, there could be a business or that is the potential .

in everyone what I mean so he .

he's was sitting in this room, go and hey, I could turn this into a bigger business where a lot of people, when their mom said to get rid of this stuff because his clock up your room that would have just thrown IT out. Is that entering a premium al attitude? Is that does that exist in anyone? Or is this just a certain type person?

Ah you know it's hard. I think it's an internal motivation and I think it's a desire for success that you want to get to that next level, whatever that level is, right, and you're willing to work really hard added. I mean, I can tell you this is what we are looking at. Here is no overnight success.

And I thought was.

I know, just happened yesterday. I blew up on the gram and you know and I still work seven days week, which is kind of crazy, but i'd like what I do, and i'd like that, you know, I like that that I do help a whole bunch of people. But in answer to your question, I think there there has to be a little bit on the inside to see IT. And also, I like you know, the mother, his mother, her mother really is is is probably a big force behind this.

And also to they were telling their story, they get a taste for IT and that taste just one of them to have more, which is kind of the motivator as well to go .

from zero to one point two million. It's crazy in just four years. Where is our junk?

When you visit a state as big and diverse is texas, there are a million different trips you can take. Let's say you've got an appetite for a White water cut acting. You can get your own.

So this is what they call the death s river trip to taxes. Or maybe you have a natural, i'll take upon a brisk six ribs, three lives of sausage and A A piece of a compi trip to taxes. Go to travel texas that come slash, get your own for the only trip to texas that matters yours.

Hey, let's came come out of today. And if you're listening to the audio version, the podcast, we'd love you for that. Just a reminder that you can actually watch the video.

Youtube 点 com slash commando。 Youtube 点 com slash came commanded。 Have you told your friends to subscribe to the channel yet? Yes, you have no think so. I can always tell when your line to me.

just try not to make ee contact.

right? Why don't you just admit that you're a liar and cheat? That's a bit man. When your wife.

So if you wanted to buy a house, how would you go about doing IT?

Let me think about this. How would I go about buying a house? I would probably scout neigh hood. Okay, uh, take a look at some homes that I might be interested in on google maps. So I get a area of view homes .

that enough for sale.

Just random homes that you like. Yes, random like. And then I would go not on their door.

I write, send them an email. I can figure the email. Drgs, okay. And then I and then they would say, like, oh, this is can command ay and they say, why would you come on over? We're not interest in selling our house, but if you like to tour our house, we might be just selling IT.

So this is not how most people purchase homes, what most people do as they grab their phone or their tablet and they go on a big real state APP, you know, like red fin or and then .

they go .

and they pulled the map at the area code or zip code that they want to live in, and they have hundreds of listening listings that are overwhelmed. And they started shorting through, I want three bedrooms and it's going to have a pool and it's going to have, you know, a mudroom until they get down to five or six houses and then they go view on to those and they pick one and they buy IT got that in danger.

why? Because the real estate agents think that they should not be forced to put a home on the mls. If you don't know, the ml is IT is a list of all available .

home listing of all .

available homes that are for sale. And there is a rule that if you are marketing a home, the minute you put a sign out in front of a house, the minute you go on facebook and post out about a house, you have twenty four hours to place IT in the mls.

Now is that if you're selling your home without a only with a real ter.

with a real is a rule by of the realtors association, OK. And the realtors upset about this, they think that you should be able to market your house however you doing well, please, and that if you don't want IT to go on the email, as you shouldn't be forced to, and they've made a complaint and this complaint is going to be heard. And we could be months away from this rule changing and the force M. L. S.

Listing going away. now. Is this to drive down the pocket listings that so many agents have.

They think that there is Better for the cellars if they can exclusively market homes, if you could. If you have a well known brand in real estate, you can say we've got twenty five hundred homes in this area or we have two hundred and fifty homes that you're not to see anywhere else. And they think, think it's going to be right.

It's going to be Better for the seller, but it's going to be really bad for the buyer because the eos has so much information that makes IT more competitive for fire that will absolutely go away. How long a home has spent on the market? sure.

If a Prices dropped. Next, if IT was taken off the eales and realist IT, why was IT taken off? Probably because IT wasn't IT wasn't market as well or IT wasn't appealing and wasn't selling and they were just taking a break. All of this information is good for the buyer.

This is interesting. yes. So I bought a house four years ago that was a pocket listed. Okay, IT wasn't on the ml yet OK, and they set their Price the two people who built in couple um and when we bought IT, everybody the name who was like, oh my god they overpaid right? And like as my friend, I was walking with my friend joe, and like a neighbor like down the street, I actually said, is IT true that your husband barrie showed up with two two cases full of thousand dollar bills and said that that this is the offer and that was just too good to be too good to be true amic. Um no.

they were twenties.

No, that wasn't true. But they, but the people who who built this house was, as they go, like a speak house, the people, but this has, I guess, in order to save face with everybody, the neighborhood they said, like this is like an offer that was too good to be true. Okay, they said that we overpay when in reality, that house has gone up in value by fifty percent OK forty percent.

And so that's a pocket listing ay. And then the house, I worry now in phoenix, I have, I have probably and may be half a dozen reuters who email me maybe once months, once every two months, they say we we're going to sell your house. IT doesn't need to go on the M L, because we have to buy our right now.

okay? So they are not marketing IT. So that's different.

right? I think the the whole real estate asian, I think is getting all turned upside down because of the sites like zillow and red fant real ter that know use me when you wanted a house, say before the internet is that you'd get an agent and they would print out a whole bunch of houses for you to go look at. And now you just can go online.

There's also services that are like flat fee services, where if you sell your house, you can just pay a five fee, couple hundred bucks and they'll put in on the mls for you. Now it's on google. Now it's on red fed.

Now it's on all these apps. And you're not paying a three percent commission. You're actually for .

sale by owner or five in the emo.

Yes yeah I mean or six percent well.

three person each side. So and then people are getting ticked off at that because I think think of course, that's all in jeopardy. A now too a because they're not really doing as much work as I did before.

right? It's true. I just sold the home. And when I looked at the fees, I mean, my closing costs for seventeen thousand dollars, my real stay fees were going to be forty nine thousand books.


it's crazy for someone who put a sign in my front yard and then hit go after they took some pictures well.

And then we did have somebody who wanted to buy the house that we thought in santa. And then we figured out by the time that we had paid capital gain, the real state commissions and all the other fees that that take with, you know, tail insurance and home inspection also said we wouldn't have been making IT that much money, right?

So is like I will hold on to IT and .

just keep letting IT appreciate, appreciate.

appreciate. So you think this is A A pitch from the real estate industry to a battle against zillow and red, yes, and win the power back, yes, to justify the fees that have .

to do something because you can you can go on zero, zero and you can, like you said, with red finner, whatever. And then you can sort you can see what's for sale.

I'm doing all the work. Yes, as a buyer, i'm doing everything well.

I think the reason why I reach out is that I typically am trying to buy a house that is in a very desirable area. And and i've been doing this for a long time. I've made a lot of money in real state, really help.

And so like the house that you know where we are now in phoenix, the one we live in, yes, is that I wrote letters to everybody who lives on that street and said, when you want to sell your house, I want you to give me a call first and let me take a look at IT. And so was probably about, I don't know, but six months a year ago, someone like that, this woman came down to the studios. And just like, do you want to buy my house? I like, no, actually I built out. I was like, seven years and she's like holding this letter still.

They put IT on the fridge one day when i'm ready to go.

i'm gna go see kim and i'm going to go to him. How do you think then?

The last wish I have about this is how will this affect the silos? The red finds the big huge corporate real estate machines. If they don't have the free listings through the yes, that's majority, the information that they're putting up on.

they're going to get they might have to pay for IT OK. They're they're to because their business is .

go right in the crapper.

right would disappear if they can have. But I but real states, I always been like my hobby, and I haven't been in IT for a couple of years because i've been so observed in building a house. But you know, now the I think it's gonna start working the restaurant. I'm really hoping this kind of stuff.

what you were gone for a week, they worked done IT for an entire week.

You don't have an answer yet. No, it's getting closer. So sometimes when I hit the button, the light goes .

on that we took eight days to figure out .

in summer I M I going shades, going music doesn't go in all our kind of crazy. And so it's so I think that we are finally at a system where I think IT twenty.

twenty six.

you'll have to figure out, yes. When you visit a statute's big and diverse s texas, there are million different trips you can take. Let's say you've got an appetite for a White water cut acting.

You can get your own. So this is what they call in to the river trip to taxes. Or maybe you have a natural appetite.

I'll take upon a brisket, six ribs, three links of sausage and A A piece of of the compi trip to texas. Go to travel texas that com slash, get your own for the only trip to texas that matters yours. It's in commander today and just a reminder that we love to get your podcast questions.

What how do you do that? You send a voice, male, a voice memo to podcast at command com. It's podcast at command 点 com P O D C A S T S at commander com。 And how do we tell that they don't need to do like close print tases open parentheses?

It's just like you really as a voice now let's see you are calling up and want to ask a cook question. You just start with your name where you're calling from and ask you a question that's IT and we're going to take the best one. I'm going to plan back on this show and wheels .

maybe on the kim commander show.

Oh, I forgot about that.

You know, the big show, the award winning show, the most trusted source about all things digital by kim commander junior. That's a junior.

I know if you ever ever heard the expression, you put a thousand monkeys in a room with a thousands typewriters eventually, and you give them an in fundamental time. Eventually they're write the works of shakespeare. Yes, I now what does that expression mean to you?

This is huge.

or like bigger, like mathematical thought behind IT. But I always thought of IT as if you do something enough.

you're going to a get lucky any outcome. Actually I think a look yeah throw IT like I like to say throw enough crap on the .

world sometimes going to stay exactly very similar um when someone tried IT two thousand and three, they took a computer and they put IT in an area with a bunch of monkeys and they said was an an infomercial, but they set a time and they're going to come back and see what happened and when they came back at the monkeys popped on the computer, the monkeys tried to destroy the computer and they typed one single s .

that's IT, that's IT. And how long in a month? Oh my gosh, what?

So that's a little father. Away from all the works of shakespeare, two mathematicians in australia decided to put this to work. And they tested this theory.

And they found out that if you took all the monkeys in the world and give them all the type rider, and you gave them their thirty years, which would be the average life a span of a monkey, you would get basically nothing. There is a five percent chance that they would even accidentally spell out the words bananas, not even considering the works of shakespeare. And they put IT all in a machine, put IT all in A I and figured out the math.

And it's more likely that the universe will die no before. These monkeys rote shakespeare. So it's impossible. IT will never happen. And now it's been mathematically proven.

The swing or not, the swing is the question.

I'm not going to use an expression anymore.

Does he mean anything?

IT doesn't you know who uses .

in a lot of your .

husband really, in fifteen years of radio.

I probably .

heard use IT times. Go to IT. All the ally say this person is dumb, know they did something good, but they're not.

They're dumb, they are stupid. And he would use that expression all the time. I had never heard before until working with barry.

Well, there's a lot of things that OK. I mean, you know although we have box news on .

twenty four seven at our house, he is down the election. Oh, no.

that's just get good. No, I told them. I said, no, we are.

So we invited over some friend's house for election night and I said, no, so we should go. I said to be fun, you everybody get no drinking. Watching results can be great. Time means like go rock going.

You want to, I don't know.

like are .

you .

now? Now I just go work out on a puck to poodles x me.

Who wins?

I'll beyon that trap. Is that that actually do .

we have that we have that you sent this video. So like two weeks ago we were talking about google search results, and you talk about a Polly's tramps and that you were searching for one. And then yesterday you text to me a video of this thing. IT looks like a medival torture device.

See if I can find IT rock.

I have IT. It's right .

here in my time. It's um yeah no so so when you take pood, you have what's called the reformer machine and that's where you do a lot of your exercises.

And then there into that, I know this is poor quality. Yeah, see that that's not something human should do. So that's the squirl move.

whatever IT is. Okay, but look at her body.

There is one .

of amazing show. Yes.

the percentage of people that can do this on earth, monkeys would have a Better chance of typing the words of shakespeare than me being able to pull that off.

Did I tell you about my polities glass? So ian goes with me every wednesday. And um so my instructor was on vacation for a couple weeks so I feel you know what just just go like to a regular class because norway, it's just me and him. So we're just going to go to a regular class. So and I go to class and like you know we are walking down the stairs going, oh my got totally got my bt kicked on that because this woman, her names natasa oh yeah no, you know.

lift motivation yes, it's got motivation.

Like, pick your arms up in like I didn't know I could bend yeah, you're going to get this thing k way so then i'm so so and I go back next time and i'm like, and I even said, know if I can do this again. Like, no, no, no, we can do. We can do.

And I during in the class, I look over at them. He's holding this movement and you can see, like sweat pouring down his face. And that's when I decided to look up. You know, maybe i'm in the wrong class.

Were you in the wrong class? Well.

so there are three levels of classes I don't like, evolve, core and transform or whatever. Oh, I did never read, never read the course description.

Time for details.

You just I want to go like at six o'clock so whatever they have at six o'clock. So you know, i'm like next to like this beaten a who's like putting her leg behind her neck. K, so so I believe the other day I said because we're going to improve, I said I feared IT out. He's like what I said we were in the advanced.

advanced cause now we're going to .

place for yes already folks. thanks. You will be in here.

We appreciate IT make sure that you hit subscribe like comment policies with that big text algorithms. We tell them we are in church. I mean, we might not be .

that interesting what we can trick him in to thinking. And that's by subscribing.

dropping iconic. And like in the video. Yes, that too, but he said this program is a copy of production of west star multimedia entertain and the cope right laws, and a commercial economics without written formation of a westar multi media entertainment is strictly prohibited.